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April 15, 1915. <br /> <br />A~ a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen on April 15th there were present: <br /> Messrs--C. W. Walker, Preeideut, N. B. Langhorne, D. ~% B~llsntine, <br /> L. Pr.i~ett. S. T.~ Montasue, C. N. Markham, O. P. <br /> Henry Pi!e, <br /> <br />The minutes of .the reEular m~eting March 18th were read and were approved. R~PORT8 OF C0~ITTEES. <br />Auditing-- <br /> The Joint Auditin~ Committee reported havin~ examine~ bills a~ainst the Ci%y <br /> <br /> ~ f <br />~he monoh o March, 191~, <br /> <br />an~:they recommended <br /> <br /> Street Repairs~ <br /> Street C!eanin~, <br /> Incinesator. <br /> Chestn-dt~Street Sidewalk~ <br /> ~rash & Garbage. <br /> Almshouse,. <br /> Board of Health~ <br /> Contingent, <br /> Court Ex~enses, <br /> Police, <br /> Sewerage~ <br /> Water, <br /> Water Commission, <br /> Public Property, <br /> Fire.. <br /> <br />the payment of same to the following amotmts: <br /> <br /> $ 6s.05 <br /> E~8.50 <br /> 11. Z5 <br /> 540.00 <br /> 416. O0 <br /> rS1, 07 <br /> 156.0$ <br /> 81.51 <br /> ~.05 <br /> 4.05 <br /> SS7.58 <br /> i,28S. 50 <br /> 4,648 <br /> ISi. 18 <br /> 181, 64 <br />Total, $8,~38.86. City Pr oder. <br /> <br />for <br /> <br />On mo%ion, the bills were allowed and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ballentine, Privett, Monta~.~ue, Markham, Murry, Pile, 8. <br /> <br />Ayes--~aiker, <br /> <br />Langhorne, <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> <br />Hon. Board of Aldermen. <br /> <br />Gentlemen:-~ Your Finance Committee respectfully reports <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint F~nanc~ 0ommittee March 11-18, 1913: <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council March llth. <br /> <br />946.00 for two dozen 'chairs for the Police Headquarters. Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> $S0.00 for renewing pipe line at the Jail. <br /> recommended that ~he amount of $50.00 be allowed, <br />for Jail Supplies in the "~udEet." <br /> <br />out of approoriation <br /> <br />An anorooriation for 100 blankets and SOO mattresses for the Jail. Pr0g:ess. <br /> <br />$150.00 for running expenses of the auto-patrol wagon for the year 1913. <br /> We refer this matter back to the Police Committee for information. <br /> <br /> $S00.00 to re-imburse F. H. Miller for damages done his horse, bug~, and harness, <br />of a collision with the Hook and Ladder truck. <br /> It is recommended that said amount of SS00,OO be allowed. <br /> <br />cz <br /> <br />on account <br /> <br />Advisability of an Assistant Sanitary inspector. Progress. <br /> <br />Advisability of~an Electrical and Light Inspector. Progress~ <br /> <br />Advisability of a Purchasing Azent. Progress. <br /> <br />Advisability of eliminatin~ from our accounts such items as arc.entirely valueless as assets. <br /> We have this matter under consideration. <br /> <br />Adjustment of bills of the Portsm~Ath., Be=kley & Suf~oik. Water Company to amount of ~19.,t57.00. <br /> We have this matter ,muder consideration with the City Attorney. <br /> <br /> Publication of the Mayor's Annual Message for 191~. <br /> We are prenarin~ to have the Message nubliehed~ <br /> <br /> Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Six, hand Seventh Nard Boards for F~b~ary, 191~, <br /> Progress. <br /> <br /> Report of the Auditor of following bills held up by him~ because of lack of appropriation for <br />them or because they exceeded 1/I~ of appropriation allowed for same: Public Property, $?~,3~; po- <br />lice $2?4.50; Sixth Ward, ~834.75, - ~ <br /> ' It is recommended tha~ there be appropriated ~o the PubAic Property Department Ss much <br />~f the $?$,S5 as 1/iS of the to%al appropriation to the Public Property Department will cover; that <br />~834~75 be loaned to the Sixth ~ard, said amount to be deducted from a note of $S,000.00 to' be. pro- <br />vided, for said Ward, shown following: <br /> The Auditor informs us that the $E74.50 lacking for the Police Uepa~tment has been paid <br />since' his report was made to the body. ~ <br /> A request of the Treasurer to borrow $~0,000.00 for General Expenses and $5,000.00 for School <br />Expenses. for April. t91S. ..... . ~_~ ..~ +~.+ +~o .~w~ ~.~,~ b~ a- <br /> <br /> <br />