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189 <br /> <br />April 10, 1979 <br /> <br /> 79-122 "Consideration of a motion to transfer $74,073 from the Grants Contingency <br />Account to continue operation for a second year of the General District Court Services Unit. <br /> <br /> This motion will provide the nezessary funds to continue operation of the General Dis- <br />trict Court Services Unit. Funded by the Division of Justice and Crime Prevention, the pro- <br />gram provides general misdemeanor probation services and community service restitution in <br />order to reduce incarceration and jail overcrowding and to decrease the recidivism rate for <br />first offenders. The funding ration is 90% federal, 5% state, and 5% local cash match. The <br />City Manager recommends adoption of this motion. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Oast and seconded by Mr. Barnes, that authorization be granted to transfer <br />$74,073 from the Grants Contingency Account, as request, and was adopted by unanimous vote. <br /> <br /> 79-123 "Consideration of a motion to transfer $19,520 from the Grants Contingency Acco~ <br />to continue operation of the Youth Services Coordinator for the second year. <br /> <br /> This motion will provide the necessary funds to continue operation of the Youth <br />Servizes Coordinator, a position responsible for coordinating and developing activities <br />that address the specific problem areas contributing to juvenile delinquency in Portsmouth. <br />Administered by the Grants Office, the program includes data collection and analysis, program <br />planning end evaluation, technical assistance to community groups, and identification of prob <br />lem a~eas and funding sources. Supported through the Division of Justice and Crime Preventio~ <br />funding for the program is 90% federal, 5% state, and 5% local. The City Manager recommends <br />adoption of this motion. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Barnes and seconded by Mr. Gray, that authorization be granted to transfer <br />$19,520 from the Grants Contingency Account, as requested, and was adopted by unanimous vote. <br /> <br /> 79-124 "Consideration of a motion to transfer $81,275 from the Grants Contingency <br />Account to operate the Summer Lunch Program for 1979. <br /> <br /> This motion will provide the funds necessary to operate the annual Summer Lunch Program <br />which is administered by the Department of Parks and Recreation. Funded entirely by the U. S <br />Department of Agriculture, the program will serve 2,100 free lunches daily to youth, age 21 <br />and below, who visit one of 15 separate sites set up in the City. The City Manager recommend~ <br />adoption of this motion." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Gray and seconded by Mr. ~arly, that authorization be granted to transfer <br />$81,275 from the Grants Contingency Account, as requested, and was adopted by unanimous vote. <br /> <br /> 79-125 "Consideration of a motion authorizing the City Manager to execute a~ea~dm~t <br />~$ in a contract bet~een~the City of Portsmouth and Greeley & Hansen, Inc. in connection <br />with the expansion and modification of the Wastewater Collection and Disposal System. <br /> <br /> Due to the rising cost being experienced and projected increased costs due to delays <br />in funding for upgrading this facility, Greeley and Hansen, Inc. have agreed to a modifica- <br />tion of the existing contract. This modification will establish a cost ceiling including <br />the fixed fee for the design work included under the Step II Grant from EPA. The City of <br />Portsmouth and Greeley and Hansen have agreed on the limits of compensation. The State Water <br />Control Board will consider a grant amendment to the Step II grant. The City Manager recom- <br />mends adoption." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr.Barnes and seconded by Mr. Elliott, that <br />~mendment tS in a contract between the City of Portsmouth <br />quested, and was adopted by unanimous vote. <br /> <br />authorization be granted to exenu~( <br />and Greeley & Hansen, Inc., as re- <br /> <br /> 79-126 "On January 26, 1978, I had <br />Criminal Apprehension Program (ICAP) tha~ <br />is supporting in Portsmouth. <br /> <br />the opportnnity to visit and monitor the %Jt~gYated <br />the Law Enforcement Assiszance Administration (LEAA[ <br /> <br /> The Portsmouth Police Department's implementation of this difficult program is to be <br />commended. Chief Boone has provided the type of energy, enthusiasm and leadership that is <br />producing effective, tangible results. <br /> <br /> Portsmouth is one of thejjewels of this national program. Portsmouth has demonstrated <br />that law enforcement can get it's act ~ogether and can do better things in law enforcement. <br />When you consider that 40 police agencies representing 9,500,000 people and 24,000 police <br />officers are now involved in ICAP, that is saying a good deal. <br /> <br /> As Program Manager for this program, I have ~.een its birth and growth. I have had good <br />and bad moments with ICAP, but one of my proudqst was when Portsmouth's Sgt~ Rick Gaddis was <br />named Police Officer of~ the Year. When an ICAP project director can attract that honor, I <br />know ICAP has it made. <br /> <br /> Thank you for your support. Signed by Robert O. Heck, Police Specialist, E~forcement <br />Division, Office of Criminal Justice Programs" <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Oast and seconded by Mr. Barnes, <br />the minutes, and congratulations to be extended to <br />by unanimous vote. <br /> <br />that the above letter~to be made part of <br />Chief Boone and Sgt. Gaddis, and was adopt <br /> <br />nt <br /> <br /> <br />