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April 10, 1979 <br /> <br /> Contjn.gency and the $200,000 Emergency Budget Contingency combined represent <br /> an emergDncy fund of 3.5 percent for an cpevating fund of $62.9 million. <br /> The recommended level of funding for the School System is $27,424,000 which <br /> represents a 7.6 percent increase in the total School budget over the preceding <br /> year. This level of funding will require the local cost of education to rise <br /> by 8.6 percent, or $830,160 (whereas State funding will increase only 3.9 <br /> percent or $429,705). The total local funding for education (not counting sales <br /> tax refunded) will go to $10,447,177, based on the budget recommendation. <br /> <br />(6) Approximately the same level of General Revenue Sharing is included in the <br /> operating budget recommended for 1979-80, as was included in the current year's <br /> budget. Very noteworthy, however, is the fact that nearly $600,000 of Federal <br /> funding was removed from the annual operating budgets due to the termination <br /> df the Anti-Recession Fiscal Assistance Program. Had these Special Revenue <br /> Sharing funds not been lost, it would have been possible for me to recommend <br /> the present operating budgets with a reduction of nearly $600,000 in the <br /> utilization of General Revenue Sharing funds. <br /> <br /> In last year's budget message, and on numerous other occasions, I have noted and discussed <br />with you the gradual proportionate erosion of State funding. The City of Portsmouth has <br />expended many e~orts to persuade the General Assembly to curtail the diminishing funding <br />for Jhared p~ograms and to fund in full the cost of State mandates which are imposed on local <br />governments. We have made numerous written and oral presentatzons to State legislative <br />groups. Also, our locally elected members of the General Assembly have provided key leadership <br />in pressing the General Assembly to recognize the State's responsibility for the funding of <br />such prograFs; and they are to be commended for their efforts in these endeavors. It now <br />appears that the General Assembly is becoming-more responsive to the financial needs of local <br />governments, and several very significant actions took place during the last session of the <br />General Assembly. Increased highway funding and a more favorable schedule for the distribu- <br />tion of A.B.C. profits were passed. Far more important, House Bill 599 was passed, which <br />will bring to the City of Portsmouth next year approximately $2.5 million additional State <br />funding -- contingent on the availability of State funds. These actions represent the most <br />significant break-through for local governments which has taken place on the State level <br />in many, many years. <br /> <br /> The good news of the recent State legislation is tempered by the knowledge that the cur- <br /> rent Federal program of General Revenue Sharing will expire September 30, 1980. The non- <br /> renewal of Anti-Recession Fiscal Assistance funding this year highlights the uncertainty <br /> associated with both Federal and State funding. Unquestionably, our own economzc base <br /> will continue to be the prime determinant of the financial well-being of the City of Ports- <br /> mouth, and its citizens. Therefore, under the guidance and leadership of the City Council, <br /> the administration will continue to work diligently in its efforts to improve the tax base <br /> of the City. <br /> <br /> The recommended operating budgets represent our best efforts to provide a level of serv]zes <br /> which is consistant with the needs of the citizens of Portsmouth and their ability to pay <br /> for such services. The recommended operating budgets are submitted for your approval on firs <br /> reading." <br /> <br /> On motian of Mr. Early and seconded by Mr. Gray, the following ordinance was approved <br /> on first reading, and by unanimous vote: <br /> <br /> 'JAN OKDI~ANCE TO APPRCPRIATE FUNDS NECESSARY FOR OPERATION OF THE CITY <br /> GOVERNMENT FOR ANE DMRING THE FISCAL YEAR B~GINNING JULY 1, 1979 AND ENDING <br /> JUNE 30,~1980." <br /> <br /> 79-i2~0- "Consideration of a motion to transfer $140,050 from the Grants Contingency <br />Account to continue oFeration of the Lead Paint Poisoning Prevention ~r~Bram. <br /> <br /> This motion will provide the funds needed to continue operation of the Lead Paint <br />Poisoning Prevention Program administered by the Portsmouth Health Department. The project <br />will screen some 2,100 children, ages 1-5, for undue lead absorption, provide diagnosis and <br />referral for medical care, determine the environmental cause of the poisoning and assist <br />abatement of the hazard, and offer health education to parents of affected children as well <br />as the public at large. Funded by the Public Health Service, the project is supported by <br />$137,550 in federal funds, $2,500 in local match, and $13,899 in local in-kind. The City <br />Manager recommends .a~option of this motion." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Gray and s~conded~by Mr. Early, that authorization be granted to transfer <br />S140,050 from t~.Grants Contingency Acco~%, as requested, and was adopted by unanimous <br />vote. <br /> <br /> 79-121 "Consideration of a mot£o.n~to ~ransfer $13,621 from the Grants Contingency Acc~ <br />to continue operation of the Institutional Probation Officer by the Portsmouth City Jail. <br /> <br /> This motion will provide the funds necessary to continue for a second year operation <br />of the Institutional Brobation Officer w~ose duties are ~o gather background information <br />on offenders in order to verify booking data and to determine eligibility for supervised <br />pre-trial release, reduced bail, or release on recognizance. By improved selection of <br />misdemeanants for eligible pre-trial release programs, the jail population will be reduced. <br />Funded through the Division of Justice ~ Crime Prevention, the match ratio is 90% federal, <br />5% state, and 5% local. The City Manager recommends adoptzon of this motion. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Gray and seconded by Mr. Barnes, that authorization be granted to trans- <br />fer $13,621 from the Grants Contingency Account, as requested, and was adopted by unanimous <br />vote. <br /> <br />~nt <br /> <br /> <br />