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Jan~tary ir, 1915. <br /> <br />attached to petition for same; the work to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer. <br /> An Ordinance to Promote the Public Health and to Regulate the Sanitary Constr~ction, House <br />Draining, and Plumbing; Registration of Plumbers; Board of Examination of Plumbers; Their Powers <br />and Duties; Compensation; Penalties. <br /> To make awards as follows to furnish the Almshouse with supplies and the poor of ~t~e City <br />~i~th~me~di_oines for the year 1915: To I. C. Brinkiey. for rations, $Z, 66i.~0; The FriedIl~ Co., <br />Dry Goose, $E8.09; Bres~auer & Anthony, Suits, .Hats,'&c., Szgz.57; Breslauer & Anthony, Nen'~ <br />Underwear, $.80.48; J. M. Bennett, ~8hoes, $75.00, L. ~. Silvester, ~5 Co~de of. wood, $6.00 <br />cord; The Frmedlin Co., Blankets, $~$.75; J. W. Booth & Bro., Medicines, at $.05 per prescrip- <br />tion. <br /> To make available the appropriation of $175.00 allowed in the Budget for 1914 to pave the <br />south side of Ann street, between Armstrong and Owens. <br /> $1~1.~ to Fire Department, out of any unexpended balances due this Department, to pay <br />bills reported held up by the Auditor in November for lack of appropriation or because they ex- <br />ceede~d appropriation allowed fo? same. <br /> $~95.08, out of Sixth Wars funds, to pay Sixth Ward bills held up by the Auditor in November <br />for lack of appropriation or because they exceeded the appropriation allowed for same. <br /> To instruct the Auditor to draw warrants in favor of the Sixth~ and Seventh Wards to amounts <br />of $~07.Z5 and $145.41, respectivety~ said amounts being now credited to the City Proper. <br /> To instruct the Auditor to charge the City Collector with amounts of taxable values for the <br />year 1914 as found on the books of the Commissioner of Revenue. <br /> To pay a bill of F. L. Crocker, attorney, to amount of $~00.00, for services in the case <br />of T. J. %~ool and A. J. Phillips vs. the City of Portsmouth, out of .Contingent" fund. <br /> To pay the City's portion of salaries of the ~udges of the Cirouit~and Corporation Courts <br />to amounts of $695.58 and $i,~50.00, respectively, for the year beginning February let, 1915. <br /> The following resolution: <br /> .Resolved, That the Joint Finance ~ommittee of the City Council <br />be authorized to arrange for the sale of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (SS00,000.00)- of the City <br />of Portsmouth si~ percent (6%) two (~) year notes at par, with a brokerage not to exceed one <br />percent (1%); and that the proceeds of such sale shall be applied to the payment of the City <br />notes now held by the several Portsmouth banks." <br /> <br />Fifth. Reports of Officers and other unfinished business. <br /> <br /> The regular reports of Officers for the month of December, 1914, were presented and were <br />ordered to take the usual course. <br /> <br />The following opinion was read from the City Attorney and was ordered to file: <br /> <br /> "Portsmouth, Va., January IS, 1915. <br /> "To the Hon. City Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- <br /> "RePlying to your instructions that I "ascertain <br />if the Portsmouth Coal and Ice Company can not be compelled to put down pipes for carrying off <br />its waste water,imstead of being as now, left to run over private property,e I beg to say: That <br />the City has full power~nder clause 16 of section ~ of its charte=-to abate nuisances, but <br />this relates to public r~isances, affecting the public at large, an~dnot as to private nuisances. <br />The City has no power with reference to the later. <br /> "If the owners of the private property do not object then the Portsmouth Coal & Ice Company <br />.may let it.a waste water r~n over the land. ~hould they object they have ample remedy by injune- <br />$i~a to prevent the water from ~unning over their property and by suit to recover damages fo~ <br />such injuries as they may have sustained. <br /> "The City has no right to expend the public revenues to vindicate private rights. <br /> <br />"Respectfully submitted, <br /> "Jnc. W. Happer, . <br /> "City Atty." <br /> <br /> At this point, Mr. Hanvey moved a suspension of the roles in order to take up a supplemen- <br />tary report of the Finance Committee covering an Ordinance and face o~ nole for bo~=owing the <br /> ZO0,O00. authorized by resolution of the two branches of Council December ~9~, 1~14, and Janu- <br />ary 4, 1915. The motion was adopted. <br /> Whereupon, the following was read: <br /> Hon. Common Council--Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen: Your <br /> <br />Finance Committee respectfully reports that it has arranged to borrow Two Hundred Thousand ($EO0, <br /> <br />000..00) Dollars as authorized, and respectfully recomm~end the following ordinance ~uthorizing <br /> <br />the borrowing of the same: <br /> <br />ORDINANCE <br /> <br /> BE IT ORDAINED:BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN AND THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, <br />VIRGINIA, <br /> Section 1: That the notes of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, shall be issued in <br />the sum of SB00, O00.00 for the purpose of securing funds with which to renew and eztend certain <br />existing, valid and binding indebtedness of the City of Portsmouth of like amount mhich was in- <br />c~vred for the purpose of carrying into effect the purposes and objects authorized by the char- <br />ter of the City of Portsmouth, said purposes being specifically the improvement of certaim <br />streets in the City of Portemouth~ the lighting of certain streets in the City of ~ortsmouth <br />and the construction of sewers in said.City; and other purposes and objects autho~mze~ bythe <br />Charter'of the City of Portsmouth; eai~ Notes to be in denomination of $1,000.00 each, to bear <br />interest at the rate of six (6) per cent. per annum, payable upon Jmuuary let and <br />July let, of each year until the notes mature, and said Notes.sha~l ma.~ure January let, 1917, <br />and shall be in substantially the following form:-~ <br /> <br />UNITED STATES,DF A~RtDA <br />STATE OF VIRGINIA <br /> <br /> <br />