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November 18, 191Z. <br /> <br />nett to supply Shoes, for $?2.50; to Breslauer &~Anthony to supply Men's Underwear, for $51.00A to <br />The Friedhn Co., Inc., to supply BXAnkets, for $36.00; to L. W. Siivester to supply Wood <br />they being the lowest bidder for same, the quality of the goods being considered. <br /> There were three bids to.s?p, ply mediclnes~as follows: E, P. V;ilkins, $.07 per prescrip- <br />tion; N. G. Dayle, $.06 per prescrmption; and J. W. Booth & Bro., $.0~ per prescription. <br /> The majority of the Committee decided to recommend that award be made to J. W. Booth & Bro. <br /> Mr. Ballentine, Chairman of the Committee, dissented, he believing that the decision be- <br />tween the equal bidders Messrs. J. W. Booth & Bro. and N. G. Oayle should be made by lot. <br /> <br />(Si ned). O.W. <br /> <br />Ballentine, <br /> <br />6hairman Bo of A. <br /> <br /> Tl~e report having been read, the recommendation of the ma~jerity~of ~theLCommit~eeot~.mEke award <br />to J. W. Booth & Bro. to supply medicines was recommit%ed, after some discussion ~ same. <br /> Then the other rec~en~tions of the 0o~ittee were adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> ~-~alke=, Willi~a, L~ghorne, Ballentine, A~s, Privett~ <br /> <br /> O~aims-- ' <br /> Hon. Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:~ Yo~ Olaims Co~ittee :re~ectfully .reports he=e- <br /> <br />in concerning .t~ following mat_tera ~re~e=~ed ~t~e .~e Je~ Claims Go~i%~ee September <br /> Refe~ed ~ Bo~d ~f Aldermen September <br /> <br /> A claim of Pabs~ Brewing ~ompany to ~o-~ ef $14~00, for d~ages done ~o a Eagon of said ODin- <br />~y on First street May ~. Progress as to <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council June 10th. <br /> <br /> A petition of Harry Ac Brinkley, attorney for J. M. Broughton, to recover from ~the <br />for damages to his property on Harrison street~ caused by a defective sewer pipe. <br /> <br />dition. <br /> <br />It <br /> <br />is reccm~ended that the City ~ngineer examine this sewer pipe and report <br /> Referred by Common ~ouncil May 1Sth. <br /> <br /> city $2oo.0o <br /> <br />as to its con- <br /> <br /> A communication from Bilieoly & Shultice, ~ePresenting Fred Lesner, claiming compensation be- <br />cause of injuries received b~ him on First street May Std. <br /> N~v. Lesner has instituted suit against the City for said injuries and the matter is in the <br />hands of the City Attorney. <br /> <br /> A petition of J. W. Smith to be paid $80.00 for services rendered in two cases of the .City of <br />Portsmouth vs. The U.-S. Express OD. <br /> We have examined this petition and it is recommended that sai~ amounz of $60.00 be paid <br />Mr. Smith. (Signed) D.W. Ballentine, <br /> Acting ChaixmanB. of A. <br /> <br /> On motion, the repor~ of the Committee was adopted, th? recommended appropriation of $0.00 to <br />.pay claim of J. W. Smith being referred to the Finance ~Commmttee. <br /> <br />Special Committee <br /> <br />for Revising and Codifying Oity Ordinances-- <br /> <br />Hon. <br /> <br />Board~of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-~ You~ <br /> <br />Committee appointed September 10-17, 191E, to Revise and Codify the Ordinances of the City. of Ports- <br /> <br />mouth desire to report as follows: <br /> <br /> ~That the said work of revision and codification has been completed~ and is, sUbject to the ap- <br />proval of the Co~mucil, in shape to go to the printe~. Inasmuch as the 0hatter of the City is the <br />supreme. Iaw,$ fr~m which is d~rived the power to legmslate, &c., your Committee has dincluded it in <br />the codific~tign, together with an elabDrate~index. <br /> ~Youm Commmt~ee emp!eyed~Lr. Smith R. Brmttingham~ of the local ba~ to do the necessary work <br />and to make report thereon. He.'has turned over to your Committee three typewritten bound vol%~mss <br />embracing the City Chsurter and all ordinances which have been passed to this date, together with a <br />detailed report touching his work. These V~lumes and the report accompan~-ing same, have been very <br />carefully examined by your Committee, and wi~h a few correetions~e now turn them over to you as <br />being in proper shape. ' <br /> ~The work has in our opinion ~een carefully done~ and we believe that this codification is the <br />best and most acourste theft the Cmty has ever had. Mr. Brittingham has been employed on this work <br />since last June, and his work has been most painstaking and thorough. <br /> ~Your Committee desires also to express i~s th~nks to the Clerk~ Mr. Siater, who, by. his inti- <br />mateacquaintance with the City's records an~ general exp~rience,~his bes~ of material a~d to us. <br /> ~Your Committee herewith presents Mr. Brittingham's bill for $~00.00, properly approved, for set- <br /> rendered, and asks that the same be allowed. <br />vice'we further desire that we be permitted to advertise for'bids for printing ~nd'binding ZOO vol- <br />umes of the City's laws. <br /> '~Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br />"(Si~ned) L. H. Davis, <br /> Chairman B.~of A. <br /> <br /> On motion, the rep6rt-of the Commit~&e was adopSed by the following v6tel the ordinances being <br />ref~ri~ed to the Ordinahce Committe~ w~th the Oity Attorney for r~po~t on the same: <br /> Ayes--~alker, <br /> Wiltiams~ Lang~horne, Ballentine, Ada~s, Privett, Markham, Davis, 8. <br /> <br /> <br />