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· November 11, 1913. <br /> <br />ity for damages arising from personal injuries, or otherwise, to give notice of such claim with- <br />in sixty days after the cause of action shall have~ arisen. <br /> ,bAt t~e instance of Er. Markham, the Convention went on record as favoring the enlargement <br />of the facilities at the Portsmouth Navy Tard for building battleships. <br />//Altogether, the Convention proved to be a very instructive and satisfactory gathering, and <br />our only regret is that every member of the two branches of Council did not participate with us. <br /> <br />-On motion, <br /> <br /> "(Signed). <br />the report was ordered to'file. <br /> <br />W. Hedges Baker, <br /> <br />Chairman C. C~ <br /> <br /> First. Matters adopted by the <br />dermen for concurrence. <br /> <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS. <br /> <br />Common Council October 14th and referred to the <br /> <br />Board of Al- <br /> <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes to amount of $51,000.00 due in November and <br />000.00 due Street Paving Bond Account. <br /> <br /> To allow the Chambers Fire Company to use the playground for a carnival October <br />'and also to exempt said Company from payment of a license tax on same. <br /> <br /> To authorize the Almshouse Committee to advertise for bids for supplies to the Almshouse <br />for the yea~ 1914. <br /> <br /> To authorize the Public Property Committee to advertise for bids for Jail Sh~pplies for the <br />year 1914. <br /> <br /> To refer to Ferry. O~mm~ttee a communication from the Commonwealth Attorney of Norfolk Coun- <br />ty requesting the Council to authorize the City Attorney to unite with him in suing ~he Ferries <br />Company for failure to keep the ferry in operation, in accordance with contract. <br /> <br />All of the above were concurred in. <br /> <br /> The Board concurred also in all recommendations of Committees adopted by the <br />Councii, except recommendation of the Finance Committee to pay a bill. of F. L. Crocker <br />of ~§~00 for legal services~in the Seventh Ward, Which matter was recommitted. <br /> <br />Common <br />to amount <br /> <br /> The Board also withdrew instructions given <br />Ferry Committee, to put on a launch between the foot <br />in Berkley. <br /> <br />the Superintendent of The Ferries by the <br />of High street and the Pearl street dock <br /> <br /> The application of the Virginia Railway & Power Co. to extend underground conduit from <br />Hunter's lane to Dinwiddie street, ordered to lie on the table by the Board September B$rd~ was <br />taken up and the permission granted. <br /> <br /> Second. Matters adopted by the Board of Aldermen October Blst and referred to the Common <br />Council for concurrence. <br /> <br /> To ~efer to Ordinance Committee several recommendations of the Redistricting Committee, <br />proviso that the third and fourth sections of same are struck out. <br /> On motion of Mr. Hall, the matter was ordered to lie on the table. <br /> <br />with <br /> <br /> To permit the holding of no more Carnivals on the playground at the corner of Wythe and <br />Fourth streets after October Zl~ t91~. <br /> In connection with thzs matter, a communication was read from the Chambers Fire Company <br />asking the Board of Aldermen not to concur with the Common Council. <br /> The matter was discusse~ and Mr. Tyler~moved that the body~concur with the Boarduof <br />Alder~&$~but he afterwards withdrew his motion. <br /> Mr. Hall moved that the privilege to hold carnivals on saidplayground be permitted <br />until the place is in condition to be used as a playground. <br /> Mr. Hawks moved to amend that the privilege be allowed until next Ma~ch. <br /> The amendment was lost, and finally the motion by Mr. Hall was adopted. <br /> <br />Third. Communications from the Mayor. <br /> <br /> The ~ayor returned his approval of the following matters adopted by the two branches of City <br /> Council September 15, October 14-B1, and October B1-B4-~9, 191~: <br /> To authorize th~ Treasurer to borrow SEO,O00. O0 to meet current expenses of the City for Oc- <br /> tober, 1913. <br /> City Engineer instructed to go ahead with the paving of'upper High street as far west as <br /> the wes~ side of ~eventh avenue. <br /> To discontinue the hiring of a horse and buggy for use of the Street Inspector after Novem- <br /> ber 1_ 191Z. <br /> ~o make award to W. & J. Parker to supply the City with 78 tons of anthracite and lB tons <br /> of Pocahontas coal for the year 1914. <br /> To make award to S. P. Oast to supply the City Jail with E5 cords of pine wood for the year <br /> 1914. <br /> To make award to Lorenzo Carr:to erect a hose dryer at the Park View Engine House, for $300. <br /> 10. <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes for $51,000.00 ~ue in November and $~0,000.00 due <br /> Etreet Paving Bond Account. a Oc <br /> To allow the Chambers Fire Company to use the playground for a c rnival tOber EO~ZSth, and,'~ <br />to ~exempt said Company from payment of a license tax for same. <br />_ To allow W. M. Jones to place on the sidewalk in front of his store No. 6BO High street, an <br />electric l~Eh~tamp p~st and gasoline oil pump combined. <br />- To grant permission to the Virginia Railway & Power Company to extend an underground conduit <br />from Munter'e Lane to Dinwiddie str~ <br /> <br /> <br />