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362, <br /> <br />Ma~ch 9, 1915. <br /> <br />principally to contractual ~relations,. and to prevent fraud being practiced upon the City. <br /> "The asessor is a stats officer and his assessment is made for the Statel he furnishes no- <br />thing to the City and is in no way liable to the City for a failure to perform his duties. The <br />assessment is made for the State, and when made Section lB8 of the Constitution, which is embod- <br />ied in our Charter~ requires it to be adopted by the City; using the following language: <br /> "Sec. lBS. In cities and towns the assessment of real estate and personal property for the <br />purpose of municipal taxation, ~ha~l be the same as the assessment thereof for the purpose of <br />state taxation, whenever there shall be a State assessment of such property. <br /> ,Nor is there anything, so far as I can find, which disqualifies an assessor of taxes from <br /> being a member of the City Council. <br /> ,Under the provisions of Section 44 of the Constitution he is expressly prohibited from <br />being a membe~r of either house of the General Assembly, but of nc other office. <br /> "it seems To me that if any question, a~ all, could be raised it would that the two offices <br /> are incompatible and inconsistent by.the common law. <br /> "~Offices are said to be incompatible and inconsistent, so as to be executed by.the same <br /> person, when from the multiplicity of business in them they can not be executed with care and <br /> ability; or where they being subordinate and interfering with each other, it induces a presum- <br /> tion that they can not be executed with impartiality.and honesty.' Bacons Abrdgt. Offic~s,P.313.' <br /> "In my opinion the two offices are not incompatible and I think Mr. Markham is entitled to <br /> his seat on the Council. <br /> "Respectfully submitted, <br /> "Jno. W. Happer, <br /> City Attorney." <br /> <br /> After discussion of the matter by Mr. Laylor, <br />or Judge White for a decision. The motion was <br /> Then the opinion was ordered to file. <br /> <br />he moved that it be <br />lost. <br /> <br />referred to Judge Bain <br /> <br /> A communication was received from the City Attorney asking that a proper deed for a ceme- <br />tery lot be drawn to Mrs. 8. A. Ennis and Eva E. Gallilee, a mistake having been made in s~nd- <br />lng the list of purcD~ses from the Keeper of Cemeteries to the City.Clerk. <br /> On motion, the matter was referred to the City Clerk and City Attorney for arrangement. <br /> <br /> The Keeper of Cemeteries made the following report of lots and graves sold in the Oak Grove <br />Cemetery during the month of February, 19i~: <br /> <br />February lB, to L. L. Wood, S. H. No. ?14, Ave. H. <br /> l~, Geo..H. Bryan, child's grave, No. SE§, Ave. J. <br /> ~, Mrs. Eula M. Host, No. ~?, Ave. I. <br /> B4, William Quillin, adult's grave,- No. 919, Ave. J. <br /> Z5, Chas. H. Thompson, S. H. No. 573, Ave. I. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS. <br /> <br /> A report was read from the B.oard of Water Commissioners, in which was given the authority <br />by which the Commission was organzzed, the several Acts of the Legislature thereon, the history <br />of m~s proceedings smnoe or~an~zatzOn, and request by said Commission that arrangement be made <br />at once for the sale of $20u,000. of bonds, said amount to be used~for obtaining the necessary <br />rights of way and the construction of the system 'ap to and including the main pumping station <br />on the belt line. <br /> The report having been .read, Mr. Burgess moved as follows: "That the report of the ~ater <br />Commission be referred to the Finance Committee for investigation and recommendation as to the <br />advisability of completing and putting into operation, a Municipal Water Plant, the raising of <br />necessary funds therefor by bond issue or ptherwise, operating of said plant and the levying of <br />a tax or suitable water rate for such operatic, with such other suggestions in connection with <br />the completion and operation of said Municipal Water Plant as may be deemed proper." <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> A report was received from the Seventh Ward Board in regard to condition at Pearl and South <br />streets, said matter having been referred to it by the Common Oouncil December 8th. <br /> On motion, the matter was referred to the Mayor. <br /> <br /> The Clerk presented bills and requisitions against the Police Departmen~ to amount of $ilS.7~ <br />which h~d been signed by the Chairman of the PoliCe ~mmittee only. <br /> On motion, ~k~d bills and r~quisitions were allowed, subject to subsequent approval by <br />the Vice-Chairman of_said Committee. <br /> <br /> A communication was read from the Superintendent of Public Schools, notifying Council of <br />the expiration on April ls~ of certain members of the School Board from the several City Wards, <br />and aisc Of the resignation of Mr. Jno. Nash from the First Ward. <br /> On motion, the filling o~ said vacancies was referred to a Joint Session of the two <br />branches of City Council. <br /> <br /> A request was re~eived from the Treasurer for authority to =~new note.s to amount of <br />falling d~e in,April, 1S15, and said request was g=anted and by ~he follow~g vote: . <br /> <br /> Ayes--Herbert, Branch, White, Burgess, Hanvey, Moore (Jos. ~S.), WhitehUrst, <br /> Flemming, Laylor, Montague, Reynolds, Wright (Earl H.~, Morgan, l~. <br /> <br />$30,000. <br /> <br /> Mr. Re,olds called attention to the fac~ that eermain Herbrews in the City were in the <br />habit of keeping the same places of business open both on Saturdays and Sundays, and moved that <br />the matter be referred to the notice of the Mayor and the City Attorney. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> Mr. Houghton called attention ~o ~he violat~ion of the contract with the City by the Virginia <br />Railway & Power Company as to observing its sche.dule in the Sixth Ward and, on motion, said mat- <br />ter was referred to ~he Mayor. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hanvey moved that the Finance Committee be authorized lo expend $500. or as much of the <br />same as necessary, to have audited the accounts 'of the late City Auditor and of other 'City <br /> <br /> <br />