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Octobe'r 13~ 1914. <br /> <br /> On motion, the resolution was concurred in and the President authorized to appoint the <br />Committee from this body. <br /> A communication from Harry A. Alexander in regard to selling to the City his prope:~ty for <br />the extension of Hatton street, from London to High, was referred to the Street Committee. <br /> And the following other matters were referred to: <br /> ~Finance Committee-- A petition of <br />W. H. Shackelford to be paid $9.34, one-half month's salary as Secretary of the Seventh Ward <br />Board. <br /> (With Police Committee~) A communi~ation from the Superintendent of ~the Fire Alarm System <br />~to the Mayor concerning the condition of the police telephone wires. <br /> A communication from the American Surety Company in regard to obtaining cancellation of <br /> the bond for the <br /> (With Public Property Committee) A bill of C. S. Sherwood to amount of $~5.00, for care <br /> of the City Hall clock for the year ending June SO, 1914. <br /> A petition of F. W. Richardson to be refunded $1.80 paid in error for night soil tax in <br /> the Seventh Ward for the year i~13. <br /> A petition of L. T. Walker to be refunded $1.80 paid in error for night Soil tax for the <br />year 1913. <br /> A petition of Mrs. Lizzie A. Benson to be refunded $10.80 paid for erroneous assessment of <br /> night soil tax for the years 1913 and 19i4. <br /> A petition of Ed. S. Murphy to be refunded $1B.30 paid in excess for taxes for the years <br /> 1915 and 1914, in the name of Jno. Thcs. Murphy. <br /> Abstracts of judgments against the City in case of A. J. Phillips & T. J. Wool <br /> with interest and cost, and in case of E. Parks Lindsay for $9i6.?~, with interest and cost; ac~ <br /> companied by a communication from the City Attorney conc_ern~ng said. ju.dg~m?.nt~s:. ~^ <br /> A bill of the Portsmouth, Berkley & Suffolk Water oo. to amount om $~z, ozz.~o, for increas- <br /> ed hydrant rental on account of taxes levied and .collected for the years 1905-191E~ inclusive, <br /> with interest. <br /> Bills of the Portsmouth, Berkley & Suffolk Water Co. against the Sixth Ward, to amount of <br /> $~5, for three~ +m. ont~s ending September $0, 191~4, balance due $E, 868.63, ~ith interest; and a- <br /> gainst the Seventh Ward to amount of $~75, for three months.ending September 30, 1914, balance <br /> due $~,855.67~ with interest. <br /> A communication from the Commissioner of Revenue concerning over assessment on the City <br /> banks for the year 191~. <br /> A petition of Mrs. Nattie O. Gee to have refunded her $3.60 paid in error for night soil <br /> tax for the years 1913 and 1914. <br /> Resolution of the School Board for a levy of $.BO on the $i00. of assessed values of real <br /> and personal property within the City, for Public ~chooi ~urpoees exclusively. <br /> <br /> Street Committee-- <br /> A request of the Park Commission ~or permission to have transplanted <br />a sufficient number of oak trees ~ow on the Almshouse farm to the park site. <br /> <br /> Public Property Committee-- <br /> A request of the City Treasurer and City Collector that the bill~ <br />of J. S. Wright for painting and papering their off. ices be allowed. <br /> <br /> Ordinance Committee-- <br /> To consider the advisability of an ordinance to require wood dealers <br />to give exact measure and t~ ~ee tha~eme .o~e~'has/auth~ri~y ~o.~i~speo~ ~a~ds~sui~see~tha~same <br />is'car~ied~ou%. ~ ~. <br /> <br /> Cemetery Committee-~ <br /> A request of L. S. Stephenson and J. C. Ellis for the transfer of a <br />cemetery lot from J. S. Perry, W. E. C~threll, L. ~. Stsphenson and J. C. Ellis to L. S.. ~tephen- <br />son and J. C. Ellis. <br /> A request of Mrs. Viola Ballentine to have her deed-for a cemetery lot transferred to Mrs. <br />Sarah~Martin. <br /> <br /> Water & Sewerage Committee-- <br /> A petition of Jos, F. Oulpapper and sundry other residents of <br />the Sixth Ward for a hydrant at K~rt~h street and Eleventh avenue. <br /> <br /> Ferries'& Public DoC-ks .Committee-- <br /> A communication from _the Consolidated Investment Com- <br />pany offering for sale to the Cit~ for a Municipal Dock, the "Oat Hole" pro9erty. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Hanvey, the fo'ii'wing matters were referred ~o Finance Committee: <br /> ~ To have <br />deducted from^$?~500, due the Sixth and Seventh Wards by the Virginia Ry. & Powe~ Co. amounts <br />advanced by the ity to these Wards. <br /> Matter of making arrangements for the' City's floating debt. <br /> Delinquent real estate tax list for the year l~l~ now in the h~ude of the City Collector, <br /> (With City Attorney) Matter of collecting a bill against the D~lby, Nottingham Co. for the <br />removal of dead horses from its premises. <br /> To make available $150. allowed in the Budget for "Catching Dogs." <br /> An additional appropriation for the Police Department in connection with the "State-wide <br />election." <br /> (With Fire Committee) A bill of J. C. Miller & Co. to amount of $~0.00, for a horse p-om- <br />chased for the Fire Department. <br /> (With City Attorney) A communication from the State Treasurer to the City Treasurer in re- <br />gard to holding up payment to the Employers' Indemnity Co.~ of PhiladeI~hia, Pa. <br /> Payment. for the Police Telephone. System. <br /> A communication from The Merchants' & Farmers' Bank in regard to $~5. S5 Paid by said Bank <br />for interest'on City coupons during August and September. <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to makes notes to amount of SEO,O00.O0 to meet Current Expenses <br />of the City for the month of November~ 1914. <br /> <br /> <br />