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R. C. P. <br /> <br />D~cem~er 9, 1915. <br /> <br />mouth and her citizens by the Virginia Railway & Power Company, under its contract of August 19, <br />1910o The motion was adopted. <br />.... Mr. Tyler called attention Itc the fact .that a machine ~o~ t~sti~g illumination had been <br />vided for in the contract for _street lighting .at .a cost of about $40G.00,. and he moved that an <br />appropriation for same be referred to .the Finance Committee. · The motion ~as .adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Johnson moved to refer to Wate~ ~C~mmittee to p~o~id~ for a hyd~an~ at the corner of <br />South and Efflngham streets. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> ~r. Hawks moved that the Ordinance Committee be requested to prepare ~an ordinance requiring <br />the Virginia Railway ~ Power Company to sprinkle streets over which ~it operates ca~s in the City~ <br />so as to effectually keep the dust down while the cars are in operation. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> Nr. Hall moved that $1~.00 be appropriated to pay the expenses of~Wm. Hodges Baker as a del- <br />egate to convention in Richmond December l?th to discuss and formulate plans for improved City <br />government. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> On motioE of Er. Baker, two rooms in the Armistead Building were set a$'~de for a public lib- <br />rary, .under supervision of the Ladies Library Association. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tyler moved tha~ the CZty Engineer be instructed to see that crossings ~being placed by <br />the Virginia Railway & Power Company on First street are constructed in accordance with contract <br />for ~same~ The motion was a~o~ted. <br /> Mr. ~ross moved to amend so as to include crossings on upperHigh street. The amend- <br />ment was adopted. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Withy, t~ Street Committee was instructed to investigate the payment of <br /> three street hands for Thanksgiving Day. <br /> <br />$hat the Auditor be instructed to pay off the City laboring force in Janu- <br />ary, i914, for work done in December, 1~1~, and to pay all properly approved bills of the several <br />City Departments ~ecoming due %n 1914. <br /> The motion Was adopted and by the followiag vote: <br /> Ayem-~Corbitt, Hall, White, <br /> Parri~h~ Hanvey, Herbert, Baker, Johnson, Goodman, Cross, Withy, Tyler, Hawks, <br /> Hutch~ns, Beisel, Cooke, Saund~rs, ~?. <br /> Mr. Wi~y moved to re'er to Finance Committee for an increase 'of pay to amount of $10.00 <br />per month for the Keeper of Almshouse. The motion was adopted.~ <br /> <br /> The following resolution offered by Mr. Goodman was adopted: <br /> "Resolved, That the City'0oun- <br />oil request the representative in the Legislature from this City to bring in a bill to amend <br />the act creating the office and specifying the Jurisdiction of the Civil and Police Justice so <br />as to make the jurisdiction of that officer extend to the same amount in any claim for specific <br />personal property that it does now for any debt? fine, or other money, or to .damages for any. <br />breach of contract, or for any injury done to property, ~real or personal." <br /> <br /> '~m~tion of Mr. Goodman, the matter of inefficient service given by ~he Te~phone Company <br />was referred to Public Property Committee. <br /> <br /> Mr. Goodman offered the following resolution which was adopted: <br /> "WHEREAS, It is manifest to <br />t~e Council, to citizens at large, and to visitors outside of the City, that the present accom- <br />modations for a City Jail are entirely inadequate and in several other respects unsatisfa~tbry, <br /> "RESOLVED, That the Public Property Committee be instructed t~ ascertain if a suitable lo- <br />cation for a Jail can not be provided somewhere else and to report to the Councils as soon as <br />practicable the cost of such location and cost also of building thereon a larger and more modern <br />structure. <br /> "RES0LVEDFURTP~R, That said Committee ascertain whether the City's half of present Jail <br />can not be disposed of to Norfolk <br /> <br />able, <br /> <br />Mr. Hall moved that the $5,000.00 appropriated for Xing's Daughters Hospital be made avail- <br /> and the motion was adopted by the following vote: <br /> Ayesl-Oorbitt, Hall, ~hite, Parrish, <br /> Hanvey, Herbert, Bake=, Jonson, Goodman, Cross~ Wmthy, Tyler, Hawks, Hutchins, 14. <br /> <br /> A copy of the proposed Budget of the Fire Department, submitted by the Chief of said Depart- <br />ment~ was referred to~r_e~Oomml~e~e~ ~ <br /> A request was read from the Treasurer to borrow $~0,000.00 from t'he Board of Sinking Fund <br />C~mmissioners to meet current expenses for January, 1914; and also to borrow $15,000.00 for Public <br />~chools for January and February, .1914. ,~ <br /> On motion, the request to borrow SE0,000.00 from Sinking Fund Comm_issioners was refer- <br />red to Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners and the request to borrow $15,000.00 for Public Schools <br />was referred to the Finance. Committee. ~ <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br /> <br />