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~. C. ?. <br /> <br />November i(~, 1914. <br /> <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to make notes to amount of $~C,000. for meeting Current Expenses <br />of the. City for November, 1914. <br /> It is recommended that said authority be granted and that the following resolution be <br />adopted therefor: <br /> . Resolved, That the Treasurer be, and he is hereby, .authorized to. make notes <br />in The Merchants & Farmers Bank, The Bank of Portsmouth, the Bank of Tidewater, aha The First <br />National Bank of Portsmouth, to amount of Twenty Thousand Dolla~s~ ($BO, O00.O0), to meet Current <br />Expenses of the City for November, 1914~ said a~ount to be repaia from revenues of the City fbr <br />the current year. <br /> <br /> To have deducted from $7,500. due the Sixth and Seventh Wards by the Va. Ky. & Power Co., <br />amounts advanced by the City to these Wards. <br /> It is recommended that The amounts advanced by the City to the_ Sixth and Seventh Wards <br />be deducted n6t only from the $7,500. due said Wards by the Va. Ry. & Power Co., but out of any <br />other funds available to said Wards. <br /> <br /> Matter of making arrangements for the City's floating debt. <br /> We report that we are in correspondence concerning said matter and hops <br />tisfactorily thereon in the nea~ future. <br /> <br />to report sa- <br /> <br /> Delinquent real esta~.e tax list for the year 1913 now in the hands of the City Collector. <br /> It is recommended that ~he City Collector be urged to use his best ~fforts to collect <br />delinquent real estate tax and to prepare and_submit to the Finance Committee a list of proper~y <br />held by ~iife~interest" only. <br /> The Finance Committee is looking in~o the advisability of advertising delinquent per- <br />sonal property, but it has not been determined whether the expense would justify such advertise- <br />ment. Th? City Attorney advises that it is legal to advertise but the collections can not be <br />made lega~ for ov~r two years ~n personal property an~ therefore, we urge that the City Collec- <br />tor use special emfo~to collect d?linquent personal %axes. <br /> <br /> ~Nith_Ci:~y Attorney) Matter of collecting a bill against the Dalb~, Nottingb~ Co. for <br />removal of dead horses from its premises. <br /> It is recommended t'hat the City Attorney be instructed to bring suit at once ~or col- <br />lection of this bill. <br /> <br />To make available $150. allowed in the Budget for "Catching Dogs." <br /> It is recommended that said amount of $1~0. be made available. <br /> <br /> An additional appropriation for the Police Department in connection with the "State-wide <br />election." <br /> We repo~ that no appropriatio~ is necessary to pay expenses of the Police Department <br />in said election; but it is recommended that an additional appropriation of $90.15, under "elec- <br />tions," be made to pay judges, clerks and registrars. <br /> <br /> (With Fire Committee) A bill of J. C. Miller & Co. to amount of <br />for the Fire Department. <br /> It is recommended that said bill be paid, out of balance ef $900. <br />get for "Horses." <br /> <br /> (With City Attorney) A communication from the State Treammr~r to the City Treasurer in <br />regard to holding up the payment ~o the Employers' Indemnity Co. of Philadelphia, Pa. <br /> We report that the City Attorney advises that the State Treasure= had Authority under <br />the law to instrnct the City Treasurer to hold up the~payment of any money in hand for said Em- <br />ployers' Indemnity Co. <br /> <br />for a horse purchased <br />allowed in the Bud- <br /> <br /> Payment ~or the Police Telephone~System.. <br /> It is recommended that the $~,990. allowed £or said system in the ~Budget" be paid <br />The Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Comp~a~y, provided the bill for same is approved by the Police <br />Committee; attention of said Committee being called to_condition of the system, and also in- <br />structed to see that same is in good order before approving the bill. <br /> <br /> A communication from The Merchants & Farmers Bank in regard to $~5.~5 paid. by said Bank <br />for interest on City coupons during August and September. <br /> It is recommended that said amount be paid said Bank and that it be paid also $14.40 <br />for interest since paid for the. City on coupons. <br /> <br /> To make available thesecond half of the $500. allowed in the Budget for the "O~phan Asy- <br />lums" and-to have same payable to the Treasttver of said institution. <br /> It is recommended that the second half of the $ made available.and that~it be <br />paid as requested. <br /> <br /> Advisability of advertising ~he delinquent personal tax at the same time that the delinquent <br />real estate tax is advertised, cost of said advertising to be paid by-the delinquent. <br /> We report that this matter is covered by recommendation in section.above. <br /> <br /> To submit a list of names, no~ less than six o~ more tSan ten, to the Judge of ~he Hustings <br />Court, requssting that he select the appraisers f~om said list for the 19i4 ass~ment of real <br />estate. <br /> We have discussedthis matter and it is recommended ~hat the City~ supplement the a- <br />mount allowed by the State for'the re-assessment of.p~opert~:i~.O0 per day), the amount ~f <br />Four Dollars per diem of six hours' work, for~a~perlodnot ~0 exceed four ~on~hs~ and that the <br />Finance Committee be authorized to submit to the Judge a list of not less than.slx nor more than <br />ten names, and ~espeetfull~ request that he consider the names so submitted in appointing the <br />said assessors. <br /> <br /> Matter of curtailing notes now held against the City ~y the several banks. <br /> We have discussed this matter and have instructed the~Auditor a~d the Treasurer to pay <br />the City notes held by the banks,~as far as the cash collected will per'mit, payment to each bank <br />to be in oroDortion to their several l~ans. <br /> <br /> <br />