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November I0, 1914. <br /> <br /> (With City Engineer) To have grade lines established for the playground and filling from <br />streets placed on the same. <br /> The City Engineer has been instructed to establish such grade linss, and the Street <br />Inspector to put all filling possible on the playground. <br /> <br /> A petition of West Park View improvement Lea~ae and residents on West Leckie and adjoin- <br />ing streets, that the west end of Leckie street, Park View, be opened, and same bs connected <br />by a bridge to the east end of Sales street, West Park View. Progress. <br /> <br /> Advisability of paving the roadway of Washington street and Hampton Place. Progress. <br /> <br /> Advisability of paving the sidewalk on the north side of Randolph street, between Second <br />and Third. <br /> The City Engineer has been ~nstrueted go obtain estimates of the ccst of said paving. <br /> <br />The advisability of paving Orawfo]~d street. Progress. <br /> <br /> (With City Attorney~: <br /> Bills against Va. Ry. & Power Co. to amount of $47S.09, for work <br />done by F. J. McGuire at the intersection of Sixth avenue and Pearl and Armstrong streets. <br /> Suit against the Va. Ry. & Power Co. for amoun~ due the City for paying in the Sixth and <br />Seventh Wards. <br /> To collect from Va. Ry. & Power CO. $400. or more, for guttering on High street ih the Six- <br />th Ward. <br /> These matters are held up pending settlement of a larger claim against the Virginia <br />Railway & Power Co., which claim, the City Attorney thinks, will be paid by said Ccmpamy in a <br />few days. <br /> <br /> (With City Attorney) To give written opinion as to rights cf the S. A. L. Ry. CO. at the <br />southeast intersection of Water and County sSreets. <br /> The City Attorney says that this matter will take some little time for consideration <br />and, therefore, we report progress as to same. <br /> <br /> (With City Attorney) Report to the Council the advisability of entering suit to recover <br />the amount paid by the City in the compromise suit to E. F. Barbour, in connection ~ith work on <br />First street. <br /> The City Attorney states to the Committee that the City has no chance to recover in <br />such a suit. <br /> <br /> Unsanitary condition of section of Park View an rea~ and to side of $1234 B street and the <br />dead end of Armstrong strset at this point. <br /> To remedy this condition,, it is ~recommended that a valley gutter be laid across Arm, <br />strong street, at Ann, at an estimated cost Off $90.00, out of appropriation to- ~Street Depart- <br />ment. ~ <br /> Referred by B~d of ~ldermen October BOth. <br /> <br /> Advisability of paving the south side of Ann street, between Armstrong an~ Owens. <br /> It is recommended that the appropriation allowed in the B~dget for this paving be made <br />ava~ilable and that the Commi~tte~e be authorized to advertise for bids to do the 'work. <br /> <br /> (With City Engineer) Instructed to rsquest the Ha~bor"C~mmissioners to establish the lines <br />for Gander Creek, the City Engineer to use any ietd eurb:~stene' on hand which may be necessary for <br />such work. <br /> We report that we have instructed the City Engineer to obtain these lines f~cm the <br />Board of Harbor Commissioners. <br /> <br /> Attention called to waste paper and 'other material at the corner of Wythe and First streets, <br />which is a nuisance and dangerous. <br /> Ne report that this matter has been remedied. <br /> <br />]lave <br /> <br />Question of street car service for west Park View. <br /> We report that we have con~erred with officials of the Va. <br />another conference soon with regar% to the matter. <br /> <br />Ry. & Power Co. and will <br /> <br /> (With City Engineer) To obtain plans an~ advertise for bids for a culvert at the foot of <br />Dinwiddie street where Gander Creek passes through it. <br /> As the building of this culvert will depend som~hat on the lines to be given by the <br />Board of Harbor Commissioners, we report Progress pending a hearing from them. <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen Sept. 18th. <br /> <br />Advisability Of curbing and guttering ~ythe street, between Court and Third. <br /> We report that this portion of said street is being drained. <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that the City steam roller be sold and that we be authorized <br />to advertise for bids to sell same. <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that SZO0. be transferred from "Repairs to Asphalt" to "In- <br />cinerator," to meet expenses of the Incinerator for the balance of the year. <br /> <br />(Signed) Joe. $. Moore, <br /> Chairman C. C. <br /> <br /> ~he report having been read, Mr. Hanvey moved that the. section relating to iseiling the City <br />steam roller be eliminated, as such matter had not been referred to the Street Committee. <br /> The motion was adhered and then the report, as amended, was adopted and b~ the follow- <br />ing vote, the recommended appropria~ioEs being referred to Finance Committee: <br /> Ayes--Corbitt, <br /> Branch, Nhite, Burgess, Hanvey, <br /> <br /> <br />