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R. O. Po <br /> <br />· January 1E, 1915. <br /> <br />347. <br /> <br /> A request of the Virginia Railway & Power Co. that the City 0ollector be instructed to <br />mark off penalties to amount of $43.55 charged against the Norfolk Railway & Light 0o. and Vir- <br />ginia Railway & Power Co., as tax on rolling stock for 1913. <br /> A petition of the Board of Quarantine Commissioners to have made av~i~able $~.40. allowed <br />in the Budget, to meet its expenses for the current year. <br /> A petition of the Board of Harbor Commissioners to have made available $750.00 as let and <br />End payments due on assessment of $.1, 500. for the year ending June 30, 1915. <br /> Order of Court relieving and dzscharging from lien of taxes on real estate of "Jos. P. <br /> estate, for years 1899, 1900, 1901, 190~, 1903, and 1913. <br />Moore'~ bill of D. S. Phlegar to amount of $~3.80 for reporting and transcribing the second trial <br />case of E. B. Jobson vs. the City of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> Street Committee-- <br /> . ~ petition of Harry L. Alexander for permission to lay an eight-inch <br />~err~ ~otta sewer pzpe along Wall street, from Chestnut to Pearl. <br /> A petition of Portsmouth Police Relief Association for use of the playground at the corner <br />of Fourth and Wythe streets during the month of May, 1915, to hold a carnival; and also to be <br />relieved from payment of a license tax on same. <br /> <br />tion <br /> <br />Fire Committee-- <br /> A petition of <br />to its property on Eiret street. <br /> <br />The Seaboard Wharf and Warehouse Company for fire protec- <br /> <br /> The following resolution with regard to depositing funds of the City eqmally, or as near <br />equally as practicable, between the four banks of the City, was prewented by M~; Burgess: <br /> <br /> "RESOLVED, That the City Collector be, and is hereby, instructed, when depositing lunds <br />of the City, to divide the deposits of said funds_equally or as near equally as practicable, be- <br />tween the four Banks of the City. <br /> ~REBOLVED FURTHER, That the City Treasurer be, and is.hereby, instructed to so equalize <br />the City's funds now on deposit in the four Banks of the Cmty under the Several accounts as to <br />have the same amount or as near the same amount as practicable in each Bank and keep said ac- <br />counts so equalized so long as the City's notes carried locally are divided eq~Alty or approxi- <br />mately so between the said four Banks of the City. In the event, however, that for any reason <br />one or more of the City Banks should decline to discount or carry its equal proportion of the <br />City's notes, then the City's deposits in such Bank or Banks shall be reduced to the same ratio <br />and deposited in the other Bank or Banks in such manner as will keep the ratio of deposits in <br />each Bank and the amount of notes carried by each Bank approximately the same. <br /> "RESOLVED FURTHER~ That in order that the amount on deposit shall.remain.the same or ap- <br />proximately the same in each of the City Banks, the City TreasUrer e~hall, ~hen ~aying weekly <br />o~ monthly pay roll or rolls or any bill or bills amounting to or ag~=egatmng F~ve Hundred <br />($~00.00) Dollars or more, divide ~uch payment or paymentsequally between the four Banks of <br />the City, drawing three (3) checks or warrants of one fourth each of the amount or amounts to <br />be pai~ on the three Banks not participating in the payment of such pay roll or rolls, bill <br />or bills,, and deposit same in the Bank on which warrant.~or warrants are dragon to meet said pay <br />roll or rolls or to pay sai~ bill or bills. <br /> "RESOLVED FURTH-ER, That should there be a d~Tf~rence of Five Hundred ($500.00)~ Dollars or <br />more between the balance in any two of the City Banks under the same account, then the City <br />Treasurer shall draw a check or warrant on the Bank carrying the larger balance for one half <br />of the amount of difference and deposit said check or warrant in the Bank carrying the smaller <br />balance, thus equalizing the balances. <br /> "RESOLVED FURTHER, That the four City Banks be and are hereby requested to furnish to the <br />Finance Committee through its Chairman, a monthly statement as of the last banking day of each <br />month, showing in detail the City's balances under the several accounts and the total amount <br />of the City's notes held on said date. <br /> "RESOLVED FURT_W~, Tha~ a copy of these resolutions be sent to each of the four Banks of <br />the City, with ~he ~equest that the Chairman of the Finance Committee be advised if the fore- <br />going resolutions are not complied with. <br /> "RESOLVED FURTHER, That any resolution now in effect in conflict with the foregoing is here- <br />by revoked.~~ <br /> (Par. 3. RESOLVED FURTHER, That when any weekly or monthly pay roll shall amount to or ex- <br />ceed Five Hundred ~$~00.00) Dollars, or when paying any bill or bills amounting to or aggregat- <br />ing Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or more, the Txeasurer shall draw warrant or warrants on one <br />Bank each month, alternating between the four Banks of the City re~alarly." ' <br /> <br />On motion of Nr. Joe. ~. Moore, the resolution was referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br /> <br />