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~anuary lB, 1915o~ <br /> <br />December <br /> <br />18, India Hancock, S~ H. No. 614, Ave. G. <br />18, Sarah Waller, S. H. No. ?45, Ave. G. <br />~-Z, S. E. Flynn, child's grave, No. 955, Ave. J. <br />2B, L. S. Nixon, child's grave, No. 9B5, Ave. J. <br />~0, Specht & Cox, child's grave, No.: 9B5, Ave. J. <br /> <br /> NEW BUSINESS. <br /> <br /> A request was read from the Treasurer. to borrow $~0,000.00 for Currsnt Expenses and $10,000. <br />for School Expenses for February, 1915; and to renew not~s to amount of $~0,105.95, falling due <br /> <br />in February, 1915. <br /> On motion, the request <br />request to renew notes to amount <br /> <br />Ayes-- Herbert, Branch, <br /> Wright, Morgan, <br /> <br />to borrow money was referred to the Finance Committee; <br />of $~0,103.95, was granted and by the following vote: <br /> (Jos. S.)''. i <br /> White, Burgess, Hanvey, Moore,~Hutchins, Whitehurst, <br /> 10. <br /> <br />and the <br /> <br /> Mr. Hanvey presented a statement from the Auditor of coupons due in January and February, <br />1915, and moved that the Auditor be instructed to notify the Finance Committee in advance when <br />coupons will be due. <br /> The motion was adopted, and the statement of coupons due in January and February, 1915~,~ <br />was referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> A communication was received from J. Davis Reed, member of the House of Delegates, calling <br />attention to a bill proposed by the Tax Revision Committee to amend the present law taxing water, <br />heat, light, and power companies. <br /> On motion of Mr. Hanvey, the communication was referred to the Finance Committee and <br />City Attorney, ~ith power to act. <br /> <br /> ArStatement from the Clerk of the Hustings Court showing receipt <br />possesion from the 1st day of July, 1914, to the Slst day of December, <br />the Auditor.~ <br /> <br />forms for fines in his <br />1914, was referred to <br /> <br /> A communication was read from the Sixth Ward Board requesting that the position of License <br />Inspector be created for said Ward in connection with like position for the City, at a compen- <br />sation of $15.G0 per mgnth, out ~f Ward funds. <br /> . In this co~ection, Mr. ~ee had read a petition from Mr. B. F. Long for the position of <br />License InspectOr~for the City and the Sixth and Seventh War~s. <br /> Finally, O~mo%i~of ~M~_.. Burgess, the matter was referred to Finance Committee and the <br />Sixth and Seventh War~BOa~dS~ointly. <br /> <br /> The bonds of Vernon A. Brooks, Health Officer, and J. M. Broughton, Chief of Police, were <br />presented and were referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hanvey moved ~hat the Clerk call the attention of all officers who had not ~mrnished <br />bond as required by ordinance, that same would be required of once. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> A communication was ~eceived from the Mayor, accompanied by a communication ~o.him from the <br />Chief of Police~recommendmng that the Police Telephone andTelegraph System be turned over to <br />Nv. W~ M. Smith, Superintendent of the Fire Alarm System, who has been attending to the System <br />heretofore voluntarily. <br /> The Mayor-suggested that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be adopted and that <br />Smith receive extra compensation for such work. <br /> On motion~the matter was referred to the Police and Finance Committees jointly. <br /> <br /> Mr. Morgan moved ~o refer to Street Committee to consider pa~ing the south side of Ann <br />street, between Armstrong and Owens. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Whitehurst moved that the Fire Committee be authorized to advertise for bids to furnish <br />the City with hose, hose expander and couplings allowed in the Budget,~and that the Finance Com- <br />mittee make available the appropriation allowed in the Budget for same. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jos. S. Moore moved that the ~erries & Public Docks Committee take into consideration <br />the use of the north end of Middle street for a public dock. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Burgess presented bills of The Portsmouth Star 9g~inst the Sixth and Seventh Wards to <br />amounts of $1E~.50 and $149.00, respectively, for advertzsing the Delinquent Tax List~ and said <br />bills were referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Whitehurst, the matter of the "Segregation Ordinance," adopted by the pre- <br />vious Council, was ref%rred to the Ordinance Committee. <br /> <br /> On mo$ion of Mr. B~rgess, petition of the Norfolk Society for Prevention of Cruelty to <br />Children for an approprzation o~$~50.00, to take care of indigent children from Portsmouth for <br />1915~ was referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Burgess, the Treasurer was instructed to pay back to the Sinking Fund, with <br />interest, suc~ amount as he may ?mve borrowed from said fund. <br /> <br /> Mr. Burgess moved that the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners be applied to for loan of <br />the sinking fund on hand. The motion was adopted~ <br /> <br /> And on motions, the following other matters, were referred to: <br /> Finance Committee-- <br /> A com- <br />munication from the SixSh Ward Board'oonoerning a bill against the Virginia Railway & Power Co. <br />to amount O~ $4?$.00 for. work on upper High street, and against said Com~oanyfor SV,~O0. for <br /> <br /> <br />