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R. C. P. <br /> <br />October 1S, 19.14. <br /> <br /> A repo~t of th$ Auditor o~ follow~ing balls held up by him,~.because of 1Ack of appropriation <br />for same: ~olice, $8.8B; Public Property, $18.00; Sixth Ward, SEE0.00. <br /> It is recommended Shat Police and Public Property bills be paid out of. any unexpended <br />balances to credit of these DeDartments, and that the SEEQ. for the Sixth .Ward be allowed out <br />of funds for eaid Ward. <br /> <br /> Referred by Common Council September ~6th. <br /> <br />Matter of publishing the "Mayor's Annual Message for 191Z." <br /> It is recommended that said "Message" be published at a cost of $1Z5.00. <br /> <br /> (Signed) J.T. Hanvey, <br /> ~ Chairman C. Cj <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes--Corbitt, Herbert, Branch, White, Burgess, <br /> Hutohins, Whitehurst, Flemming, Reynolds, <br /> Houghton, Baldwin, See, 18. <br /> <br />Streets-- <br /> <br />Cain, Hanvey, Moore, <br />Wright, Morgan, Wright (Grover C. ), <br /> <br />Hon. Common Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Street <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint <br /> <br />Committee respectfully reports <br /> <br />Street Committee- September 8-15, <br /> <br />19i~: <br /> Referred by C~mmon Council September Sth. <br /> <br /> (W~th'Firs Committee) Attention called by the Superintendent <br />the deplorable condition of the City fire alarm wires. <br /> P~ogress as to same. <br /> <br />of the Fire Alarm System, to <br /> <br /> Referred by Board of Aldermen September 15th. <br /> <br /> Attention called to condition of the gutter on the north side of North street, near the <br />intersection of Dinwiddie. <br /> We report that this matter has been referred to the City Engineer for correction. <br /> <br /> To consider the condition of the driveway on Chestnut street, between Leckie street and <br />Naval avenue, near the King's Daughters' Hospital. <br /> Th~ City Engineer has been instructed to obtain estimates for improving the condition <br />of this driveway. <br /> <br /> Advisability of curbing amd guttering Wythe st~eet,~etween Cour~ and Third. <br /> The City Engineer ~s been instructed to obtain estimates for curbing and guttering <br />said street, and report to the Committee. <br /> <br /> Advisability of paving Lincoln street, between:Sixth and Washington. <br /> We report that we have instructed the City Engineer to obtain estimates for said paving <br /> <br /> To look into the matte~ of building a garage in Columbia street, near the S. A. L. shops. <br /> We have looked into this matter and report that this' garage is on private property. <br /> <br /> To 10ok into the question of~was~e water from the factory of the Portsmouth Coal & Ice Co., <br />making a-nuisance in the streets adjoining. <br /> It is recommended that this matter be referred to the Mayor. <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that the Commi'ttee be authorized to bring to Portsmouth Mr. <br />R. B. Preston, engineer for the City in charge of the wor~ on upper High street, for a confer- <br />ence with the Committee in regard to a bill of F. J. Mc~umre to amount of $3.~4~.S4 for work <br />done by him on said street; and also that an appropriation not in excess of $$O. be allowed for <br />the purpose. <br /> _ (Signed) Jos. S. Moore, <br /> Chairman C. C. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted, the recommended appropriation of $~0. <br />to pay expenses of bringing to Portsmouth Mr. R. B. Preston ~eing referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> Public Property-- Hon. Common Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Public Property Committee respect- <br />fully reports herein concerning the following m4tters referred to the Joint Public Property Com- <br />mittee September Sth, 1914: <br /> <br /> Ref'erred by Common Council september 8th. <br /> <br /> (With Finance Committee) A request of the City Sergeant for a new heater At the City Jail. <br /> We report that we have conferred with the Finance Committee concerning this heater and <br />concur with said Committee in recommending that an appropriation not in excess of $?5.00 beal- <br />lowed to put said heater in condition for use during the coming winter. <br /> <br /> It Ss further recommended that we be authorized to advertise for bids to furnish the <br />several City Departments .with f~el for lhe incoming season. <br /> <br /> ~Signed) M.~T. Cain, <br /> Chairman C. C. <br /> <br />311. <br /> <br /> <br />