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November 11, 1913. <br /> <br /> The report having been read, Mr. Withy moved to adopt the .recommendation of majority of the <br />Oommitt. ee recommending the award fca medicines to J. W. Booth & Bro. <br /> Some disgu~...slon follOWed .t~e motion~ and.finally ~iv. Hall moved that .t~e cAue'stion of award <br />to supply medicines be recommitted. The motion was adopted~ ~tr. Withy voting No. <br /> Then the report of the Committee, as amended, was adopted by the following vote, the <br />vote being the same for each recommendation: Ayes--Corbitt, Ha.ll, White, Ha~uvey, Herbert, <br /> Johnson,. Goodman,.~ Walker,. ~;ith35 Ty. le~., .Ha~ks, Hu~chl~s,~ Cooke, Saun. ders., 14, <br /> <br /> C~aime-- ~ ' <br /> Hon. Common Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Claims Committee respectfully reports here-- <br /> <br />in concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Claims Committee .SeRtem.ber 18, June <br /> <br />lC, and ~ay 15, 1915: <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen September 18th. <br /> <br /> A claim of Pabst Brewing C~ompany to amount of $14.00, for damages ~one to a wagon of <br />Oompany on First street May ~d. Progress as to same. <br /> <br />said <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council June 10th. <br /> <br /> A petition of Harry A. Brinkley, attoraeyfor J. M. Broughton~ to recover from the City <br />SE00~O0 for damages to his property on Harrison street, caused by a defective sewer pipe. <br /> It iS ~ecommended that the City Engineer examine this sewer pipe and report as ta its <br />condition. ~ <br /> Referred by Common Council May lSth. <br /> <br /> A communication from Bilisoty & Shultiee, representing Fred Leaner, ci~liming compensation <br />because of injuries received by him on First street May <br /> Mr. Leaner has institute~~ suit against the City for said injuries and the matter is <br />in the hands of the City Attorney. <br /> <br /> A petition of J. W. Smith to be paid ~B0.O0 for services rendered in two cases of the City <br />of Portsmouth vs. The U. 8~ Express <br /> We have examined this petition and it is recommended that said amount of Ss0.O0 be~ <br />paid ~r~. Smith. (Signed) Wm. L. Walker, <br /> <br /> Acting Chairman C. C. <br /> <br /> ~ O~ mo~ion, the report Df the Committee was adopted, Zhe recommended appropriation of $80.00 <br />to pay claim of J. W. Smith being referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br />Special Committee to Virginia League of ~unicipalities-- <br /> /~Hon. <br /> <br />~ommon Council. <br /> /~ Gentlemen:--Yo.ur <br /> <br />Oommittee Sppointed to attend the 8th Annual Convention of the League of Virginia Municipalities <br />in Roanoke, Va., Octobe~ 14th amd l~th, 1913, respectfully reports having attended every session <br /> <br />of said Oonvention, with the Mapor, and the proceedings were helpful to all. Portsmouth's re- <br /> <br />presentation was~ as large as that of any other City in the State. <br /> <br /> '~t the meeting held at 10:~0 a. m.' October 14th, in Hotel Roanoke, an address on "Commission <br />Government and Necessary Legislation in Virginia" was delivered by <br />City Attorney~of. H~mpton. The address was well prepared and was enjoyed. He had preps=ed a ten <br />tative bill to be presented to the Legislature, which was referred to the Committee on Resolu- <br />tions, of which Committee Mr. Baker was a member <br /> ~Mr. Markham was appointed Chairman of the N~minating Committee. <br /> ~/A~ ~:~3 o'clock October 14th, there was a in the assembly teem of the Roa- <br />noke 0~namber of ~ommerce in connection with proposed .Zati~n' of a Virginia State Chamber of <br />Commerce and Mr. Jno. Howard Hall was appoints& ~h~r~am of the Committee te look into organiza- <br />tion of such a body. <br /> <br />ricksburg, <br /> ~On ~riday mom-ninE October 15th~'at'iO. a. m.~ the .tree Resolutions reported a ten- <br />tatiye bill em~odying several ~ ~ Government, which, was referred <br />to a Committee to be appointed bF Committee to include a repre- <br />se~tatiye from each City o~ the State the bill in shape for presenta- <br />tion t~ the~L~gislature at its~next m g, in the meantime,.to .h~.v? prepared copies of it <br />t6 be%~LfS~i~uted to each member of 'the League, in.order that any criticism or correction might <br />be ma~eprior to its presentation to the Legislature. ~ . . <br /> ~A good'deAl of discussion followed the report of the Committee, and.the Convention seemed <br />to be unanimously in favor of'a more moderm form of government than that carried on through'Coun- <br />cilmanic Committees. <br /> ~Then foll6wedan addr~s'on "The Ideal. Oity Charter," by Lieut. C. P. Shaw, Of.Norfolk. <br /> ~ Mr~ Wm. H. Sergeant, Jr., of Norfolk, was elected President of the League and L~ G. Brinson <br />of Portsmouth, was ~e-eleoted Secretary. <br /> ~ At i:SO o'olock:~dnesday, the represenSatives~ enjoyed a roundtable luncheon in Hotel Roanoke <br />as guests of the Cit~,'.after whieh.a ~tr~e% ~ar ride was taken,.Covering the City and including <br />a visit ~o Mill Mountain and Crystal Springs, the source of Roanoke's water supply. <br /> ~The Convention unanimously.endorsed a bill to be presented to the next session of the Legis- <br /> <br /> <br />