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April 15~ 1913. <br /> <br />' Resolved, THat the T~easdrer be~ and~he is hereby, authorized to make notes in The Bank of <br />Portsmouth. The Merchants' & Farmers' Ban~, the Bank of Tidewater, and The First National Bank of <br />Portsmouth, to amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($E0,000~O0), to-meet General Expenses for the month <br />of April, 1913; said amount to be repaid from revenues of the City for the current year. <br /> <br /> Re~olved, That the Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized to make notes in The Bank of Ports- <br />mouth; The Merchants' & Farmers' Bank, the Rank of Tidewater, and The First National Bank of Ports- <br />mouth, to amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), to meet School Ex~0enses for the month of April <br />1913; said amount to be repaid from revenues of the City for the current-year. ' <br /> A'communieati~n from the Board of Health in regard to a bill of Dr J. T. Jarrett to amount of <br /> tOjO0~ as acting Coroner. ' <br /> We return this bill for approval by Dr. Holladay, the regular Coroner. <br /> <br /> A bill of Richard J. Davis, Attorney, to amount of 415.G0, for representing Henry Simmons as net <br />assignment-by the Court of Hustings. <br /> It is recommended that this bill be al!owe~, ~t of Court Exoenses. <br /> A reguest Of the "Norfol~ Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children.,' for an aonrooriation <br />to assist said Society in carryin~ on its work. ~ ~ <br /> <br /> We have examined this reeuest and recommend that a special appropriation of 4~0.00 be at- <br />lowed for the work. <br /> <br /> (With Sixth and Seventh Ward Boards). A bill of F. J. McGuire to amount of $5~6.31, for inter- <br />est due on'Sixth and Seventh Ward notss. <br /> It is recommended that this bill be referred to the Sixth and Seventh Ward Boards for en- <br />dorsement. <br /> <br /> Bills of H. P. McCoy to amount o~ $1S.1E, for reoair to sewer nines in the street in front of <br />his tenements. <br /> We have examined these bills and recommend that they be ~aid. <br /> <br /> A request of Ha~ry A. Brinkley t)~t the matter of improvement of Grimes Batterv Gun Room be <br />taken up again. Pro~ress. .- - <br /> <br /> A recuest of the Sixth Ward Board to make a note based on the Bond Fund <br />current expenses of the Ward; said amount to be refunded in June, 1913. <br /> It is recommended that said reoueat be granted, and a note be made <br />$8~4.75 provided for above. <br /> It is further recommended that the Treasurer be instructed <br />said note shall have been Oaid. <br /> <br /> for ~3,000.00, to meet <br />fo~ 43,000.00, less <br />to report to the Councils when <br /> <br /> A bill of ~he League of American ~{unicinatities to amount of ~40.00. Proarees. <br /> <br /> An additional aporonriation o~ $15,000.00 for the Board of' Water CommisSioners. <br /> It is recommended that said amount be allowed, as orovided in the "budget" for 1915. <br /> <br /> To. make available 4750.00 allowed in the "budget,, for repairs, & the Independent Engine <br />~OUSeo <br /> t.t is recommended that said amount be ma~e available. <br /> <br /> Referred by ~eard of Aldermen March iSth. <br /> <br /> Recommitted. Recommendation to appropriate $5,000.00 to the King's Daughters Hospital. ProgresS. <br /> <br /> An additional ap. nrooriation of ~i00.00 to revise and codify the City 0rdznances.' It is recommended that the aooronriation be allowed. <br /> <br /> 'A requests, of the Seventh Ward Board that a bill for $719.64 due E. B~ Powell for certain gutter <br /> castinz~ &c.?be deducted from funds allowed the Seventh Ward in the "budget" for Temo~rary Street <br />Repairs. - <br /> It is recommended that said bill be returned to the Seventh Ward Board for further informa- <br />tion. <br /> <br /> A 'bill of the Clerk of Court to amount of $9,~0, for writ tax on suit against the Virginia Rail- <br />way & Power-Company.. <br /> It is recommended that the allowed, out of Sixth and Seventh Ward funds. <br /> <br /> $178.05 for typewriters for the City Collector and CommisSioner of Revenue. <br /> It is recommended that said amount be allowed, out of "Contingent" fund. <br /> <br /> o <br /> An appropriation of $50.00 to'entertain a Convention of 8oanish War Veterans to meet .in this <br />City next June. <br /> It is recommended that said amount be allowed, out of "Contingent" fund. <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that an appropriation of $400.00 allowed in the "budge%, for Su~- <br />$1ies for th~ Fire Alarm, be made available for horses for the Fire Department. <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that an annrooriation of $164.60 be made to cover expense of a <br />change in fire engine horses, which chan~e the Fire Committee was authorized to make. <br /> <br /> We report further that the Auditor stated that, 41,968.55 was necessary to oay for couoons <br />on ~eventh Ward bonds and we authorized the Treas~]rer, under the ordinance nroviding for the immedi- <br />ate payment of c~pons when due. to make notes ~o Cover said amount, the interest on said notes to <br />be paid .t~the Seventh Ward~ <br /> (Signed). M.B. Langhorne, <br /> Actin~ Chairman B. of A. <br /> The report of the Committee was amended in the Common Council by striking out a recommended an- <br /> <br /> <br />