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October Bt, 191~.. <br /> <br />him. <br /> <br />Lorenzo Cart being the lower bidder for tl~e work, <br /> ~ Signed) C.N. <br /> <br /> it is recommended that award be made to <br />Na~kham, <br /> Chairman B. of A. <br /> <br /> v0~, the recommended <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted and by the following ~° <br />appropriation of $75.48 for fireman C~ N. Bunting being referred to Finance Committee: Ayes--Walker, <br /> Williams, Langhorne, Ballentine, Privett, Eontague, Earkh~m~ Davis, 8. <br /> <br />Sewerage-- <br /> Hon. Board of Aldermen. <br /> <br />herein concerning the ~ollowing matters <br /> <br />8-15, <br /> <br />~en~iem~n. - Your Sewerage Committee respectfully reports <br />referred to the Joint Sewerage Committee Septe~oer 18, July <br /> <br /> June I?, gay 1Z, and Narch 11, 191~, and September 10, 19lB: <br /> Referred by Board of Aldermen September 16th. <br />A petition of D. T. Ballentine fireman Sewerage Power House, to be paid $~0.00 for time lost on <br /> <br />account of sickness during the first half of September. <br /> We have looked into this petition and recommend that it be granted. <br /> Referred by Common Council July 8th. <br /> Requested to take action towards purchasing 1~4 sections of link rods for cleaning sewers, the <br />appropriation for same having been allowed. <br /> ~ha~ these rods are on hand. <br /> We report that the ~ssis~tant En~inee~ ~ays + ~ <br /> Referred by Board of Aldermen July 15th. <br /> <br /> Advisability of sewering Virginia street, from Henry to Randolph. <br /> This matter has been referred to the City ~ngineer to obtain an estimate of cost <br /> <br /> Referred by Board of Aldermen June l?th. <br /> <br /> To consider the extending of City Sewerage on ~las.ow street, from Godwin street to the <br /> The City Engineer has been instructed to obtain an estimate of cost of same. <br /> <br /> Referred by Common Council Nay l~th. <br /> <br /> A communication from the Board of Health concerning disposal of sewerage from S. A. L. shops' <br /> property hear western limits of the City. <br /> As this nuisance is caused by employees of the S. A~ L. Railroad Company, we report that, <br /> in our opinion, the Company should be required to abate said nuisance. <br /> <br /> Referred by Common Council Narch llth. <br /> <br /> A communication from the Nayor in regard to installing regulators on flush tanks in old part <br /> of the City. Progress as to same. <br /> <br />of same~&c. <br /> <br />Bridge. <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council Sept. i0, !9lB. <br /> <br /> Advisability of laying sewer mains in Hunter's and Eastwood's Lanes. <br /> On November 1B~ 19!~, and again on May 15~ 1913, the Committee recommended~that these lan~s <br />be sewered at a cost of ~511.50 and ~404.50~ respectively, and the recommended appropriations were <br />ferred to Finance Committee. The Finance Committee have not yet reported ~efinitely on the matter <br />and we recommend that the matter be again turned over to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br />Sewer <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that <br />Power House for the incoming year. <br /> <br />your Committee be authorized to advertise for coal for the <br /> <br /> (Signed) S.T. Nontague, <br /> Chairman B. of A. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted, the recommended appropriations being refer- <br />red to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br />Ferry-- <br /> <br />Hon. Board of Aldermen. <br /> <br />Gentiemen:~ Your Ferry Committee respectfully reports herein <br /> <br />onoernzng the following matters referred to the Joint Ferry Committee September 9, 1913: <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council September 9th. <br /> <br /> To ascertain if the $5,000.00 certified check required to be deposited by The Ferries Company <br />for improvement and maintenance of the ferries is so deposited. <br /> We report that this check has been so deposited. <br /> <br /> To investigate the irregularity with which the ferry schedule has been observed during the past <br />month. <br /> We report that policeman Sykes was put at the ferry for duty for two days during the past <br />month to take note of how the ferry schedule was maintained. He reported ~0 trips made during the <br />time noted; that six trips were made every hour and during that time there were not more than six <br />trips in which there was any irregularity, and thi~ irregularity was caused by rafts in the river. <br /> <br /> To ascertain by what authority the ferry service between Portsmouth and Berkley has been sus- <br /> <br /> <br />