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3O2 <br /> <br />October 9, 1979 <br /> <br /> 79-367 "Consideration of an ordinance on first <br />Capital Improvements Fund for bon~ issue expenses in <br />issue. <br /> <br />reading to appropriate $25,000 from the <br />connection with the $12,000,000 bond <br /> <br /> This appropriation will provide the necessary funds for bonds rating, bond attorney fees: <br />printing, etc., which are normally associated with a municipal bond issue. The Municipal Fi~ <br />nance Commission has recommended that We issue $12,000,000 in Public Utilities and General <br />Obligations Bonds prior to January 1, 1980. This appropriation will provide the necessary ex- <br />pense funds to Fay for preliminary costs associated with the proposed bond issue. A letter <br />from the Municipal Finance Commission recommending issuance of the bonds is attached for your <br />information. The City Manager recommends adoption on first reading." <br /> <br /> On metion of Mr. Early and seconded by Mr. Beamer, the following ordinance'was approved <br />on first reading, and by unanimous vote: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $28,000 FROM THE CAPITAl IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR <br />BOND ISSUE EXPENSES IN CONNECTION WITH A PROPOSED $1Z, 000,000 BOND SALE." <br /> <br />79-368 "Consideration of an ordinance closin§ the streets located in Williams Court. <br /> <br /> The City of Chesapeake has made application to close all streets located in Williams <br />Court. A resolution appointing viewers was adopted on September 18, 1979. The viewers <br />report is attached with a plat locating those streets to be closed. The City Manager recom- <br />mends adoption." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Early and seconded by Mr. Gray, the following ordinance was adopted on <br />first and final reading, and by the following vote: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE FOLLOWING STREETS: GARRETT STREET, GILLIS ROAD, <br />JAMESON STREET, KEAY STREET, OLD STREET, REDGATE DRIVE AND SHILOH PLACE." <br /> <br />Ayes: <br />Nays: <br /> <br />Beamer, Early, Gray, Holley, Oast <br />None <br /> <br /> 79-369 - "Consideration of an ordinance amending the City Code pertaining to animals <br />running at large and penalities for violations of animals running at large. <br /> <br /> This amendment to the City Code is required in order to parallel State law and eliminate <br />any discrepancies between the local code and State law. The City Manager recommends adoption. <br /> <br /> O~ motion of Mr. Gray and seconded by Mr. Beamer, the following ordinance was~adopted <br />on first and final reading, and by the following vote: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE ~BNDING SECTION 4-23 and 4-51 OF THE CODE OF THECCITY OF <br />PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, 1973, PERTAINING TO DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE AND THE <br />PENALITIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 4 OF THE CITY CODE." <br /> <br />Ayes: Beamer, Early, Gray, Holley, Oast <br />Nays: None <br /> <br /> 79-37~ "C~nsideration of an ordinance to amend the City Code of the City of Portsmouth, <br />1973 as amended, by amending Section 14-9 thereof pertaining to litter receptacles. <br /> <br /> This ordinance which resulted from the Clean Community's comprehensive review of all <br />City garbage and litter ordinances establishes minimum standards for the provision of litter <br />receptacles at certain public locations and places of business. The minimum number of re- <br />ceptacles required by this ordinance is generally at or below standards already in practice. <br />Through this ordinance, however, the Building Official is empowered to require additional <br />receptacles where experience has indicated that additional receptacles are required. This <br />ordinance has bee~ recemmended by the Clean Community Commission. The City Manager recom- <br />mends adoption." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Beamer and seconded by Mr. Oast, the following ordinance was adopted on <br />first and final reading, and by the following vote: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF. THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, 1973, <br />~$ AMENDED, BY AMENDING S~CTION 14-9, THEREOF, PERTAINING TO LITTER RECEPTACLES." <br /> <br />Ayes: Beamer, Early, Gray, Holley, Oast <br />Nays: None <br /> <br /> 79-371 "Consideration of a motion to transfer $36,000 from the Grants Contingency <br />Account to continue operation of a project to develop a Services Plan for the Mentally <br />Retarded/Emotionally Disturbed. <br /> <br /> This motion will provide the funds necessary to continue for eight months a planning <br />grant from the Virginia Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation to prepare a MR/BD <br />Services Plan. Administered locally by the Portsmouth MH/MR Services Board, the project will <br />conduct a region-wide needs assessment for mentally retarded individuals with emotional or~ ~ <br />psychiatric difficulties and establish a comprehensive plan for the effective provision of <br />services to this target group. The entire funding of the project will come from the state. <br />The City Manager recommends adoption." <br /> <br /> <br />