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R. C. P. <br /> <br />March 9, 1915. <br /> <br />core. <br /> <br />The moti:on was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Herbert, Branch, <br />White, Burgess, Hanvey, Moore (Jos~ S.), Whitehurst, Flemming, .Laylo=, <br />Montague, Reynolds, Wright (Earl H. ), Morgan, Houghton, Baldwin, <br />Moore (Robt. L.), See, l?. <br /> <br />Mr. Hanvey moved to refer to PUblic Property <br />Circle No. 5, Monumental M. E. Church, to use the <br />5th, for an egg hunt. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br />Committee, with power to act, .a request of <br />Court House yard on thc afternoon of April <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Earl H. Wright, the matter of creating the office of City Electrician was <br />referred to Finance and Ordinance committees Jointly. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Robt. L. MOore, the attention of the Street Committee was called to the <br />condition of South street, between Pine and Pearl. <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Reyn01ds~ the advisability of establishing a chain gang in the City was <br />referred to the Ordinance Committee with the City Attorney. <br /> <br /> Mr. Herbert moved to refer to Street Committee t~:consider the-importance of paving Wash- <br />ington street. The motion was adopted.. <br /> <br />By the same, to refer to Water & Sewerage Committee condition of closets on Griffin street, <br />between ~ashingmon and Dinwiddie, and the advisability of sewering said streets at an early date. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> ~Lr. Burgess presented a request of the City Mission Boardfor an appropriation of $-S~5.00 <br />per year to de£~ay expenses of maintaining white 6hildren given into the hands of the "white <br />probation officer," who is Captain of the Salvation Army. <br /> On motion, the request was referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> It was noted that there were-representatives present from Grimes Battery who desired to <br />address the Council on the subject of an appropriation for the Battery and, on motion, the rules <br />Were suspended to hear from them. <br /> Lieutenant 'MacDonald of said Battery, then spoke and urged an immediate appropriation, if <br />it is.desired by the Council to.keep the equipment of said Battery in the City. <br /> After some discussion of the matter, Mr. Joe. S. Moore moved that an appropriation not in <br />excess of SE00.00, be made for repairs to the roof of the Battery building. <br /> The motion was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> ~yes--Herbert, Branch, White, <br /> Burgess, Hanvey, Moore (Joe. S.), Whitehurst, Flemming, Layio~, Montague, <br /> Reynolds, Wright (Earl H.), Morgan, 13. <br /> <br /> Mr. Houghton presented the following requests from the Sixth Ward Board~ <br /> For a foot gate <br />at the westLeide of-the Oedar~ G~ove C~meter¥~for the benefit of resident'cf the Sixth Ward. <br /> On motion, refer=ed to the Cemetery Committee. <br /> <br />For a water plug at the corner of Tenth avenue and North street for fire protection. <br /> On motion, referred to the Water & Sewerage Committee. <br /> <br />To be credited~with $AP~8.50 and SBE.~0, now credited to the City Proper. On motion, referred to the Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> And on motions, the'following other matters were referred to: <br /> Finance Committee-- <br /> A bill <br />of The W. P. Cotton Floral Co. to amount of $1~.00, for a floral design at the funeral of the <br />late Auditor. <br /> A request of the City Treasurer to bott*# SE0, O00. for Current Expenses and $10,000. for <br />School Expenses, for April, 1915. <br /> A request of City Treasurer to be allowed to b~row from General ~ccount $~50. to be placed <br />to the credit of the ~ixth Ward Bond Account,and $i,000. to take care of Seventh Ward over-drafts <br />and ~o::~ay~a number of bills that warrants have not been made for. <br /> (With Fire Committee) A communication from Ageiasto and Miller, attorneys representing <br />claim against the City amounting to $57.?5, in favor of the Chemo C~. of Buffalo, for goods <br />fuz~nished the City on account of the Fire Department. <br /> <br />I A petition of Va. Ry. & Power Co. for permission to install two poles <br /> Street <br /> Committee-- <br /> <br /> on Caroline street, as per blueprint attached. <br /> <br /> Public Property & Schools Committee-- <br /> A petition of the Regent of Fort Nelson Chap. D. ~. <br />R., that said Chapter be allowed to place on the old jail lot a memorial to Commodore Richard <br />Dale. <br /> <br /> Ordinance Commit~ee-- <br /> A request of the Board of Health <br />in relation to the Sale and Protection of Foodstuffs, <br /> <br />for the <br /> <br />adoption of an ordinance <br /> <br /> Almshouse Committee-- <br /> A request <br />house with rations ret the year 1915, <br /> <br />of I. C. Brink!ey that <br />be transferred to J. H. <br /> <br />his contract to supply the Alms- <br />Belote. <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br /> <br />