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324, <br /> <br />November i0, 1914. <br /> <br /> Rules for the government of the Council of the City of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> To refer to Joint Water & Sewerage Cormmittee for proper interpretation <br />tween the City of Portsmouth and the Portsmouth, Berkley & Suffolk Water Co. <br /> <br />of the contract be- <br /> <br /> The above were concurred in. <br /> Third. Matters adopted by the Board of Aldermen October 20th and referred to the Common <br />Council for concurrence. ~ <br /> To refer to a special committee of five the matter of gas rates, quality and all other con- <br />ditions of gas furnished by ~any gas company to the citizens of Portsmouth and all or any matters <br />relating to the rights and privileges of gas companies doing business in the City of Portsmouth. <br /> To authorize the Almshouse Committee to advertise for bids to supply rations, clothing, &c., <br />for the Almshouse and medicines for the poor of the City for the year 1915. <br /> <br /> To authorize the Public Property Committee to advertise for bids to furnish Jail Supplies. <br /> <br /> To instruct the City Collector to collect rents from the occupants of property lately ac- <br />quired by the City fo~ the opening of Dinwiddie street from the time the City pamd for said <br />property, the rent to be not less than ten dollars each. <br /> <br /> With regard to_ section instruoting the Oi. ty Collec~or to ooll~ct~ ~ents from the occu- <br />pants of property at the foot of Dinwi~die street, the following amendment was submi~.t~d: that <br />the store at the corner of F~rrison and Fifth streets, now occupied by.Morris EatS, s~all rent <br />for $6.00 per month and the property now occupied by Frederick~Alten,~ $5.00 per mohth, but both <br />these occupants are to vacate this property on ten days' notice f~om the Street to <br /> The amendment was adopted. <br /> <br /> Then the matters referred for concurrence were concurred in, as amended, and by the <br />following vote: <br /> Ayes--Corb~tt, Herbert, Branch, White, Burgess, Hanvey, Moore, Hutchins, <br /> Whitehurst, Flemming, Laylo~, Montague, Reynolds, ~right, Morgan, <br /> Wright (Grover C.), Houghton, Baldwin, Moore (Robt. L.), See, 20. <br /> <br />do <br /> <br />Fourth. Communication from the Mayor. <br /> <br /> A communication was read from the Mayor, enclosing a report from the City Engineer, in re- <br />gaud to the question of waste water from the factory of the Portsmouth Coal and Ice .Co. <br /> 0~ motion, said matter was referred to the Street Committee. <br /> <br /> The Mayor resumed his approval of' the following matters adopted by the two branches of <br />City Council October 13-20, 1914: <br /> <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to make notes to amount of $20,000. to meet Current Expenses <br />for October, 1914. <br /> To appropriate $1§,000. to defray expenses, of the Public Schools for the balance of the fis- <br />cal yea~. <br /> To pay a bill of H~lton, Rawlings Co. to amount of $1,450.00, for auditing the City books. <br /> To make available $~50. of the $500. allowed in the ~udget for the "Orpha~ Asylum," and .to <br />make same payable 'to the Treasurer of said institution. <br /> To make available $~15. allowed in ~he Budge~ for "Board of Quarantine Commissioners." <br /> To pay Sixth Ward bills held up by the Auditor to amount of $220.00, out of funds of said <br />Ward. <br /> To appropriate $1S~. for publishing the "Mayor's Annual Message for 1913." <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to rene~ notes to amount of $64,000. falling due in November, 1914. <br /> <br /> Fifth. Reports of Officers and other unfinished b~siness. <br /> <br /> The regular report of Officers for the month of October, 1914, were presented and were <br />doted to take the usual course. <br /> <br /> The Auditor reported the foilosing bills held up by him, ~eoause of lask of appropriation <br />or because they exceeded appropriation allowed.for same: Public Property,! $85.63; Fire, $1E1.33; <br />Police, $3.0~, Elections, $90.15, Sixth Ward, $195.0~. <br /> On motion, the bills were referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> A request was received from the Treasurer for authority to renew notes to amount of <br />~0, falling due in December; 1914; and onmotion, the authority was granted and by the following <br />vote: <br /> Ayes--Corbitt, Herbert, B~anch~ White, Burgess, Han_vey~Moore, Hutchins, FiemmiDg, <br /> Laylor, Montague. Reynolss, Wright, Morgan, ~ight (Grover ~.), Houghton~ <br /> Baldwin, Moo~ (~obt. L.), ~e, Whiteh~rst, ~0. <br /> <br /> The following opinion was received from the City Attorney as to whether the Sixth and Seven- <br />th Wards, at the expiration of five years from date of snRexation to the City, have to pay their <br />own fmre, po~mce, water a~ s~hool expenses GU o% their own revenues~ and as to the right of <br />Councilmen fr~ the Sixth and Seventh Wards to vote on all appropriations; which sai~mattems <br />were referred to him by this body for an opinion on October 1Sth: <br /> <br />"To the Hon. City Council. <br /> <br />,Portsmouth, Va., Nov. 10, 1914. <br /> <br /> ~ent memen. --' <br /> "ReplYing ~o your wishes 'that I furnish you my Written opinion, vas to <br />whether or not the Sixth ~ud Seventh Wards, at the expiratio~ of five years from date of annexa- <br />tion to the~Oity~ have to pay their own fire, police, water and school out of ~heir own <br />revenues?,. ~_ an~ .[~'s._ to.the ...... ~ight of councilmen from the Sixth and Seventh Wards to vote on all ap- <br /> <br /> <br />