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?. C. P. <br /> <br />October ~$~h, 1914. <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting of the Common Council Cctober l&th there were present: <br /> Messrs--N C. Corbitt, President C. H. Herbert, Vice-President, <br /> T.~ F. White, E~ S. Burgess, J. T. Hanvey, ~.os. S. Moor <br /> C. E. Hutchins, J~ Byron Whitehurst, H. L. Flossing, <br /> H. C. Reynolds, Earl H. Wright: W. D. Morgan. Grover C. Wright, <br /> S. B. Houghton, F. P. Baldwin, <br /> The minutes of the regular meetin~ ~eptember Sth, Joint Session September l&th: and' special <br />meetings September EB.~h and ESth, were~ ~ead and were alSp_r~v~d. <br /> Mr. Burgess stated that the resignation of Mr. L. B. Ptummer, a member of the body. from <br />the First Ward, was in the ~uds of the Clerk, and as the o~her representatives from the body <br />from t~t Ward were prepared to make nomination to fill the vacancy thereon, caused by Mr. Plum- <br />net's resignation, he would move a suspension of .the ~lles with a view to filling said vacancy. <br /> The motion was adopted. Mr. Burgess then nomina~ted Mr. J. H. Branch to fill the ~acan- <br />cy and there being no othe~ nominations, he was elected and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes--Corbitt, Herbert, Whit.e, Burgess, F~aivey: M,oo_re, Hut_O,hin?., W.h~tehurst~ <br /> Flemming, Reynolds, Wright, Morgan, Wr~g~ ~rove~ ~.~, Hougnmon, <br /> Baldwin, See, 16. <br /> <br />Mr. Branch, who was present, <br /> <br />Auditing-~ <br /> <br />September, 1~14, and he recommended payment of same to the following amounts: <br /> <br />the City Proper; $110.O0 for the Sixth ~ard; and $~$~.98 for the Seventh Ward. <br /> <br /> On motion~the bills were allowed and by the following yote: <br /> Ayes--Corbitt, Herbert, <br /> Branch, White, Burgess, Hanvey, Moore, Hutch~ns, Wh~tehurst~ Flemming, Reynolds, <br /> Wright, Morgan, Wright (Grover C.)~ Houghtom, Batdw~n, See: 17. <br /> <br /> Finance-- (Present Mr. Cain). <br /> Hon. Common Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Finance Committee respectfully reports <br /> <br /> came forward and was qual~fmed for Ofz~ce y the Clerk. <br /> <br /> BEPORT8 OF OO}~ITTEES. <br /> <br />The Auditor reported having examined bills against the City for the month'of <br /> <br /> $5,177.8~ for <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Finance Committee September 8-~, <br /> <br />1914: <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council September 8th. <br /> <br />Repor$1s of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Sixth and Seventh Ward Boards for August, 1914. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> A request of She Treasurer to make no~es to amount of SEO,O00.O0, to meet Current Expenses <br />for October, 1914. <br /> It is recommended that said request be granted and that the following resolution be <br />adopted therefor: <br /> Resolved~ That the Treasurer be~ and he is hereby, authorized to make notes <br />in The Merchants' & Earmers' Bank, The Bank of Portsmouth, the Bank of Tidewater, and The First <br />National Bank of Portsmouth, to a~ount of Twenty Thousand Dollars, to meet Current Expenses for <br />~ctober, 1914; said amount to be repaid from revenues of the City for the current year.~ <br /> <br /> (With Public Property Committee) A request ef the City Sergeant.for a new.~heater for the <br />City Jail. <br /> that we have conferred with the Public Property Committee menoerning this <br />heater~ have agreed that an expenditure not to exceed $?5. will put it in condition for use dur- <br />ing the coming winter, and recommen~hat said amount be appropriated therefor. <br /> <br /> A~biit of the League of Virginia Municipalities <br />ue for the year 1914. <br /> It is recommended that said bill be paid. <br /> <br />~o amount of $B4.00, <br /> <br />for dues to <br /> <br />said Leag- <br /> <br /> To appropriate $15,000.00, or any pa~t of same, to de, ray expenses of the Public Schools <br />for the balance of the fiscal year. ~ <br /> It is recommended ~hat $15,000. be appropriated for same and that the following reso- <br />lution be adopted therefor: <br /> Resolved, That the ~reasurer be, and he is hereby~ authorized to <br />make notes in The Merchants' & Farmers' Bank, The Bank of Portsmouth, the Ban~of Tidewater, and <br />The First National Bamk of Portsmouth~ to amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00), te <br />meet expenses 0£ the Public Schools for the balance of the fiscal year; said amount to be repaid <br />from revenues of the City for the current year. <br /> <br /> A report of Hilton, Rawlings Co. for auditing the City books, accompanied by a bill fo~ <br />$1,4B0.00 for doing such work. <br /> l~mav~examini~g said report, ~eport Progress as ~o .same; but recommend that the bill <br />for auditing be allowed. <br /> <br /> To make available one-half of the appropriation of $500. allowed in the Budget for the "Or- <br />phan Asylum." and t~ make said amount Dayable to the Treasurer of said institution. <br /> is recommended that $P~50. be made Svai!A~le for the "Orphan Asylum" and that same <br />be made payable to the Treasurer of said institution. <br /> <br />To make available $B15.00 aliov~d_~._~?~u~ for the "Board of Quarantine Commissioners." <br /> <br /> <br />