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November !0'~ 1914. <br /> <br />encroaches; and said communi'cation was referred to the Seventh Wsmd Board. <br /> Mr. Moore moved'that the hour for meeting of the Common Council hereafter shall be <br />P.M., instead of 8 P.M. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Hanvey, the advisability of making available the appropriation allowed <br />in the Budget for "Park Commission" was referred to Finance Committee. <br /> Mr. Burgess moved to refer to Finance Committee the advisability of supplying the City <br />Clerk's office with-a copying machine. The motion was adopted. <br />By the same, that the :City Collector be instructed to submit to the Finance Committee a <br />list of delinquent personal property taxes due for the years 19lB, 1913, and 1914, at the earli- <br />est possible date. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Houghton moved that the Street Committee and the Street Inspector be instructed to en- <br /> force the ordinance against the street railway company or other corporations having iron g~at- <br /> ings over crossings, to keep said crossings cleaned out. The motion was adopted. <br /> Mm. R. L. Moore moved to refer to Street Committee the advisability of opening Pearl street <br /> to King. The motion was adopted. <br /> On motion of Mr. Herbert, the attention of the Water & Sewerage Committee was called to <br /> condition of the drain on Griffin ~treet, between Washington an~ Dinwiddie. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Reynolds, the advisability of sewering Sullivan's Court, between Third <br /> and Foturth streets, was refer~ed to the Water & Sewerage Committee. <br /> <br /> Mr. Grover C. Wright moved to refer to Street Committee the advisability of paving Cook~ <br /> street, from Bay to High. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> On motion of Er. Hutchins, the advisability of allowing employees in the cemeteries the <br /> same pay as street hands was refer~ed to Cemetery Committee. <br /> <br /> And on motions, the following other matters were referred to: <br /> Finance Committee-- <br /> A re- <br /> ques~ of the Commissioner of Revenue that the Sixth Ward be credited with $$07.~5 and the Seven- <br /> th Ward with $145.~1, now credited to the City Proper. <br /> A petition of the Salvation Army for financial assistance, to enlarge its usefulness in the <br /> City. <br /> A bill of Fo L. Crocker, attorney, for services in case of T. J. Wool and A. J. Phillips <br /> vs. the City of. Portsmouth, to amount of rBO0.O0. <br /> A bill of W. A. Fiske to amount of $Sl. O0, balance due for printing the City Ordinances. <br /> The City's portion of salaries of Judges of the Circuit. and Corporation Courts to amounts <br /> of $895.58 and $1, B50.00, respectively, for the year beginning February let, 1915. <br /> <br /> ~hd petitions of the following named persons ~o be refunded the several amounts stated, <br /> which were paid in error for night soil tax: <br /> Frank L. Smith, $5.40, in the Seventh Ward. <br /> L. W. Friebert, $9.00, for years 1912, 1913, an& 1914, in the Seventh Nard. <br /> J. T. King, executor of Jno. E. King Estate, <br /> Jas. W. Land, adminis~rato~ of Jn*. W. Land, $7.~0, years 1913 and 1914. <br /> H. L. Alexander,.$5.40, year 1914. -- <br /> Lemuei ~rivet~, $18.00, years 1915 and 1914. <br /> Lawrence. Wilhams, $3.80, yea= 1914. <br /> . <br /> Jesse $~nton Jones, $$~60, y~ar 1914. <br /> Ma~, Fletcher Bassett, $~.40, year 1913 <br /> R. L. Parker, ~3.60, ~ears 191~ and 1914. <br /> W. K. Hedges, $1.?0, year 1914. <br /> <br /> And also a petition of Geo. R. Ward to be refunded $6.1~, paid in error for City taxes for <br /> the year 1914. <br /> <br /> Fire Committee-- <br /> A petition of Charles Bunting ~o be paid for 43 days lost from service as <br />engine driver, on account of injuries received. <br /> <br /> Ferries & Public Docks~gommittee-- <br /> A communication from A. Rothschild in regard to ~moving <br />an old shed on the Ferries property in front of the Southern Express Com~pany's building. <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br /> <br />