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November 18, 1915. <br /> <br /> To authorize the Public Property Committee to obtain plans for fitting up City basement rooms <br /> in the Court House or offices in the Armistead Building~ for City offices; and to get the co. opera,~ <br /> tion of Norfolk County in taking down the fence and copzng around the Cottrt House yard. <br /> Mr. Davis~ said he thought that the old Armistead Building in the rear of the Mu~icipal <br /> Building was a fire ~anace to all-the property about ah~he th.ought it s.hould be gotten rid of, <br /> Theref.ore, he move.d to amend that the matter o5 fittzn · . <br /> stead of the Armistead Buitdzn~ be referr~ ,A ~.~ .... g_ up o.ff~ces ~n the Court House, ~n- <br /> ~, ~ ,~u r~Azc ~roper~y (~ommit~ee~ and to have the Armi~tead <br /> Building tak~;do~n._f .~he ~m~n~b~e~nt ~as adopted. <br /> <br /> To refer to Ordinance.Committee, with City A~%orney, to examine and report on revised and codi- <br /> fied ordinances of the City. <br /> On motion of Er. Markham, concurred in. <br /> <br /> Railw[yhe Common Council reconsidered its action of August 1Bth-in ad~pting the report of the S. A. L. <br /> Office Committee and concurred in the action of the Board of Aldermen therefor on September <br /> l?th. <br /> <br /> It resolved also, the Board of Aldermen"ooncurring, on the appointment of a special Oommi~tee to <br /> whom the question of the ~. A. L. Railway Offices should be referred. <br /> <br /> Judge L.InR.Connecti°n~withwatts. The motiontheSewasmatterS'adopted.Nr' Markham moved that th~ rules ~e suspended to hear from <br /> The Judge spoke and in a short speech requested the Cc~ncil to have its Committee take up at <br /> once With the President of the E. A. L. Ry. the matter of S. A. L. Ry. Offices. <br /> On motion of Mr. Davis, the matter of appointing a special Committee to whom the question of <br /> the S. ~. L. Railway Offices should be referred wa~ ordered to lie on the table. <br /> <br /> Third. Communications from the Mayor. <br /> <br /> The Mayor returned his approval of the following matters adopted by the two branches of City <br /> Council September IB, October l&-El, and October ~i-E~-E~, i~1~: <br /> <br /> l~l~.To authorize the Treasurer to borrow SE0,O00.00 to meet current expenses of the City ~or October, <br /> City Engineer instructed to go ahead with the paving of upper High ~treet as far west as 'the <br /> west Side of Seventh avenue. <br /> !~lz. To discontinue the· hiring of a horse and buggy for use of the Street Znspector after November i, <br /> To make award to W. & J. Parker to supply the City with 78 tone of anthracite and lB tons of Po- <br /> cahontas coal for the year l~l~. <br /> o make award to S. P. 0asr to su~l~ the City Ja~ ~ ~= .......... <br /> o make award to Lorenzo Cart to [~e~t a hoSe~d~ ~u~?~s~._o~ ~ptn.e woo(~ ±'or t. he ~ear l~l¢. <br /> ~ ~ ~ ~-a ~z~w mngzne ~ouse, z'or $$00. t0. <br />Etree~'°p~$~nh~riB~dt~o[urne~.surer to renew notes for SB1,000.00 due in November and $~0,000.00 due ~ <br /> To allow the Chambers Fire Company ¢o use the playground for a carnival October E0-ESth, and to <br />exempt said Co~mpany from payment of a license tax on same. <br /> To allow W. M. Jones to place on the sidewalk in front of his store No. 8~0 High street, an elec- <br />tric light lamp post and gasoline oil pump combined. <br />from Hunter'sT° grant permissiOnLane to Dinwiddiet° the Virginiastreet. Railway & Power Company to extend an ~udergrOund conduit <br />of TwelveAn 0r~inanOeMonths of All°wingcontinuousCemeterYEmployment..Empl°yees an Annual Leave of Absence of Ten Daye,~ with Pay, Out <br /> An appropriation of $? 000.00 to pay~teaehers, Janitors and bills of the public schools for the <br />month of Octobe.r, .I~lZ~ ' ' <br /> An approprzat~on o.f ~E, 000.00 ~to extend pavin~ on upper High street to Ninth avenue, said amount <br />to be returned to the Czt~ by the Ezxth Ward with interest. <br /> <br /> FOurth. Reports of Officers and other unfinished business. <br /> <br /> The regular reports of 0fficer~ for the month of November~ i~iZ, were presented and were ordered <br />to ~*Ake.the usual course. <br /> <br /> The Auditor ma~o ~ ~' <br /> · ~ ..... ~o~Aowlng reporm, of. blAls held up by him,_ because o~ lack of _~_~w~v~ <br />or ~ecau~e they exceeded 1/lS of ~ppropnatmon allowed for same: Almshouse $1E. B0; Fire <br />~imce, $70.5~; Public Pr2perty, SBOS. 2?; Inciner~to=~ $15.00; S~xth Ward, $13.00; Sevent~ Ward <br />15. On motion, the b~lls were r~ferred to the Finance Com~zttee <br /> <br /> The Bond of the Bank of Tidewater, Inc., for tunnelling under sid, <br />ing, was approved and ordered to file. <br /> <br /> NEW BUSINESS. <br /> A oozm~unication was received from Frank C. Hanrahan, lately elec~ <br />confirmation of the appointment by him of W. E. Calvert as Deputy City <br />nine January 1, 1914. <br /> On motion, the appointment was confirmed and by the followin <br /> <br /> WilliamS, Langhorne, Ballentine, Adams, Pri~ett, Markham, <br /> A petition of H. Kessler to be refunded $B.40 paid in error for <br />the year 1~i3, was referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> A petition of several churches and organizations to use the old Cc <br />cember Bth and 6th, was referredPublic Property Committee, with power <br /> <br /> Mr. Langhorn~e requested the Public Property Committee to meet the <br />r~tmon of certain bills of P~blic Property Department past due. <br /> <br /> L On motion of ~r. Williams, the a6visability of a light at the boa~ <br /> <br />~walk in front of its new build- <br /> <br />~d City Collector, reque_sting <br />Collector for the term begin- <br /> <br /> vote: <br /> Ayes Walker, <br />ms, N~rry, Pile, 10. <br /> <br />il tax in the Seventh Ward for <br /> <br />uncil Chamber for a bazaa~ De- <br />to act. <br /> <br />Finance Committee for conside- <br /> <br />house i~ Swimming Point was <br /> <br /> <br />