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345. <br /> <br />January lZ, 191-5. <br /> <br />No. City cf Por.tsmo~th. <br /> $ <br />· SIX (6) PER CENT IMPROVEMENT NOTE. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THENCE PRESENTS:~ That the City of Portsmou%h,' County of Norfolk, Vir- <br /> ginia, acknowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer, upon <br /> the first day of January, 1917, the sum of. <br /> <br /> ONE THOUSAND ($1,000.00)DOLLARS <br />in lawful money ~of the Un~t~d State of America, with interest thereon at the rate of six (6) <br />percent per annum, payable Semi-annually upon the first days of January and July of each year, <br />until the payment of the principal h~eof~ upon preaentation and surrender of the proper coupons <br />therefor hereto attached. Both principal and interest hereof are payable at the National City <br />Bank in the City of New York, New York. . <br />This note is erie of a series of two hundred notes of like denomination, tenor and of& <br />feet. numbered consecutively one to two hundred, both incmu~sive, aggregating $Z90,000.00 in a- <br />moun~, and is issued under authority of the general laws of the State of Virginma, and the pro- <br />visions of the charter of the City of Portsmouth, and by virtue of an ordinance duly passed by <br />both branches of the Council of the City of Portsmouth, upon the day of January, and the <br /> day of January, 1915,. entitled, "Ordinance No. to provide for the issuance of <br />000.00 Notes of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, and for She levy of a tax for the purpose of <br />pa ~ying the interest thereon and the principal at maturity." These notes are issued for the pur- <br />pose of borrowing money to renew and extend certain indebte.d~.ess incurred to constxuct sewers, <br />build streets and to carry into effect other purposes and obsects authorized by the Ghart sr of <br />the City of Portsmouth. <br /> It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required by <br />law to be dgne, precedent to and in the issuance hereof, in order to make this Note a legal. <br />valid and b~nding obligation of the City of Portsmouth, Norfolk County, Virginia, have b~en'done, <br />have h~ppened and been perfomed in regular and due form, ~ime and manner as required by. <br />that this iSame of ngtes, together with all other outstandmng indebtedness of every kind of the <br />City of Portsmouth, ms not in excess of any statutory or constitutional limitation of indebted- <br />ness; that provision has been made for the levy and collection of an annual tax sufficient to <br />pay the interest hereof and to create a sinking fund to redeem the principal hereof at maturity; <br />that the full faith, credZt and revenues, and all real and personal property of said City~ are <br />hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt payment of this note andinterest, as the same mature. <br /> ~N WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Portsmouth, Norfolk Oounty,'Virginia, has caused this <br />Note to be ~igned by the Presiden~ of each branch of the Council and by the City Treasurer, the <br />seat of said City to be affixed, attested by the City Clerk, and the coupons tO bear the fac- <br />simile signatku'~e Of the City Treasurer at Portsmouth, Virginia, this first day of January, 1915. <br /> <br />SEAL <br /> <br />PRESIRENT OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN <br />OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIAi <br /> <br />PRESIDENT OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA. <br /> <br />~LERE OF THE CITY OF <br />PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA. <br /> <br />TREASURER OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, <br />VIRGINIA. <br /> <br /> COUPON <br />No. $ <br /> Upon the first day of January (Juiy), the City of Portsmouth, Norfolk Count~, ~irginia, <br />will pay to bearer, at the National City Bank in the City of New York, New York, the sum of <br /> Dollars, being six months interest then due on its improvement Note, numbered <br /> , dated January 1st, 1915. <br /> <br />TREASURER. <br /> <br />Section 11. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that there shall be and is hereby levied annually upon all <br />the taxable property in the City of Portsmouth, a tax in addition to all other taxes sufficient <br />to pay the interest on these Notes as the same accrues and to create and maintain in a sinking <br />fund sufficient to pay the principal of these Notes at maturity. <br /> <br />(Signed) J.T. Hanvey, Chairman. <br />(Signed) E.L. Barlow, Vice-Chairman. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopte~, the ordinance being adopted <br />to approval of the City Attorney, and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Herbert,_Branch, <br /> White, Burgess, Hanvey, Moore, Hutchin% Whitehurst, Wright, Morgan, 10. <br /> <br />subject <br /> <br /> The Keeper of Cemeteries made the following report of lots ~nd graves sold in the Oak Grove <br />Cemetery during the month of December, 1914~: <br /> <br />December <br /> <br />to. Albert N. Barber, $~ H. No. 6iS, Ave. G. <br /> R. L. Tucker, N. H. No. 614, Ave. G. <br /> Alva L. Blanchard, N. 708, Ave. H. <br /> Jno. M. Stowell, No. 710, Ave. H. <br /> S. E._St~osnider,. . child'S_ · ~_grave,. _Nc' 9Z5, <br /> <br />Ave. <br /> <br /> <br />