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332, <br /> <br />December 8, 1914. <br /> <br />the rules to consider it. <br /> The motion to suspend was adopted, and the $~00. was appropriated for the purpose named <br />and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes-,Oorbitt, Herbert, Branch, White,"Burgess, C~in, <br /> Hanvey, Noo~e'(Jos. S.), Hutchins, Whitehurst, Laylor, Monta~ce, ~right, <br /> Norman, 14. <br /> Mr. See observed that the Finance Committee had made no recommendation_as to reta~ining Mr. <br />B. F. Long as License Inspector after January 1st. <br /> He then called for the reading~of the report of Mr. Long to the Finance Committee with a <br />petition signed by sunchvy citizens for a retention of him as License Inspector; and the report <br />and petition having been read, he moved that these papers be referred to the Finance Committee <br />with request that Mr. Long be retained by the Committee for such a number of months after Janu- <br />ary 1st as it may deem advisable. The motion was adopted. (Present Mr. Houghton). <br /> <br /> Mr. Burgess stated that there was $85.00 needed to meet Court Expenses in payment of .Jury <br />fees and he moved that said am~ant be transferred from .Contingent" account to ,Court Expenses" <br />for that purpose. <br />Mr. Jos. S. Moore remarked that it was customary to refer the t~ransfer of money from one <br />account to another to Finance Committee, and he moved to amend that maid matter be so referred. <br /> The amendment was adopted. <br /> <br /> Then on motion of Mr. Burgess, the following matters were referred to Finance Committee <br />with power to act: <br /> To pay bills for all unsettled accounts out of any available funds on hand. <br /> To provide for the December pay roll, pending adoption of the Budget for 1915. <br /> <br /> Closing up accounts on the Treasurer's books. <br /> To transfer from .Contingent" fund to "Court Expenses" a sufficient amount (about $85.00) <br />to cover any Jury bills due. <br /> <br /> Mr. Laylor called attention to the complaint of the Water Company about the waste of water <br />at the City Jail and in t~e public school hO~LSe~, and he moved that such matter be refer~ed to <br />the Pubiio Property and Finance Committees with power to act at once. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> On motion of N~. Whitehurst, the Committee on Ferries & Public Docks was instructed to take <br />up with thee.ferry authorities a nni~ance caused by boot blacks plying their vocation in the fer- <br />~y houses, boat cabins, and about the cabin doors. <br /> <br /> Mr. Robert L. Moore called attention to bad drainage on South street near Pearl, and he <br /> moved that the Street Committee be inst~cted to attend to this matter. <br /> After some discussion, the motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> Ns. ~hite said he thought it was about ~ime for the City Attorney to appear before the Cor- <br /> poration Commission in the matter of adjusting the complaints of water takers. <br /> The Clerk answered that he had he~rd the City Attorney say that he intended to go to <br /> Richmond Thursday next in interest of this matter. <br /> <br /> N~. Houghton said he would like to have a reconsideration of the motion adopted to refer <br /> to Street Committee the matter of drainage on South street near .Pearl, stating that after dis- <br /> cussion of the matter, it occurred to him that it ought to be sent to the Seventh-Yard Local <br /> Board. <br /> The~ motion to reconsider was adopted and, on motion, the drainage named was referred <br /> to the Seventh Ward Local Board. <br /> <br /> And on motions, the following other matters were refer~ed to:: <br /> Finance Committee-- <br /> A <br /> bill of Nic~holas Brescia to amount of $18.00, for s.ervices to the City as witness and expenses <br /> in the case of the City of Portsmouth vs~ Bazbour, ~n the ~. S. Co~t. . <br /> A bill of R. J. Davis to amount of $$~.00; for acting as 8~bstitute Civil and Police Jus- <br /> tice. <br /> A request of the Board of Ha~bor Commissioners for an appropriation of $$?5.00 as first <br /> quarterly payment on account of assessment of $1,500. on the City for the fiscal year ending <br /> June ~0, 1915. <br /> Order of Court exonerating Rodrigo Ottavio a.nd Nichols .Giorgano fro.m payment of City taxes <br /> to amount of $4E~0 and State~ taxes to amount of $8.?5 for the year 19.15, refunding them $18.15 <br /> paid for City taxes and $~..~ paid f~or State taxes, for the year 1915, ~d exonerating them from <br /> payment of City taxes to amount of $t6,15 and State taxes to amount of $~.~E for the 1914. <br /> Order Qf Court exempting L. Calderazz~ and M.. J. O'8ha~gnessy from the paYment of $15.~0 <br /> for City t~axes and $~.15 for State taxes charged in the name of .L. CaIdex~zzi for each of the <br /> years 19i3 and 1914, and all interest and penalties thereon; aha also from furthers-payment of <br /> ts_xes on the land described for the years 1915 and 191.4, when the said taxes in the name of John <br /> ~m. Delan have been paid. <br /> Order of Court exonerating Harry N. Cohen from the payment of $1E. 75 for City taxes and $E.4~ <br /> for State taxes for the year 191~, and ~ll interest and penalties thereon; an~t from the payment <br /> of $E0.4~ for ~zty taxes and $6..65 for State taxes, charged for the year 191 , and that said er- <br /> roneous assessments be hereafter removed f.rom the Land .Books. <br /> Order of Cou~t exonerating Joseph H. Jackson from payment of $17.00 for Cit~ taxes and $$.50 <br /> for State taxes, erroneously charged ag.a~nst him for ~he year 1~t~, and zntezes~ and p~nalt~es <br /> thereom 'if not already oaid. and if paid.~ roll, riding said amounts to him. <br /> Order m Court exonerating Charles R. Welton s~ud Ebenezer ThOmpson from payment o~ $1~.60 <br /> for City taxes and $E.80 for State taxes for the year 1915, if not already paid~ and if paid, <br /> refunding said amomuts to them. <br /> S~mmone, &c., in the case of the City of Richmond vs. The Southern Railway Co. et als.. con- <br /> <br /> <br />