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R. C. P. <br /> <br /> 237. <br />November 11, 1913. <br /> <br />'1 <br /> <br /> deep @ $.60 per ~q. yd. .............. <br /> <br />1, S50 Lin. Ft. of New Gr~ite Onrbing $ $.68 per Lin. Ft .... ;;;[~ il~]li]; 918.~ <br /> Total' Am6unt of Bid~ $2~651.40. <br />L. Williams: <br /> _ 1,~ ~q. yds. of Roa~ay~ShellinE with Oyster Shells 12" <br />. deep ~ $.~ per sq. yd....... ........ i ................................ $ 610.56 <br /> 46~ sq. yds. of Granzt~ Block ~utters $ ~.10 per sq. yd ......... ; ..... <br />1~350 Lin. Ft. New Gr~zte ~bmng $ $.~0 per Li~. Ft .................... . 945,00 <br /> Total *Amount of Bid, <br /> <br /> Mr. O. L. Williams being the lowest bidder, and his figures being within the appro- <br />priation, we recommend that the contract be awarded to him. <br /> <br /> We attach he. rotc as a part of this report a letter from the City Engineer, asking <br />an appropriation of $358.16 for the operation of the Incinerator for the balance of the yea~. <br /> We recommend that this appropriation be allowed. <br /> <br />('Signed)" E.B. Hawks,' <br /> Chairman <br /> <br /> The report having been read, the Chairman of the Committee asked permission to have trans- <br />ferred from the balance of the Washington Street Improvement fund (about $900.00) the amoumt of <br />$~6.16 needed for the operation.of the Incinerator for the balance of the year. ~h~'Trequest wac <br />granted. Then the report of the Committee was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--~orbitt, <br /> Hall, White, Hanvey, Herbert, Baker, JOhnson, Goodman, Walker, Withy, Tyler, Hawks, <br /> Hutchins, 1~. <br /> (~r. Baker excused from further attendance). <br /> <br /> Public Propertyu <br /> Hon. Common Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Public Pr.ope~ty Committee respect- <br /> <br />fully reports herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Public Property Com- <br /> <br />mittee October 14-El, 1915: <br /> Re~erred by Common Council October 14th. ~ <br /> <br /> To give the Finance Committee explanation concerning bills of H. B. Wilkins for $~6.00. <br /> We report that we ~tll tur~ the bills over to the Finance Committee,~ which we think <br />eXplaim themselves. <br /> <br />(With Finance Committee).. A petition of the ~ity Sergean$ for more room for Jail prisoners. <br />: Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> A petition of the 8choot Board that it be provided with a suitable meeting place.. <br /> We report that we know of no euitable meeting place for the Board and would suggest <br />that it provide its own room in which to meet, out of 8chool Board funds. <br /> <br />Referred by two branches October 14-21st. <br /> <br />Authorized to advertise for bids to supply Jail ~pplies for the year 1914. <br /> We repor~ that this matter will be attended to. <br /> <br /> (Signed) S. B~ Hutchins, <br /> Chairman C. <br /> <br />On motion, the repart of the Committee was. adopted. <br /> <br /> Almshouse-- <br /> Hon. Oommon Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Ee authorized to do by the Common Council <br />and Board of Aldermen October 14-El, 191~, the Joint Almshouse Committee have advertised for <br />bids to furnish the Almshouse with supplies and the poor~of the City with medicines for the year <br />191~, and have received bids therefor from the followin~ named harpies: Fo~ D~v Goods <br />fro~ P~illips-Adams Co., In~., and ~he Friedlin 0o~ In~.;'~uit~, Hats. &c.,- fr-~m Bres~au~'& <br />$~th~ny; ~hoes, from The Frze~lin ~o.~ Inc., andJ. M. Be~nett;-Men!s Underwea~ from The ~ried- <br />· ~n uo and Breslauer & Antnony;"Blankete, from g. B. Davis and The Friedlin Co~, Inc.; <br />Wood, ~itvester Portsmouth Coal & Ice Co., and Prentke Place Wood & Coal Co.~ Medi- <br />cines, E.;P. Wilkins, N. ~ayle, and J. W. Booth & Bro.; and. Rations, from I: C. Brinkley. <br /> It is resommended that award be made to I. C. Brinkley to.s~ply ratzone for $~,581.6~ <br />he being the on~y bidder for same;-and that a~ards to be made to Phzllips-Adam$ 0o., Inc., to <br />~Upply DryGOOd~,1, &Ce,for ~65.4~; to Breslauer & Anthony to supply ~uits~ Hats, Ac., <br />$$; to J.. ~. Ben~ett to s~pply Shoes, for $7~.5~; to'Breetauer & Anthgny to supply Nen's U~der- <br />~ear, f~r ~51.00; t9 The Friedlin Co., Inc~ to supply Blankets, for $~6.00; to L. W. Silvester <br />mo.euppAy~od for $153.75, they being the lowest bzdders for same, the quality of the goods <br />being considered. <br /> There were three bide to supply medicines as follows: E. P. Wilkims, $.07 per pre- <br />scription$ N. G. Gayle~ $.06.per p~escription; and J. W. Booth & B~o., $.06 per prescription~ <br /> ~The majority of the Commmttee decided to recommend that award be m~de te J~ W.-Booth <br />& <br /> Er. Batlentine~-Chairman of the Committee, dissented, he believing that'the decision <br />between the equal bidders Messrs. J. W. Booth~ Bro. and N. G. Gayle should be made by lot. <br /> <br />(~lgned) Ohas. J. Withy, <br /> <br /> <br />