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November 10~ 1914. <br /> <br /> "lst. That under the law authorizing annexation, clause 3 of Section lO14a of C~de of <br />1904, ~the tax rate upon the land annexed shall not be increased for a period of five years <br />after ~such annexation, except upon a petition of a majority of the freeholders of such terri- <br />tory to the City Council, and a~l revenues derived by such city from taxation in said terri~oz7 <br />during such period, (five years), either on property or from other sources, including licenses, <br />shall be wholly expended by such city upon Street, Sewer, Light, Water, or other Public improve- <br />ment in saidterritory.' <br /> "So while for the first five years you were limited to the use of the revenues So street, <br />sewer, light, water, and other public improvement, you may now apply the revenues to any of the <br />expenses of said wards, including firs, polic~, and school expenses. <br /> "rnd. The ordinance of the city, adopted under the p~ov~sions of the statute authorizing <br />annexation, and the order of the court ordering annexation, provides:-- <br /> "'Terms and conditions, Clause ~. <br /> "'The said councilmen for the first ten years ~hall have the right to vote on all questions <br />arising before the council except on Questions of finance or expenditure of m~ney not derived <br />from their respective wards. After the said ten years said ~ouncilmen shall have the right to <br /> <br />vote on all questions.' <br /> "Thus it~ will be seen that <br />of money not derived £rom their <br />a quorum for such purpose. <br /> <br />they can~ not vote on questions of finance or the expenditttre <br />respective wards, and in my judgment should not be counted as <br /> <br />"Re spectfu lly submit ted, <br /> <br />"Jno. W. Happer, <br /> City Attorney." <br /> <br /> A report was rec'sivsd from the Commissioner of Revenue of taxable values of the seven Wards <br />of the City for the y~ar 1914 and~ on motion, said report was referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> The following ordinance ~rdered to lie on the table by this body October l;th was taken <br />up: <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO A~ND AND BE-ORDAIN SECTIONS l, 18, 20, EI~ 24, S9~ S?, 40, 48, 51, AND <br />53 OF CHAPTER 1V OF THE ORDINANCE ENTITLED, ~'~)RDINANCE FIXING DUTIES OF CITY S~rRVEYOR AND IN- <br />SPECTOR OF PLUL~BING AND ESTABLISHING PLU~BING REGULATIONS FOR THE- CITY OF PORTS~OUTH, . ADOPTED <br />BY THE COUNCIL JUNE 9, 1896. ' <br /> <br /> Mr. Reynolds moved that the ordinance be adopted. Whereupon, Mr. White stated that th~s <br />ordinance had never been before the Water & Sewerage Committee, where it sho~'ld have gone under <br />the rules, and he moved t~.a~t sam~ be sent to said Committee before it is presented for adoption. <br /> Considerable discussion over the proposed changes in the p~umbing regulations was in- <br />dulged in by Mess~s. White, Hanvey, ReynolCs, Morgan, Laylor, Moore, and Herbert. <br /> Then the amendment by Mr. White was put and lost, and the ordinance, as presented, was <br />adopted by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Corbitt, Herbert, Burgess, Hanvey, Hutchins, <br /> Fl~mm~ng, Laylor,' Montague, Reynolds,oWr%ght, Morgan, Wright (Grov~r C.), <br /> Eoughton, Baldwin, $~e, 15~ <br /> Nays-Branch, White, Moore (Jos. S.), Whitehurst', Moore (Robt. L.), 5. <br /> <br /> The folloging o~dinance ordered to lie on the table by this body Octoger 13th was t~ken <br />up and:~ead: <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO PROMOTE TIE PUBLIC PEALTH AND TO REGULATE THE SANITARY CONSTRUCTION, <br />HOUSE DRAINING,~AND PLLB. IBING; REGISTRATION'OF PLUMBERS; BOARD OF EXAMINATION OF PLUMBERS; THEIR <br />POWERS AND DUTIES'; COk?ENSATION;' PENALTIES. <br /> Mr. Hanvey mDved the following amend~.en~s thereto.: 1st, In Sec. l, line 4, the Words "and <br />qualified voters" be inserted after the word "resident;;". <br /> 2nd, In See. 1, line 5, the words "firs~'!*~uesday in January, 19OB," be changed %o Janu- <br />ary l, 1915." <br /> Srd, In Sec. E, l~ine 7, substitute the word "p~Umbers, for the' wor~ ~persons.~ <br /> 4th, In Sec. 12, ~bs~it~e the following fo~ said Sections ~Neither the master plumber <br />nor the journeyman plumber shall be allowed any compensation for his services by the City." <br /> 5th, In Sec. 4, i~ine 4, substitute the word "plumbers? for the word "persons." <br /> 8th, In S~c~ 5, line 1, substitute the word "plumber" for the word "persons." <br /> <br />The amendments were discussed and were adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hutchins moved to further amend that Section 8 shall read as foilows: "It shall <br />be unlawful for any plumber ~o do any plumbing in the C%ty unless licensed as herein pro- <br />vided." The amendment was adopted. <br /> <br />Then, on motionl, the ordinance ~s amended was adopted and by the following vo~e: <br /> <br />Ayes--Corbitt~ Herbert, Branch, Burgess, Hanvey, Moore, Hutchins, Whitehurst, <br /> Fiemminlg~ Laylo~, Montague, Reynolds~ Wright, MOroan~ Wright (Grover <br /> Ho~ghton, Baidwz~, Moore (Robt. L.), See, 19. <br />Nays--~nits, <br /> <br /> The Keeper of Cemeteries made the following report of lots and graves sold in the Oak Grove <br />Cemetery during the month of October, 1914: ~ <br /> <br />October <br /> <br /> 5, to James L. Butler, S. H. No. 895, Ave. J. <br /> 15, Mrs. Jas. Lassiter, N. H. No. 604, Ave. G. <br /> 17, Howard Cramer, N. H. No. 447, Ave. F. <br />19 W. W. Bentgn, child's grave, No. 9~5, Ave. <br /> L.C. Garrie, child's g~ave, No. 925, Ave. <br />28, D.J. McHugh~ N. H. No. 810~ Ave. G. <br /> C.F. Cunningham, S. H. Np. 610, Ave. G. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS. <br /> <br />A communication was received from The Consolidated Investment Company in regard to certain <br /> <br /> <br />