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Octoo~r 2.1, 191S. <br /> <br />of repairs to dock, said suspension having been authorized by the Mayor and his action concurred in <br />by Chairm~n of the Ferry Committee. <br /> We have written to the Superintendent of tJ~e ferries and instructed him to put on a launch be- <br />tween the foot of High street and the Pearl street dock in Berkley and maintain the running of such <br />boat regularly from 5 a. m. to 9 p. m., in order that the traveling public between Portsmouth and <br />Berkley may be as little inconvenienced as possible. <br /> <br /> (Signed) 9. P. Murry~ <br /> Cham_man B. of A. <br /> Mr. Langhorne moved that the report be adopted. After some discussion about the ferry s~hedule <br />and the use of the launch between the foot of High street and t~e Pearl street dock in Berkiey, Mm. <br />l~ontague moved to amend that the instruction to put ~on said launch be withdrawn. <br /> The amendment was adopted, and then the reported~ as amended, was adopted. <br /> <br /> UNFINISHED BUSih~SS. <br /> First. ~atter adopted by the Board of Aldermen 8ep~.mber~ 18th and referred to the Common <br />oil for concurrence. <br /> <br />Coun- <br /> <br /> To appoint a Committee of Five to take up and report at <br />new charter for the City of Portsmouth, in orde~ te have the <br />it meets. <br /> Concurred in. <br /> <br />an early date the. matter of providing a <br />same prepared for the Legislature when <br /> <br /> Second. Matters adopted by the C~mmon Council October 14th and referred to the Board of Alder- <br />m~n for concurrence. <br /> <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes to amount of $5i, 000.00 due in November a~d $30,000.00 <br />~e Street Paving BonR Account. <br /> <br /> To allow the Chambers Fire Company to use the playground for a carnival October 20-~Sth, and also <br />to exempt said Company from payment of a license tax on s~me. <br /> <br /> To authorize the llmshouse Committee to advertise for bids for supplies to the Almshouse for the <br />year 1914. <br /> <br />19t4. To authorize the Public Property Committee to advertise for bids for Jail Supplies for the year <br /> <br /> To refer to Ferry Committee a communication from the Commonwealth Attorney of Norfolk County re- <br /> questing the Council to authorize the City Attorney to unite with him in Suing The.Ferries Company <br /> for failure to keep the ferry in operation in accord-a~uce with contract. <br /> <br /> All of the above were concurred iD and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes-~Walker, Williams, <br /> Langhorne, Ballentine, Privett, Montague, Markham, Davis, Murry, Pile, lC. <br /> <br /> Third. Conmmunications from the Mayor. <br /> "To the Council. "Portsmouth, Va., October ~0, 1913. <br /> "Gentlemen:-- <br /> "The Ordinance recently passed oreating a Desk Sergeant for the <br />Pciioe Department carries with it a reduction of ten dollars a month for t~e patrolman who has been <br />performing this duty since the death of Capt. Only, according to the construction of said ordinance <br />by the City Clerk. <br /> "It was clearly the intent and purpose of the Council that there should be no increase in pay <br />for the Desk Sergeant as oatrolman and he has received none. <br /> "Performing other duties than patrolman, vSz: Clerk of the Police Deoartment and not being limit- <br />ed either as to the numSer of hours he should work beyond that of patrolman and assisting in the cie- <br />riehl work of the justice's office, he has always received the ten ~o:ll~re for'this service. <br /> ."On account of the absolute necessity ~or the maintenance, of the positron, I ask that his salary <br />remain as at present, patrolman~pay as patrolma~ s_nd ten dollars for the additional work. ' <br /> <br /> (Signed) F.S.~ Hope, Mayor." <br /> <br /> On motion, the communication was referred to the Ordinance Committee. <br /> <br /> "To the Council. "Portsmouth, Va., October 18, lSlS. <br /> "Gentlemen:-- The City is in possession of two tracks of land embracing over <br /> one hundred acres known as the Almshouse and Pest House track. In my opinion, this property could <br /> be made a valuable asset of the City, if properly handled, either rented, leased or oarked, as you <br /> or the Almshouse Committee should elect. - <br /> "However, in my judgment, it should be put to some good use. <br /> <br /> (Signed~ F.S. Hope, .Mayor." <br /> On motion, the communication was referred to the Almshouse Committee. <br /> <br /> 7he ~yor returnea also hms approval of the following matters adopted by the two branches of City <br /> Councml September 9-!6-~3, 1913: <br /> <br /> $S00.09 for preliminary work of segregating the white and colored races of the City, from the Bud- <br />SEct ~or 1915. .. <br />/~ To authorize the Treasurer to borrow $~0,000.00 to meet current expenses of the City for Septem- <br />~oer~ 'lglS. <br /> To make available $~00.00 allowed in the Budget for "Hose D~yer House." <br /> To make available $1,?00o00 to pay fo: fire hose lately purchased by the ~O~tv ~ ~ +^ .... <br /> <br /> <br />