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October 14, 1913. <br /> <br /> To instruct the Sixth Ward Board and the engineer in charge of paving in upper High street <br />that in future no surplus dirt shall be disposed of to private parties~ but shall be used to <br />fill High street, including sidewalks, to its proper grade level and width. <br /> <br />All of the above were concurred in. <br /> <br /> Second. Matters adopted~by the Common Cou~uoil September !5th and referred to the Board of <br />Aldermen for concurrence. <br /> <br /> To allow the Vi=ginia P~ilway & Power Company to open sidewalk on north side of North <br />street, between Hunter"s lane and horthwast corner of Dinwiddie and North; to extend underground <br />conduit from Hunter's lane to Dinwiddie street; and to open asphalt at Court street crossing; <br />provided, said Company put two conduits for use of the City between Middle and Dinwiddie streets, <br />without expense to the City. <br /> <br /> The above was ordered to lie on <br />write to the Virginia Railway & Power Co. <br />desir~. <br /> <br />the table by the Board~ and the Clerk <br />and request it to be more explicit in <br /> <br />instructed to <br />stating what is <br /> <br /> The Board concurred in all.recommendations of'Committees~adopted by the Common Council <br />September 9th, except recommendation of the Ordinance Committee to adopt the amended ordinance <br />with regard to appointment of a regular patrolman as Desk Sergeant, without extra compensation <br />therefor, said ordinance bein~ ordered to lie on the table until next regular meeting of the <br />Board of Aldermen. <br /> <br /> The report of the Redistricting Committee, which was referred to the Ordinance <br />tee by the Common Council, was ordered to.tie on the table by the Board. <br /> <br /> The report of the Special Committee on <br />ed to the Board by its O'hairman and, on motion, <br />for further consideration. <br /> <br /> Commit- <br /> <br />Seaboard Air Line Railway Offices was present- <br />the report recommended by him was reoommitted <br /> <br /> The report of the Street Committee, as made to the Common Council at its special meet- <br />ing September 15th~ was presented but was not considered, because there lacked an interval of <br />three days between meetings of the two Councils to consider the matter recommended by the Com- <br />mittee. <br /> <br /> Third. Matter adopted by the Board of Aldermen September 18th and referred to the Common <br />Council for concurrence. <br /> <br /> To appoint a Committee of Five to take up and report at an early date the matter of provid- <br />ing a new charter for the City of Portsmouth~ in order to have the same prepared for the Legis- <br />lature when it meets. <br /> The above was concurred in. <br /> <br />Fourth~ Oommunica~mons~' from the Mayor. <br /> <br /> The Mayor ~turned his approval of the following matters adopted by the two branches of <br /> City Council September 9-!~E~, I~l~: <br /> <br /> $$00o00 for'preliminary work of segregating the white and colored races of t~e City~ from <br />the Budget for 191Z. <br />To authorize the Treasurer to borrow SEO, O00.O0 to meet current expenses of the~City for <br />September, 1915. <br /> To make available $300.00 allowed in the Budget for "Hose Dryer House , ' <br /> To make available $1~700.00 to pay for fire hose lately purchaeea by the City, and also to <br />pay any additional expense incurred in obtaining the same. <br />~ ~pecial appropriation of $109.45 to pay Police bills held up by the Auditor. <br /> $536.31 to pay bills of F. J. McGuire contractor for interest due on notes given hlmDy <br />the Sixth and Seventh Wards, when same are duly approved by the Sixth and Seventh Ward Boards. <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes to amount of ~90:000.00 ialling due in October. <br /> To make award to C. N. Moody for building a garage and re-arranging cells at the City Jail, <br />for $395.00. <br /> To make award to E..B. Wilkins for taking down a brick wall at the Hook & Ladder Engine <br />MOuse, for ~90.00. <br /> A supplementary ordinance to ordinance adopted May 15-~0, t913, to cover the grant of a ~ <br />franchise for the right to construct single or double tracks, erect poles and string wires, and <br />operate cars on High street, between Effingham street and Ninth avenue. <br /> An Ordinance to Amend and Re-ordain Section ~35 of the Ordinances of the City with Refer- <br />ence to the Police Force and Fixing the Compensation of the Officers and Members of the said <br />Force, and to Repeal all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith. <br /> An Ordinance to Adopt the Provisions~of the Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, En- <br />titled, "An Act to Provide for Designation by Cities and Towns of Segregation Districts for Re- <br />sidence of ~hite and Colored Persons; Tot the Adoption of this Act by Such Cities and Towns, and <br />for Penalties for the Violation of its Terms;" Approved March 12, 19i~. <br /> To allow the Chesap&ake & Potomac Telephone Co. to lay a cable and build a mahhole at the <br />foot of Crawford street. <br /> <br /> Fifth. Reports of Officers and other unfinished business. <br /> <br /> The regular reports of Officers for the month of September, <br />ordered to take the usual course. <br /> <br />1913, <br /> <br />were presented and were <br /> <br />read <br /> <br />DATE, <br /> <br />The following ordinance ordered to lie on the table by this body October 14th was taken up, <br />and adopted: <br /> AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING CEMET~ERY EMPLOYEES AN ANNUAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE OF TEN <br /> <br /> WITH PAT, OUT OF TWELVE MONTHS OF CONTINUOUS EMPLOYMENT. And bv the fol~owiu~ vnt~ <br /> <br /> <br />