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April <br /> <br />Ayes--Nalker, Ballentine, Privett, Nontague, Markham, Langhorne, t/ur~y, Pile, <br /> <br />Street's-- <br /> <br />in concerning <br /> <br /> Hon. Board of ~idermen. Gentlemen:-- Your Street-Committee respectfully reports here- <br />the following matters referred to the Joint Street Committee ~arch ll-18 Rd Febr~ary <br /> <br />Ii. 191~: <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council March llth. <br /> <br /> Advisability of establishing a public dock, Progress as to same. . <br /> A oetition of th~ Bank of Tidewater, ~nc~ to tunnel under the sidewalk on the south side of <br />~ street, between Middle and Crawf0rd. <br /> It is recommended that the Bank of Tidewater~ Inc., be permitted t~ construct such tunnel <br />under supervision of the ~City Engineer, subject to the same conditions as were recently allowed to <br />Norman Ca,sell for a tunnel in front of his Law Building on H~gh street. <br /> A request od' the Retail Merchants' Association that the Virginia P~ilway & Power Co. be granted <br />permission .to erect a small freight depot at the foot of Hi zh street. Progress. <br /> <br /> Referred by Board of ~Adermen March 18th. <br /> <br /> Advmsabm~ty ofoaving Cooke street in Park View, and of ~extending Cooke street to High. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br /> Attention called to condition of the Nest Park View brid~e. <br /> We report that the bridge' is now being renaired by the City E~ineer. <br /> <br /> Attention called to condition of Green street, from North to P~gh, and at the corner of Chest- <br />nut and County s~reets~ <br /> -Ne report ~hat the~e conditions are being attended to. <br /> <br /> Referred by Common Council Febraary llth. <br /> <br /> Authorized'to advertise f~r bids ~or culverts or pipes to take the place of the Cat Hole Bridze, <br /> Swimming Point~B~idge, and also through the extension of Dinwiddie street, between Bcot~ street and <br /> Race avenue. <br /> Advertisements for work at these locations will be made as soon ~s practicable~ <br /> Advisability of a ~ranolithic sidewalk on the west s~deof First street, between ~ythe and Lin- <br /> coin. Pro,rest. <br /> Bills of the Virzinia Railway & Power Comoa~y to amount o.f $8.50 for lights fume,he, at the <br /> Incinerator. <br /> The City F~u~gineer has approved of these bills and, therefore~ it is recommended that they <br /> be paid. ~ <br /> <br /> R~¢ommitted. An appropriation of $~AO.O0 for paving sidewalks of Chestnut street, from High <br /> to King. <br /> The apnrooriation fo~ this paving was made available in March, and the work has been done. <br /> <br /> Cert¢in bids for ~ermanent imnrovemente o~ ~gh street, in the Sixth.~ard, <br /> We have examined the several bids for the work amd find that the ~owest a~proved estimate <br />for same to be $6D, Eg0.00, but net proceeds from the Sixth Nard Bond Issue is only $58,~44.40, leav- <br />ing a balance of $E,045.60. · , ~ <br /> It ie recommended that award be made to F. J. NcGuire to do the entire work, at $60,~0,00, <br />provided the Finance Committee ~an arrange for the additional $E, 0~.60 for t~e Sixth Nard. <br /> And*in this connection, it is recommended that the following'proposmtion ~ade to the Vir- <br />ginia Railway & Power Company and accepted by sa~dOompany~ be adopted: <br /> <br />THE PROPOSITION. <br /> <br /> "First. The Virginia Railway & Power Co. tq b~ granted a franchise~foran extra ~rack:on High <br />Street from its present double tracks to the Ci~y limits near the Belt LineRy, se to <br />expire when the franchise for the o~her tracks which you now have in High and <br />to be subject to the terms and conditions of the other ~ranchises in the City of Portsmouth. <br /> 'Second. The right of way occupied by your Company in the center of the slzreet filled to <br />~evel of the pavemen~ and flush-with the top of your rails with properly graded stone, so as to be <br />readily driven across at any point~ and this roadway tO be kept in g~od condition at all times. <br /> "Third, Tour Compan~ is to pa~ for a granite curbing around your ~ight of way, which is ~o be <br />a support to the pavemen~ which the City will lay.up against the same. <br /> "Four?h~ Y~r ~ompan~ to~pave across your right of way at all street intersections and keep. the <br />same in good repair. <br /> "Fifth, In case your ~Compamy should fail to keep the intersectior~ paved with concrete ~ <br />good condition and shou~td ~ai~l to keep ~our righ~ of,way pr~p$=ly filledwith <br />sary work robe done by the City after giving thirty days notice to your <br />greeing to pay the expense thereof. <br /> "Sixth. The~ Company ,shall be allowed a period of five years fx ~ise <br />to straighten the track and place a double track at the junction of At <br />the e~d'O~ five years thi~ work is to be ~one,~and the stree~ thoroughly~repaire~dat ~e of <br />the Traction Company. <br /> ,, At any time after a period of ten y~ars from date of the <br /> ~ you~ Company to ~econstruc~ ~ts t~acks and to <br />same~matemial with whzch the ~treet is ~en. pave~, or ~cme other pavement <br />the 2i$y Council." <br /> <br />in <br />ne~ss--, <br /> <br />A request of the seVenth Nard Board that the contract withe. Louis Law,om for scm ~med concrete <br /> <br /> <br />