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R.C.P. <br /> <br />March ~, 1915. <br /> <br /> on assessment of $1,500. for the year ending June 30, 1915. ~ <br /> Te make available $840. to the Board of Quarantine Commissioners to meet its expenses for <br /> the current year. <br /> Order of Court relieving and discharging from lien of taxes on real estate of "Jos. P. <br /> Moore, estate, for the years 1899, 1900, 1901, 1908, 190~, and 19tS. <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to borrow SEO,O00. ~o meet Current Expenses and $!0,000. to <br /> meet School Expenses, for February~ 1915. <br /> To pay bills of The Portsmouth S~a~ against the Sixth md Seventh Wards to amount of $12~.~¢ <br /> and $149.00, respectively, for advertzszng the Delinquent Tax List; out of first funds available <br /> to said Wards. <br /> Resolution with regard to the City Collector and City Treasurer depositing funds of the <br /> City equally or as near e~uatly as pra~tieabl~, between the four ~anks of the City. <br /> An appropriation of $250. to Norfolk Soo~ety for the Preventzon~of Cruelty to Children, <br /> to take care of indigent childre~ from Portsmouth for 1915. <br /> $1,495.15 allowed to F. J. McGuire for work done on upper High street, as agreed to by com- <br />promise between F. J. McGuire and the City of Portsmouth. <br /> Adopted ~recommendation of the Finance Committee with regard to taking up notes held by the <br />four local banks as of December 31st, 1914o <br /> To gran~ a petition of Harry L. Alexander for permission to lay an eight-inch terra cotta <br />sewer pipe along Wall street, from Chestnut to Pearl, at his own expense; the work to be done <br />under the supervision of the City Engineer.~ <br /> To grant a petition of the Portsmouth Coal & Ice Co. to be allowed to put a bridge across <br />Armstrong street, ~at the corner of High and Armstrong, accompanied by a diagram; provided, that <br />the bridge be removed when the Council so requires and at the expense of the Company. <br /> To grant an application of J. P. Buxton to plant a cedar tree on the Court House square, <br />east side of the ~a~e; the tree to be planted under the supervision of the Public Property Com- <br />mittee. <br /> To allow one of the rooms o~ the first floor of the Armistead Building for an office for <br />the Commonwealth Attorney. <br /> Adopted resolution with regard to confirming the appointment of Mr. R. Lawrence Trant as <br />Deputy Auditor9 while.Mr. T. Hume, the Auditor, is sick. <br /> Referred to Publzc Property Committee, wzth power to ac~, condition of the roof of the <br />Annex Engine House. <br /> To grant a petition of the Portsmouth Police Relief Association for use of the playground <br />at the.corner of Fourth and Wythe streets during the month of May, 19i5, to hold a carnival; <br />and also to be relieved from the payment of a license tax on same; provided the Park Commission <br />approves of same. <br /> <br />Third. Reports of Officers and other unfinished business. <br /> <br /> The re~iar reports of Officers for the month of February, 1915, were presented and were <br />ordered to take the usual course. <br /> <br /> The Auditor reported the following b~lls held up by him because they exceeded <br />propriation for same: Fire, $4~.86~ Cemetery, $65.00. <br /> On motion, the bills were referred to Finance Committee.. <br /> <br />i/is of ap- <br /> <br /> The following was received from the ~ity Attorney in reply to a request from the Common <br />Council February 9th, that he give his written opinion as to the right of a Councilman to serve <br />as State Assessor of real estate and dra~'any part of his pay for same from the City: <br /> <br /> "Portsmouth, Va.~ March 9, z915. <br /> "To the Honorable City Council, <br /> "Portsmouth, Va. <br /> "Gentlemen:-- <br /> ~Reptying to your desire that I give to you a ~written opinion as to the <br />right of a Councilman to serve as State Assessor of real estate and draw ~art of hie pay for <br />same from the City,' I beg to attach hereto a copy of the written opinion which I furnished <br />to Hon. F. S. Hope, Mayor, concerning the question involved. <br /> "Fu~the~ replying I beg to sa~ that it is my opinion a Councilman may serve as State As- <br />sessor and draw such pay as the State and the City ~y allow, provided they do not exceed the <br />amount fixed by law. <br /> "Respectfully submitted, <br /> "Jno. W. P~pper, City Attorney." <br /> <br />The following is the opinion the City Attorney furnished to Hon. F. 8. Hope, Eayor: <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., January il, 1915. <br /> <br /> ."Hon. F. S. Hope, <br /> <br /> "Mayor of ~'hebCity o~ Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> ~Dear Si'r:-- <br /> "Replying to your communication of the 9th inst., requesting to be informed <br />if Mr. C. N.:Markham is a legal member of the Council, I respectfully beg to say: <br /> ~I presume that the question of Mr. Markham's legal membership of the Council arises from <br />the fact that he was recently appointed by the Court of Hustings as one of the persons to as- <br />sess the value of all land~ and lots, together with the improvements thereon within the City <br />of Portsmouth. If this be so then it is my opinion that such appointment does not vacate his <br />office as Councilman, but that he is still a legal member of the Council. <br /> "Neither by our Charter, by the general laws of the State, nor by the Constitution are <br />there any limitations upon the eligibility of members of the City Council, other than that they <br />shall be members of their respective wards and qualified voters. <br /> ~It is true that he is not eligible, during his tenure of office or for one year thereaf~er~' <br />~o any office to be filled by the Council, by .election or appointment, but it will be ~hserved <br />that this office, of assessor, was not,'nor could be, filled by the Council-, but only ~y the <br />Court, hence this limitation does net apply. <br /> "It is further ~rue that Section 20 of our Charter provides that, ~No member of the City <br />Council shall be allowed to furnish anything whatever to the Oity for which he receives.any <br /> <br /> <br />