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302, <br /> <br />~u~st ll, 19t4. <br /> <br />to:furnish the City with a complete'telephone and telegraph system, without flash lights, for <br />$;8, 990. O0. <br /> We report that said system has been installed, is acceptable to the Committee, and it is <br />recommende'd that said amount of $2,990. be paid The Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., as pro- <br />vided in its contract therefor. <br /> (Signed) W.J. Cross, <br /> Chairman C. C. <br /> <br /> The report having been read, on motion, same was adopted, the recommended appropriation of <br />$2,990. being referred to Finance Committee. · . <br /> · The~Ohairm~n of the ?.ommitte.e then mo~ed.a reconsideration of the motion just adopted_ <br />~iz: .~lx~Pz~a. tim'x!.O~ ~,'99~0G.~0~ ~h~ ~ele~pne/a~d ~.eteg~h sF~e~' ~o ~he. Fi <br />~am~e Co~ittee~ .stating .%~t the~ ~s~e~ ~baen .in~:~p~a~lon for~ fi~e '~ :~x mosths, ~was '~a- <br />~i.sfacte=y ~e ~Me O0~i:~tee, ~d t~t/the ~hiil _should 'be paid_by this. ~o~cil snd n6t ca~=i~ <br />~ve= ~o the ~ew <br /> The motion 1~o reconsider was adopted and on motion also, the rules were suspended to take <br />up the appr~riati~ of $~,990.00. <br /> It wac next moved tha~ the appropriation be made available ~t the motion was lost ~d <br />by the following vote: <br /> Ayes~Oorbitt. ~11, ~nvey, White, <br /> ~ Cress, Tyler, Hawks, 9. <br /> Nays--Patti eh, Moore, <br /> <br /> Then the app=opria~ion was again referred to Fimance <br /> <br />UNF INISPI~.D BUSINESS. <br /> <br /> First. Matters adopted by the Common Council July 14th and referred to Board of Aldermen <br />for concurrence. <br /> To instruct the City Attorney to effect a compromise atJ$5,000, in suit of E. F. Barbour <br />against City of Portsmouth for $30,000., on account of injuries received by him~cn First street. <br /> <br /> To authorize the City Treasure= to renew notes to amount of <br />July, 1914. <br /> <br /> To authorize the City Treasurer to renew notes to amount of <br />August, 1914. <br /> <br /> To refer to Finance Committee, with power to act, to make available $4, 240. for <br />chased for extension of Dinwiddie street. <br /> <br />$~0~860.55, falling.due in <br />$47, i0B.95, falling due in <br /> <br /> land put- <br /> <br /> To authorize the Board of Health to continue for two years present contract for removal.of <br />night soil f~om ~ixth and Seventh Wards, at the rate charged for last three years. <br /> <br /> To allow the Chief of Fire Department to use the playground in Wythe street week of August <br />24-P£th, to hold a carnival for the purpose of entertaining the Virginia State Fi=em~$ Associ- <br />ation on Augus~ ~6-~2-P~Sth, and ~lso to exempt same from payment of a license tax; with mnder- <br />standing that the grounds be left in a cleanly condition when the carnival leaves the City. <br /> <br />To authorize the Fire Committee to advertise for bids to sell a horse in the Fire Department. <br /> <br /> To allow the City Engineer to exceed 1/12-of annual appropriation for ~Repair to Streets," <br />during July, Au.gust and September, in order to catchup withwor~ made On account of unusua~ <br />number of cuts ~n streets, together ~ith znstructione from Council to lower curb boxes.. <br /> <br /> To ~uthorize the Auditor to make final.payment for repairs to market house, on approval by <br />Public Property Committee. <br /> <br /> To refer to Street Committee and City Attorney to look into advisability cf entering suit <br />to recover fr~m parties responsible the amount of money agreed upon in connection with compromise <br />suit or E. F. Barbour against the City. <br /> <br /> All of the above were concurred in, except to authorize the Fire Committee to advertise <br />for bids to sell a horse in the Fire D~partment. <br /> <br /> The Board concurred also in all recommendation of Committees adopted by the Common <br />Council July 14th, e~cept recommendation of ~treet Committee to make award to A. F. Fiynn to <br />construct concrete sidewalks on the south side of Anne street, from Owens to Armstrong, and on <br />the north side of Randolph street, ~from First to Second, a~d for constructing concret~ ~urb and <br />gutter on both sides of Caroline street, west o~ Green, W~ich recommendatio$~srecommitted; and <br />also recommendation of Public Proper~y Oommittee ~ith r~gard te charge for ~e~al~of stalls in <br />the Market House, which recommendation was recommmtted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tyler, Chairman of the Ordinance and Public Pmope~ty Committees, remarked that, as <br />the ordinance had 'ust been ad ted in regard to regulating the meat market and while the Board <br /> · J op . . ~ ~ <br />of~Aldermen at rte last meeting had objected to the action of the Common Council July 1 ~h, he <br />now believed the Board had misunderstood ~the proposition and the~efore,~ld make no further <br />objection to it. <br />· Hence, he moved that the Board be notified that the Common Council adhered to its <br />action of July 14th in regard to said regulationa for the meat marked. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br />~econd. Communications from the Mayor. <br /> <br /> A communication was received from the Mayor asking that the appropriation of $150. allowed <br />in ~he Budget for "Catching Dogs" be made available. <br /> On motion, the request was referred to Finance Oommlttee. <br /> <br />The Mayor returned also :his approval of the following matters adopted by ~he two branches <br /> <br /> <br />