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.November 18, 1913. <br /> <br /> Oommittee appointed to attend the 8th Annual Convention of the League of Virginia Municipalities in <br /> Roanoke, Va., October 14th and l~th, 19!~, respectfully reports having attended every session of said <br /> Convention, with the Mayor, and the proceedings were helpful to all. Portsmouthts representation was <br /> large as that of any other City in the State. <br /> <br /> eat ~he meeting held at 10:BO a. m. October 14th· in Hotel ~oanoke, an address on "Commission <br /> Government and Necessary Legislation in Virginia" was delivered by Hon. [~ C. L. Taliaferro, C'ity <br /> Attorney of N~mpton. The address as well prepared and was enjoyed. He ~ prepared a tentative <br /> blll.~o be presented to the Legislature, which was referred to the Committee on Resolutions, of which <br /> Co~mz~tee .~. Baker was a member. <br /> ~,Nr. ~arkham was appointed Chairman of the Nominating Committee. <br /> ~At E:$O o'clock <br /> ........ October ~th· ~here was a conference held in the assembly room of the Roanoke <br /> ~nam~er o~ commerce mn connec~mon w~th proposed organization of a Virginia State Chamber of Commerce <br /> amdhMr~ ~n~ HOWard Hall was appointed Chairman of the Committee to look into organization of such a <br /> body. ' <br /> '~Tuesday night October 14th, at S P. M., the delegates listened With interest to an add~ess <br /> "The Suffol~ Plan "b Hon. Joh~B inner ' . . ~ ~o~ <br /> , Y . . P Councilman Suffolk ~nd - ~-~ ' , <br /> Ma ' · ~ - · ' · = aa auuress on Mur~lclpal B~slnes$ <br /> nagement as Admin~sterea Under Modified uommmsslOn Form of Government," by Hon. R. Stuart Royer· <br /> Cit~ ~om!~_i~ioner,~. Fredericksburg,. which& plan is in ~neration <br /> un = riday mornmng Octgber lBth~ a~ 10 ~a. m.~ the Committee on Resolutions reported a tentative <br /> bill embodying several optmonal_plans of Commiesmon Form of Guv~rnment· which was referred to a Com- <br /> mittee ~O be appointed by the Prea$dent of the body, th? C6mmi~te~ to include a r~presentative from <br /> each City.of the Stat$· which Commmttee is to put the bmll in shape for presentation to the Legisla- <br /> e <br /> ture at its next m et~ng, and in the meantime, to have prepared copies of it <br /> each member of the League, in order that any criticism or correction might be made prior to its pre- <br /> sentation to the Legislature. <br /> #A good deal of discussion followed the report of the Committee, and the Convention seemed to be <br /> unanimously in favor of a more modern~form of government than that carried on through Councilmanic <br /> Committees. <br /> "Then followed an address on *The Ideal City Charter,. by Lieut. C. P. Shaw, of Norfolk. <br /> ~Mr. Wm. Pl. Sergeant, Jr.· of Norfolk, was elected President of the League and L. C. Brineon of <br /> Ports~2u~hZ_wa? re,elected Se&rotarY. <br /> ~a~ a:~u o'elock~h~eSday,~ the representatives enjoyed a roundtable luncheon in Hotel Roanoke <br /> a? guests of the City· after whicR a street car ride was taken, covering the City and including a <br /> v~sit to Mill-Nountain and Crystal Springs· the source 'of Roanoke's water suonlv. <br /> ~ The Convention unanimously endorsed a bill to be presented to the next sessmon of the Legisla- <br />ture providing that it shall be necessary for every person having a claim against a municipality for <br />.damages arising from personal injuries, or otherwise· to give notice of suGh olaim within sixty days <br />afte~ the ?a~e-of action shall have arisen. . <br /> ~At .the instance of N~. Markham· the Conventmgn went on reco~d as favoring the enlargement of <br /> the facilities at the Portsmouth Na%y Yard for'~uilding battleships. <br /> r~Altogether, the Convention ~roved to be a very instructive and satisfactory gathering, and our <br /> only regret i~ that every member of the two_branches of Council did not participate with us. <br /> <br /> ~ (Sig~ed) <br />On motion, the report was ordered to file. <br /> <br />C. N. Markham, <br /> Chairman B. of A.~ <br /> <br /> First. Matters adopted by the <br />oil for concurrence. <br /> <br /> BI,FINISHED BUSINESSj <br /> <br />Board of Aldermen October ~lst and referred to <br /> <br />the Common Court- <br /> <br /> To refer to Ordinance Committee several recommendatfons of the Redistricting Committee, with <br /> proviso that the third and fourth sections of same are struck out. <br /> On motion, laid on the table. <br /> <br /> To permit the holding of no more Carnivals on the playground at the corner of Wythe and Fourth <br /> streets after October 31, 191~. <br /> ~ Amended, so that privilege to hold carnivals on said playground may be permitted until the <br /> place is in condition to be used as a play,round. <br /> <br /> Second. Natters adopted b~ the Common Council November llth and. referred to the Board of Alder- <br /> men ~or concurrence. <br /> <br /> To transfer from Washington street Improvement fund to Incinerator fund $3~. 16, for operation <br /> of the Incinerator for the balance of the year. <br /> There was considerable discussion over the requested transfer, but finally the same action <br /> was taken on it as was taken when the report of the Street Committee came up, that i~, the appropri- <br /> ation was referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> TO authorize theTr~asurer to renew notes to amount of $177,000.00 due in December and $50 OOQ <br /> due Street Paving Bond Account. <br /> Ooncurred in a~d by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Walker, Williams, Langhorne, Ballentine, <br /> Adams, Privett, ~arkham, Davis, <br /> <br /> To refer to F~rry .~ommittee present condition of ferry boats; and to refer to Ferry Committee, <br />with City Attorney, to t~ok into advisability of petitioning the next Legislature to modify the law <br />under which the Council~ now act in the manner of leasing the ferries. <br /> On motion of Mr. Williams, the proposition was ordered to lie on the table. <br /> <br /> To refer to Finance Committee the advisability of the City incorporating the Sixth and Seventh <br />Wards under the terms and conditions prescribed by law for same. <br /> <br /> <br />