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R, C. P. <br /> <br />December 8, 1914. <br /> <br />331. <br /> <br />Third. Communications from the Mayor. <br /> <br /> The Mayor returned his approval of the following matters adopted by the two branches of <br /> City Council November lO-17th, 1S14: <br /> <br /> $ special appropriation of $189.85 to t~e Police Department' to pay for repairs to automo- <br /> bile ~bill held up by the Auditor in October). <br /> $94E. 32 to pay Sixth Ward bills held up by the Auditor in October, out of Sixth Ward funds. <br /> To pay judgments against the City in casa of A. J. Phillips & T. J. Wool for $5,250. with <br /> interest and cost, and in case of E. Parke Lindsay for $916.72 with interest and cost. <br /> To refund to such City banks as have paid under the assessment by the Commissioner of Re- <br /> venue for 1914, or shall hereafter pay under the same, amounts over-assessed against them. <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to make notes to amount of $~0,000. to meet Current Expenses of <br /> the City for November, 1914~ <br /> T6 have deducted from ~?,500. due the Sixth and Seventh Wards by the Virginia Ry. & Power <br /> Co. amounts advanced by the City to said Wards, or out of any other funds available to said <br /> Wards. - <br /> To instruct the City Attorney to bring suit at once for the collection of a bill against <br /> the Da!by, Nottingham Co. for the removal of dead horses from its premises. <br /> To make available $150. allowed in the Budget for "Catching Doge. <br /> To pay a bill of J. C. Miller & Co. to amount of $250. for a horse purchased for the Fire <br />Department, out of balance of $900. allowed in the Budget for ~Horses." <br /> To pay a bill of The Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Co. to amount of $E,990.00, out of ap- <br />propriation allowed in the Budget for "Police Telephone," provided the bill is approved by the <br />Police Committee, the attention of said Committee being called to condition of the system and <br />instructed to see that same is in good order before approving the bill. <br /> To make available the second half of $500. allowed in the Budget for the "Orphan Asylum," <br />and to make aame pa~able to the Treasurer OF said institution. <br /> City to supplement the amount allowed by the State for the re-assessment of property ($~.00 <br />per day), the amount of $4.00 per diem of six (8) hours' work, for a period not to exceed ~ mon- <br />ths, for the 1915 ~ssessment. <br /> Auditor a~d Treasurer instructed to pay City notes held by the banks as far as the cash <br />colie~ed will pemit, payment to each bank to be in proportion to their several loans. <br /> To make available to the Fire Department balance 'of the $900. allowed in the Budget for <br />"~orses." <br /> To make available to the Public Property Department as much of the $36~.01 allowed in the <br />Budget for "Unapproved Bills" as is unexpended. <br /> A special appropriation of $17~. for re-arrangement of the Fire Alarm System and to repaLr <br />police telephone wires. <br /> To grant a request of the Park Commission'for permission to have transplanted a sufficient <br />number of oak trees now on the Almshouse farm to the park site. <br /> To make award to the Portsmouth Coal & Ice Co. to furnish the City departments with 83 tons, <br />more or less, of Anthracite coal @ $?.2~ per ton, and with EB tons, more c~ less, of Pocahontas <br />steam coal @ $S.75 per ton, for the incoming season. (;~Oring @ @.gO per <br /> To make award to Beazley & Blanford to furnish 25 =crds of WbOd at the City Jail @ <br />per cord. <br /> To allow a request of Mrs. Griffin to be allowed to use the unoccupied part of the Armis- <br />toad Building for stores for the poor at Christmas. <br /> City to furnish the Public Free Library Rooms with fuel, light, and janitor service. <br /> Award made to Geo~ R. Dehnam to purchase "Buck, horse for $80.00~ to W. J. Price to pur- <br />chase "Bal" horse for $1.50; and to H. L. Alexander to purchase "Baby~ horse for $153.00~ <br /> To instruct the City Attorney to lay water complaints before the Corporation Commission for <br />the purpose of having them adjudicated by said Commission. <br /> To instruct the City Collector to collect rents from the occupants of property lately ac- <br />quired by the City for the opening of Dinwiddie street from August ~, 191~ as fsllows: the <br />store at the corner of Harrison and Fifth err@ets, now occupied by Norris Eats, $6.00 per month, <br />and property now occupied by Frederick Allen $5.00 per month; but both these occupant@ to vacate <br />their property on ten daye~ notice by the Street Committee. · <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes to amount of $2~,003.50, fal~ing due in Decem- <br />ber, 1914. : <br /> To release the American Surety Co. from further liability under the bond to the Mayor. <br /> To require the Police Justice to give the bond previously required of the Mayor. <br /> <br /> Fourth. Reports of Qfficers and other unfinishe~ .business. <br /> <br /> Th* regular reporte~Of~Off~¢ers for the month of December, 19i4, were presented and were <br />ordered to take the usua~ course. <br /> <br /> The Auditor reported the following bills held up by him because ~Bey exceeded ~he appropri- <br />ations allowed for same: Fire, $10.10; Police, $77.83; Public Property, $175.8~; S~xth Ward, <br /> On motion, the bills were referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> A request of the 'Treasurer to borrow $20,.000. for Current Expenses and $10,000. for School <br />Expenses, to take care of January expenditures, was referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> The <br />Cemetery <br /> <br />Keeper of Cemeteries made the following report of lots and graves sold in the Oak Grove <br />during the month of November, 1914: <br /> <br />November <br /> <br /> 3, t6 Micheal F. Dolan, No. 6gO, Ave. G. <br />16, Mrs. Louise F~ieund~ chil~'s grave, <br />18, J.M. Ba~s, No. 445, Ave. F. <br />~?, Mrs. C. W. Wilkins, N. H. No. 612, Ave. <br /> <br />NE~ FGSINESS. <br /> <br />925, Ave. ~ <br /> <br />G. <br /> (Present ~Y~r. <br /> <br />Hanvey). <br /> <br /> A request was read from the Superintendent of the Fire Alarm System for an emergency appro- <br />p~iatio~ of $200.00, to put the fire alarm telegraph system in safe condition. <br /> <br /> <br />