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303 <br /> <br /> October 9, 1979 <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Early and seconded by Mr. Gray, that authorization be granted to transfer <br />$36,000 to ~velop-a Services~lan fox t~e Mentall.y Retarded/Emotionally Disturbed, was adopted <br />4-1 (Nay-Oas~) vote. <br /> <br /> ?9-372 - "Consideration of a motion to transfer $40,086 from the Grants Contingency <br />Account to operate the Senior Citizens Services Program. <br /> <br /> This motion will provide the funds necessary to operate the Senior Citizens Services <br />Program for 1980. The three components of the program are: (1) Dental services provid?d by <br />the City Dental Clinic; (2) Home Health Care offered by the Department of Public Health, <br />and (3) Transportation provided by the Sen]or Center of the Department of SociaI Services. <br />the total program amount, $40,086 will be from SEVAMP and $4,235 in-kind support will come <br />from the 'three administering agencies. The City Manager recommends adoption." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Beamer and <br />$40,086 to operate the Senior <br />unanimous vote. <br /> <br />seconded ky Mr. Gray, that authorization be granted to transfer <br />Citizens Services Program, as requested, and was adopted by <br /> <br /> 79-373 - "Coasideration of a resolution authorizing eminent domain proceedings necessary <br />for the acquisition of property for the proposed Winchester Drive Fire Station. <br /> <br /> This resolution will authorize the City Attorney to institute legal action to acquire <br />the necessary property for the construction of the proposed Winchester Drive Fire Station. <br />The City Manager recommends adoption.' <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Oast and seconded by Mr. Gray, the following reBotution was adopted, <br />and by the following vote: <br /> <br />"A RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR THg ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE <br />CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGSNIA, UNDER EMINEN? DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT <br />TO CHAPTER 471 OF THE ACTS OF ASSEMBLY, AS AMENDED, SAID PROPERTY BEING <br />NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WINCHESTER DRIVE FIRE STATION. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Portsmouth has found it necessary to acquire the interest hereinaft <br />specified in and to the hereinafter~described parcel of land situate in the City of Portsmout <br />Virginia, for the purpose of constructing the Winchester Drive Fire Station; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Portsmouth has not been able to purchase the property described- <br />herein, necessary to the project, because the owners thereof and the City have not been <br />able to agree upon the consideration to be paid therefor; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, advancement of the work and the use of said project will be delayed unreason- <br />ably if said property is not made available as soon as possible. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, <br />that the City Attorney be, and he hereby is, directed to institute eminent domain proceed- <br />ings against the following property situate in the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, for the <br />purpose of acquiring fee simple title therein, together with any and all easements of <br />access, light or air incident to said lands ~n accordance with and pursuant to Sections <br />2.06, 2.07 and 2.08 of the Charter of the City of Portsmouth (Chapter 471 of the Acts of <br />Assembly, 1970, as amended), and to deposit to the credit of the Clerk of the Circuit <br />Court of the City of Portsmouth as provided by ~aw, the sum hereinafter-specified to compen- <br />sate the owners of the said property more particularly described as follows: <br /> <br /> All those certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, <br />lying and being in the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, known, numbered <br />and designated as lots 1 and 2, block 6, plat of Grove Park, Section <br />l, said plat being recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court <br />of the City of Chesapeake, Virginia, in Map Book 19, p. 99. <br /> <br />The name of the property owners ~re: Louie E. Askew and Alene L. Askew, his wife. <br /> <br />The amount of consideration shall be: $9,7SO." <br /> <br />Ayes: Beamer, Early, Gray, Holley, Oast <br />Nays: None <br /> <br /> 79-374 "Consideration of a motion designating Robert T. Williams to act as a member <br />of the Execulive Committee of the Southeastern Virginia Planning District Commission. <br /> <br /> The City has received a copy 6f a letter from the Southeastern Virginia Planning <br />Dlstrict Commission requesting that each jurisdiction name a representative to s~rve on <br />the Executive Committee of the Commission. This motion reappoints the City Manager, which <br />has been the previous policy of the City Council. The City Manager recommends adoption." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Gray and seconded by Mr. Early, that Robert T. Williams, City Manager, <br />to be reappointed to serve on the Executive Committee of the Southeastern Virginia Planning <br />District Commission, and was adopted by unanimous vote. <br /> <br />r~ <br /> <br /> 79-375 Motion of Mr. Gray and seconded by Mr. Beamer, to endorse the Goals and <br />Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan subject to the public comments made at the Planning <br />Commission Public Hearing and the comments made at the City Council Publis Hearing on <br />October 8, 1979, and was adopted by unanimous vote. <br /> <br /> <br />