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October <br /> <br /> A~v~sabz~zt. of sewering Virginia~ street, from Henry ~o Randolph. <br /> This matter has been referred to the City Engineer to obtain an estimate of cost of <br />sa~e~ ~C, <br /> Referred by Board of Aldermen ~u~e l?th~ <br /> <br /> To consider the extending of City Sewerage on Glasgow street, from Godwin street to the <br />Bridge. <br /> The City Engineer has been instructed to obtain an estimate of cost of same. <br /> <br /> Refer. red by 9ommon Council Nay lSth. <br /> <br /> A commun~ca~zon from the Board of Health concerning disposal of sewerage from $~ A. L. <br />shops' property hear western limits of the City. <br /> As this nuisance is caused by employees of the S. A. L. Railroad Company, we report <br />that, in our opinion, the Company should be required to abate said nuisance. <br /> Referred by Common Council.Narch llth. <br /> <br /> A communication from the Nayor in regard to installing regulators on flushtanks in old <br />part of the City. Progress as to s~me. <br /> <br /> Referred by .Common Council Sept. 10, 19lb. <br /> <br /> Advisability of laying sewer mains in Hunter's and Eastwood~s Lanes. <br /> On November l~, 19i~ and again on Nay 15, 191~ the Committee recommended that these <br /> lanes be sewered at a cost of $511.50 and $~0~.50, =espectively~ and the recommended appropria- <br /> tions were referred to Finance Committee. The Finance Committee have not yet reported definite- <br /> ly on the matter and we recommend that the matter be again turned over to the Finance Committee. <br /> It is further recommended tDmt your Committee be authorized ~o advertise for coal for <br /> the Sewer Power House for the incoming year. <br /> <br /> (Signed). T.F. White, <br /> Chairman C. C. <br /> <br /> On.motion, the report of the 0om~ittee was adopted, the recommended appropriations being <br />referrea to the Finance ~ommittee. <br /> <br />Hon. Common Council. <br /> <br />Gentlemen:-~ Your Ferry Committee respectfully reports herein <br /> <br />concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Ferry Committee September 9, !.mS. <br /> <br />Referred by Cor~on Council ~eptemoer 9th. <br /> <br /> To ascertain if the $5,000.O0~certified check required to be desposited by The Ferries Com- <br />pany for improvement and maintenance of the ferries is so deposited. <br /> We report that this check has been so deposited. <br /> <br /> To investigate the irregularity with which the ferry schedule has been observed during the <br />past month° <br /> We ~eport that policeman Sykes was put at the ferry for duty for two days during the <br />past month to take.note of how the ferry schedule was maintained. He reported 80 trips made <br />during the time noted; that six trips were made every hour and dnring that ~time there were not <br />more than six trips in which there was any irregularity~ and this irregularit~ was oau~sed by <br />rafts in the river~ <br /> <br /> Tp ascertain by what authority the ferry service between Portsmouth and Berkley ~as been <br />suspended for several weeks. <br /> We report that the travel between Portsmouth and Berkley was necessarily s~p~nded <br />because of repairs to dock, said suspemsi~n~having been authorized by the Mayor and his ~action <br />concurred in by C~irman of the Ferry Committee. <br /> We h~ve ~itten to the Superintendent of the ferries and instructed him to put on a <br />launch between the foot of High street and the Pearl street dock in Berkley and maintain the <br />running of such boat regularly from B a. m. to ~ p. m.~ in order that the t~aveling public be- <br />tween Portsmouth en~.d Berkley may be as little inconvenienced as possible. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report <br /> <br /> First. Natters adopted by the <br />Aldermen for concurrence. <br /> <br />(Signed)° A. Aug. Biliso!y~ <br /> Chairman C. C. <br /> <br />of the Committee was adopted. <br /> <br /> UNFiNiS~D BUSineSS. <br /> <br /> Common C~ancil September 9th and referred to the Board of <br /> <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes to amount of $~0,000.00 falling due in October, <br />tglS. <br /> To send four delegates, two from the Co~on ~ounoil, one from the Board of Aldermen, and <br />the Na}or, to Convention of ~eag~ of Virginia Municipalities at Roanoke .October 1A--lb, 19i$~ at <br />a cost not to exceed $100o00. <br /> <br /> '" t <br /> To refer to Finance and Pubtic Property committees ~o~n ly the matter of an appropriation <br />for Grimes Battery Gun Room. <br /> <br /> To authorize the Public Property Committee to advertise for bids to supply coal to the seve- <br />ral City Departments for the year 191&j also to advertise for bids for improvements to the Sea- <br /> <br /> <br />