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~ecember 9, 191~. <br /> <br /> "Acting, as I believed, for the best interest of the City, a general meeting was called of <br />representative citizens and at this meeting a~sub-committee, composed of Capt. Jno. W. Happer, <br />Mr. Frank L. Crocker, Mr.~ E. R. Barkedale, Mr. Jno. Howard Hall, Dr. }Jos. Grice, Mr. Nm. Parker <br />and Dr. F. S. Hope, wac appointed to handle the question. <br /> · With no other purpose save the City's interest, I have the honor to submit to you this re- <br />port with the recommendation that it be accepted, unless something better is offeredj <br /> <br />(Signed) F.S. Hope, <br /> Mayor." <br /> <br />Report of the Special Wate~ Committee: <br /> <br /> "To the Honorable City 0ouncil of the City of Portsmouth: <br />. "The Committee herein mentioned, <br /> which was called together by the Mayor of the City, desires to sub,it ~o your'honorable bodies <br /> the following report: <br /> "Some time in 1911, whsn both the cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk were considering the ques- <br /> tion cf a new or additional water supply for themselves, the Board of Water Commissioners of the <br /> City of Portsmouth, which was~reated by an.act of the Legislature, and the Water Commission of <br /> the City of Norfolk, which was appointed by the Council of Norfolk~ began the consideration of <br /> the question of the expediency or practicability of the two cities unitings in some way, in a <br /> Joint water supply. A number of conferences was had between the two commissions on this subject. <br /> Largely as anoutcome of these conferences, the Legislature i~ 191S passeA several acts which <br /> had for their purpose the authorizing cities to either unSte in a joint water supply, or one City <br /> to furnish the other with water,upon certain terms a~d conditions mentioned in the acts. After <br /> the adjournment of the Legislature O~ 191S, the two commissions had several conferences which <br /> resulted in a proposition from Norfolk for the joint aoquisitionand operation by the two cities <br /> of the Portsmouth, Berkley and ~uffolk Water Comnany and the Portsmouth ~uburban Na~er Compamy~ <br /> T~e terms upon which thiswas to be done were no~ acceptable to the Portsmouth Commission, as ~t <br /> dmd not think they were beneficial to She~City of Portsmouth. The negotiations between the two <br /> Oommissione were then practically broken off. and the Council of Norfolk appointed a 9ommittee <br /> to confer with a li~e ~ommittee to be appointed by the Council of Portsmouth, to consmder the <br /> water situation. The Co,mncil of Portsmouth, however, never appointed its committee. The nego- <br /> tiations were again ta~_en up between the water commissions cf the two cities for the considera- <br /> tion of the expediency of a pla~ by which Norfolk was to acquire the Portsmouth, Berkley~and <br /> ~folk Water Company and the ~burbam Water Company and fttrnish water to the City of Portsmouth <br /> ~d the terrimory within a radius of two miles cf its corporate limits, as they now exist, <br /> yhere~fter be extended. After these negotiations hadreached a point where the matte= had <br />taken some tangible shape, the Portsmouth Commission'bromght the matter to the attention of the <br />May~r ~f the City of Portsmouth. Whereupon, the Mayor called a conference of the presiding of- <br />ficer of each branch of the City Council, the members of the_joint Finance Committee, and of the <br />Joint Water Committee, several other members from each branch of the Council, the Board of <br />Commissioners, the City Attorney,.the City Clerk~ the counsel for the Board of ~ater COmmission- <br />ers~ and several representative cmtizens, to advmse with him about the matter. At this meeting <br />a number of suggestions were made am to certain ~changes in the proposition submitted, and a sub- <br />committee was appointed to meet with the Norfolk Water Commission and discuss.these ohanges and <br />additions. This sub-committee had several conferences with the Norfolk Commission and reported <br />back to the general committee the results of thei~ conferences, ~oget~e~ with the suggested con- <br />tracts to be entered into between the two cities, in the event the proper authorities of said <br />cities should deem it wise to enter into an arrangement by which Norfolk was to furnish Ports- <br />mouth with water. At that general meeting the following resolution was adopted: <br />~ ."That the Mayor be requested to present to the Councils the propositions submitted to this <br />meeting ~y the ~ater commission of the City of Norfolk for supplymng the City of Portsmouth with <br />wate~,'wxth suc~papers as he may th~nkproper to Offer with such p~oposition,, <br /> "~co. py~e~ a;iette~... ~.. ~ from Mr. ~At~an HaZen, the water expert emp~o~md· by Norfolk, to the NOr- <br />f~kCommissien, is ~iled rherewith, together with ~he last draft of the suggested contracts and <br />a te%ter of th~Norfclk Commission. <br /> "The suggested contract provides, in general terms, that the City of Norfolk is to <br />Portsmouth, B~kley and ~uffol~ ~ater and. t~e Portsmouth ~uburban ~ater Cemzpany, andto <br />ope=at? the two plants, together w~th mrs owm municipmlwater p!~nt, and to furnish to ~he City <br />cf ~or;smouth~ free of charge, all water necessary for sewers. ~lre -hydrants. nublic ~buildin;s. <br />schools and-ali other City.purposes, and to furnzeh to persons wzthzn the corporate lzmxts of <br />the City of P0;temouth, a~ they nqw exist, or may hereafter be ex~ended, and ~ithin a radius <br /> les of sa~d corporate limit~,, water~o~ the same quality, and at the same rates, that is <br /> Consumers of ~he Samg class in Norfolk; that the money coming in from the operation <br /> ;em to be used in the cost of operation and maintenance, payment of interest <br /> for a sinking fund, and betterments, &c., t~ the wmter system itself, none <br /> from said~ater enterprise tcgo into the general treasury of the City. of <br /> he profits of said water enterprise, the City 9f Portsmouth is to .be paid back, <br /> ye ~s, of the mone~ it in c~nnection with the Por~smonth MUnicipal <br /> Plant, for rights of way~ diggiDg canal, and all other;expenses <br /> ~neys p ~f~r~ of ~smouth t~ ~ecure it~ ow~ w~ter ;upDly; and a~tso~ to p~v to <br /> ~k the incurred by £~s water ~cmmission, the amount to be paidNorfolk, <br /> ,.eXoee amount pard tO Portsmouth; Norfolk. to maintain an offige in Portsmouth for ~he <br /> ~ti0nOf rater rents~ &c., an mnnual a~t robe made of theoperatxon of the entire water- <br /> system ~y a certified ac~cu~nt, and & copy of said audit to be sent to the councils of <br /> of the c~ties ~d of A~ltration to settle disputes between the two cities ;rowing out <br /> ~ · of Po=ts~outh to gi~e Norfolk~ thirty year .franchise fox ~he use of <br /> f~anchise is to be renewe~ e~ch thirty year period for the next thirty years, <br /> to make it perpetual. <br /> "This-C~ as we~tl as t~e:Water Commission, i~ what ~hey have done hav~ been actuated <br />by and ha~a endeavo=e~ tO have tlhe~s~ggested agreement put in s~ch <br />as e. t~ bot~ of the .communities c~ncerned, and they now su~mit to you the <br /> result of their labors for your oameful consideration. <br /> <br />~Ve=y respectfully, <br /> <br />Hope, <br /> Mayor and Chairman." <br /> <br /> <br />