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'December 9, 1915, <br /> <br />Commission were present with the City Attorney and Attorney F. L. Crocker, and he moved that the <br />rules be suspended to hear from them. The motion was adopted. <br /> Mr. Wm. G. Parker, of the Com~ieaion, and Mr. Crocker and the~Cit2 Attorney sPOke on the <br />subject, and the matter was disCUssed ~s~by Messrs. Hall, White, Tyler, Withy, &c. - <br /> Then on motion of ~{r. Hall, the communication of the Mayor together with report of the Spe- <br />cial Water Committee and letter from Nr. Hasen, expert, were referred to the Special Water Com- <br />mittee of the Council for investigation and report to a Joint Session of the two branches, to be <br />called at such time as may be deemed desirable therefor. <br /> N~r. P~wks moved to have printed for distribution among members of the Council and citizens <br />who may desire same, copies of proposed contract and'accompanying papers submitted by the Com- <br />mittee. The motion was adopted. <br /> On motion of N~. Baker, of ~onfidence was extended to the Board of Water Commission <br />for its wise and famthful s~rvioes in connection with the City wate~ plant. <br /> <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS. <br /> <br /> First. Matters adopted by the Common Council November llth and referred to the Board of <br />Aldermen for concurrence. <br /> <br /> To transfer from Washington Street Improvement fund to Incinerator fund $~56.tS~ for <br />tion of the Incinerator for the balance of the year. <br /> Referred to ~i~ance Committee. <br /> <br />opera- <br /> <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes to amount of $177,000.00 due in December~and $50, <br />O00~00 due Street Paving Bond Account. <br /> Concu~vred in. <br /> <br /> To ~efer to Ferry Committee present condition of the fer~y boats; and to refer to Ferry <br />Committee, with City Attorney, to look into the advisability of petitioning the next' Legislature <br />to modify the law under which the Councils now act in the m;nner of leasing the ferries. <br /> Laid on the table. <br /> <br /> To refer to Finance Committee the advisability of the City incorporating the Six;h and Sev$ <br />enth Wards under the terms and conditions prescribed by law for same. <br /> Referred to Annexation Committee and City Atterme~, <br /> <br /> To authorize the Public Property Committee to obtain plans for fitting up City basement <br /> rooms in the Court House or offices in the Armistead Building, for City offices; and to get the <br /> co-operation of Norfolk County in taking down the fence and coping around the Court House yard. <br />Amended so as to authorize the Public Propert2 0ommittee to obtain plans for fitti;g <br />up City basement rooms in the Court House for Oity offices; and to get the co-operation of Nor- <br />'folk County in taking down the fence and coping around the Court House yard. <br /> <br /> To refer to Ordinance <br />codified ordinances of the <br /> Ooncurred in. <br /> <br />Committee, <br />City. <br /> <br />with City Attorney, <br /> <br />to examine.and report on revised and <br /> <br /> The matter of appointment of a ~pecial Committee to whom the <br />Railway Offices should be referred, which was referred to the Board of <br />was ordered to lie on the table by.the Board. <br /> <br />question of the S~ A. ~L. <br />Aldermen for concurrence, <br /> <br />Second~ Communications from the Mayor. <br /> <br /> The Nayor r~turned his approval of the following matters adopted by the two branches of <br />City Council November ll-IS, t91~: <br /> $~75.00, o~ as much~s may be necessary, the roof an~ gutter of the City Jail. <br /> To allow Almshouse bm~l,s to amount of $~69.$4, out of appropriation to Almshouse. <br /> To allow sixth Ward-bil~ to amount of $9S8.B~, out ~of .Sixt~ Ward funds. <br /> To allow Seventh Ward blmls tO amount o~ $~1.~$, out of Seventh Ward £unds. <br /> To make award ~o O. L. ~Williams for improvement of Pearl street, in the Seventh Ward, fo~ <br />SZ, SZS~?6. <br /> . .T~ make award to I. C. Brinkley to supply ~ations to the Almshouse, for $Z, 581.~?, Phillips- <br />Adams ~o.~ inc., to supply Dry ~Goods, &c., for $~5.4~; Breslauer & Anthony to supply 8ui.ts, Hats, <br />&c., fo~ $Z57.85; J. M. Bennett to supply Shoes, for $7~.50; Breslauer ~ Anthc~ny to supply Nen's <br />Under~a~, for $51.09; The'Friedlin Co., Inc., to supply Blankets, for $36.00; L. W. Sxlvester <br />to supply'$15S..?5. <br /> To allow bill of Smith R. Brlttingham for $~O,00, for work of revising and codifying the <br />City Ordinances. <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes to amount of $177,000.00 due .in December and $5~, <br />000.00 due Street Paving Bond Account. <br /> <br />Third. Reports of Officers and other unfinished business. <br /> <br /> The regular reports of Officers for the month of November, 1913, were presented and were <br />ordered to take the usual course. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hawks, Chairman af the Street .Committee, presented the following resolution in connec- <br />tion with the extension of Dinwiddie street .southward: <br /> <br /> "~K~EREAS, the C~uncit of the City cE Portsmouth deems it expedient and has by several <br />solutions undertaken ta make it possible for the extension ol Dinwiddie street, from Wythe to <br />Harrison streets, and whereas an appropriation of ~7,.500.00 has baen allowed-in the budget of <br />191Z for that purpose, <br /> WAND WHEREAS, the properties ~e~einafter'mentioned and de'scribed are needed for extending <br />and opening up the said Dinwiddie street from the southern side of Wythe street to the northern <br />side of Harrison ~treet, <br /> "NOW, T~.~REFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Portsmouth that, pursuant <br />to authorit~ vested in it by the laws of the State of Virginia, the said City acquire by put- <br /> <br /> <br />