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24S. <br /> <br />D~cember 9, 1913. <br /> <br />ate in the City of Portsmouth, State of Virginia, and shown on the plan of the land-wanted by <br />the Oity of Portsmouth for the extension of Dinwidd;e strest, from Wythe to Harrison streets, <br />made by V. O. Cassetl, Jr., City Engineer, and~on fmls in his office: . . . , <br /> That certain lot of land, .with the appurtenances thereto, situate mn the City of Portsmouth. <br />Virginia, and boumded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the south side - <br />of Wythe street thirty-seven and seventy-one one-hundredths (S7.?1) feet easterly from the south- <br />eastern intersection of Wythe street and Fifth str.eet, and from thence r~nning southerly alone <br />a line corresponding with the west side of Dmnwiddme street if the same be extended ~outherly <br />ninety-four and fifty-two one hundredths (94.5~) feet to a point where the said line would in- <br />tersect the western line of Frederick Allen's lot; thence southeasterly along the western line <br />of Frederick Allen's lot thirty-four and nine-tenths (34.9) feet~to the eastern line of F~fth <br />s.treet; thence northeasterly and parallel with Wythe street fifty-four and four hundred and <br />emghteen one-thousandths (54.$1S)feet to a line corresponding to the eastern line of Dinwiddie <br />street if the same be extended southerly; thence northerly along said last mentioned line corres- <br />ponding ~ith the eastern side ef Dinwiddie street if extended southerly one hundred and thirty <br />and five hundred and eighty-five one thousandths (130.58B) feet to the southern side of Wythe <br />street; and thence southwesterly alone the southern side of ~ythe street sixty-four and seventy- <br />seven one hundredths (64.77) feet to the point of be~inning;~and which ~aid property is supposed <br />to be o-~nsd by Frederick Allen. <br /> Second: That certain lot of land, with the appurtenances thereto, situate in the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: ~ginning at the northeast <br />intersection of Harrison and Fifth streets, and from thence runni~ ~theasteriy along the north~ <br />side of Harrison street five and forty-five one hnndrsdths (B.45) feet to a line corresponding <br />with the eastern line of Dinwiddie 'street ii' the same be extended southerly; thence northerly <br />along said line corresponding with the eastern line of Dinwiddie street if extended southerly <br />thirty-five and sixty-five one thousandths (35.08§) feet to a point where.the said line inter- <br />sects the western line of Lizzie M. Townsend's lot; thence northwesterly along Lizzie M. Town- <br />send's line eighty-eight and fifty-five one hundredths (8@.B~) feet to t~ southern line of Fred- <br />crick. Allen's lot; thence southwesterly along Frederick Allen's line eighteen and five hundred <br />and e~ghty-three one thousandths (18.583) feet to the east side of Fifth street; and thence south- <br />easterly along the east side of Fifth street one hundred and twenty-one (1~I) feet to the point <br />of beginning; and which said property is supposed to be owned by Morris Katz. <br /> Third; That certain lot of land, with the appurtenances thereto, s~tuats in the City of <br />Portsmouth, Virginia, and b~unded and described a~ follows, to-wit: Begmnning at_a point where <br />aL. line corresponding W&~th the eastern' line of Dinwiddie street if extended southerly intersects <br />the eastern line of the lot of Norris Katz, and from thence z-arming northwesterly along said <br />Katz line and parallel with Fifth street ~ig~hty-eight' and fifty-five One hundredths (88,~5') feet <br />to the southern line of .the~lot..6fTFrede2i~A~ien~; thence southeasterly along said Allen's line <br />~and par~allel with Harrison street thirty-five and eight huncbred and thirty-five one thousandths <br />($~.8~) feet to a line corresponding with the eastern line of Dinwiddie street if the same be <br />extended southerly; and thence southerly along the said last mentioned line corresponding with <br />the easter~ line of Dinwiddie street if the same b.e exten~de.d sputhe~ly nine.ty-.five and fifty-.two <br />one hundredths (95.5E) feet to the point of beginnmng; ana wnica saia propermy ms supposed to ce <br />owned by Lizzie N. Townsend. <br /> AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Street Committee of the~City Council is hereby directed <br />to ascertain and report to the Council, at its next meeting, who are the 9wners of each piece of <br />the real estate mentioned above, and for what price each piece or any portion thereof, named as <br />aforesaid, may be purchased. <br /> <br />On motion~ the resolution was adopted and_by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Oorbitt, <br />Hall,~hite, Pettish, Hanvey, Herbert, Baker, Johnson, Goodman, Cross, Withy, <br />Tyler, Hawks, Hutchine,14. <br /> <br /> The oaths of office of the following named lately elected City Officers were presented <br /> file: P. Sl~er~ Cit~ Clerk; T. mums, City Auditor; Frank C. Hanrahan, Cmty <br /> were ordered to L. <br /> Collector, Jno. W. Happer, City Attorney~ J. H. Flemi~g,~Etreet Inspector; D. W. Murd~n, Sani- <br /> tary Inspector; Dr. Vernon ~rooks, Health Offic~ Dr. Hugh Pettish, Physician ~o Poor; J. W~ <br /> Nathews, Inspector .of PlumbmnE; Jos. F. Weav~r,. Jr., City Engineer; ~m'. ~R.~Walker, Chief of-Fire <br /> Department; Car. ey J. H~tl, Keeper of Cemeteries; E. ~. Grant, Clerk of Ma~et; John~rmght, Keep- <br /> erof Almshouse; E. H. Holloman, ~eAler of Weights & Measures; ~. T. Buntir~g, ~eve~th ~Ward Local <br /> Improvement Board; Chas.~E. Butler, ~eventh Wa~d Local Improvement B~ar~; C. W.~ De~ar~bod~y, Sev- <br />f~enth Ward Lqca2 Improvement Board; M. H. Lest~r, Sixth Ward~Local Improvement Board; and J. C. <br /> Dunford, Sixth Ward Local Improvement Board._ <br /> <br /> The boz~ds .of th~ following named City Officer~ were referred <br />C. Hanraha~ City Collector; W. E. Calvert, Deputy City ~ollector; <br />ney; and J. W. Mathews, Inspector of Plumbing. <br /> <br />to the Finance dommittee: F. <br />~no.~ N. H~ppe~ City Attor- <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Hall, .the Clerk was instructed to turn over to the Finance 'Co~mittee di- <br />'rectly all bonds put in his hands for examination by said.Committee, instead of first prese~ting <br />the bonds to the Council. <br /> <br /> The Keeper of Cemeteries ma~e the following report of lots and graves sold in t~e Oak Grove <br />Cemetery during the month of November, 1913: <br /> <br />November 6, to Henry D. B. Flowers, N. H. No. 63E, A~e. G. 14, Geo. R. Russ, adult's grave, No. 918, Ave. J. <br /> 17, Annie L. Holland~ N. H. No. 8?5, Ave. J. <br /> 18, Robert H. Royster,. child' s grave, No. ~ES, Ave. J. <br /> 18, C.W. Hyslop, No. o~6, Ave. G. <br /> Mrs. $. A. & E. M. Enniss & Miss Mildred & E. B., No. 630, <br /> 19, P.T. Bradley,. No. 871, Ave. J. <br /> Maggie A. NcLaughin, No. 865, Ave. J. <br /> <br />Ave. G. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS. <br /> <br /> ~r. H~wks called attention to the lack of lighting given by the Virginia Railway & Powe~ <br />Compan2~and moved that the Light Committee report as early a?practicable the cost of m~king ~ <br /> <br /> <br />