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Mgrch 9, 1915. <br /> <br /> (With Fire and Police Committees) Matter of care and maintenance of the police telephone <br />and telegraph system. <br /> We have deferre¢ action on this matter. <br /> <br /> Referred by Bos~rd of Aldermen February 16th. <br /> <br /> (With Public Property & Schools Oommittee) To ascertain if a reduction can not be secured <br />in the cost cf lighting the Jail md ~arkets. <br /> We have considered this matter with the Public Propelty and Schools Committee and it <br />ie recommended that two arc lights be put in the hall of the market in place of the four Tung- <br />sten lights there, and one a~rc light on the west side of the Seaboard lane ~ud opposite the al- <br />ley between the Seaboard Earket and Barlow's store. <br /> <br /> (Signed) Lorenzo Cart, Chairman. <br /> <br />(Signed) <br /> <br />S. B. Laylor, Vioe-Chairm~u. <br /> <br />On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted. <br /> <br /> Board of Sinking Fund- Commissioners-- Hon. common Council-Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- <br /> The <br />Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners, who were requested to lend the City such funds as it may <br />have ~n hand, at a meeting held March 8th, consented to lend the City the amount in the Sinking <br />Fund as represented by the City's note held by the said Board January let, 1914, with all ac- <br /> <br />crued interest thereon. <br /> <br />(Si~ned) L.P. Slater, City Clerk. <br /> <br />On motion, the report was adopted~ <br /> <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS. <br /> <br /> First. Matters adopted by the Common Council February 9th and referred to the Board of <br />Aldermen for concurrence. <br /> <br /> To allow the Plumbing Inspector $6.75 to repair the bicycle used by him and owned by the <br />Sewerage Depa~rtment. <br /> <br /> To allow a bill of the City Attorney to amount of $SZ. lO, te~pay expenses incurred in the <br />interest of the City~ <br /> <br /> To adopt a resolution with regard to confirming the appointment of R. Lawrence Trant as <br />Deputy Auditor while the Auditor is sick. <br /> <br /> To re-imburse the Chief of the Fire Department to amount of $8.40, paid by him to the <br />Portsmouth Dairy Lunch Room for breakfast furnished the Norfolk firemen January lSth;_ subject <br />to approval by the Fire Committee. <br /> <br /> To instruct the City Treasurer, City Collector~ and City Auditor to meet with the Finance <br />Commit tee when requested to do so by its Chairman or Vice-Chairman, and to furnish said Commit- <br />Zee with such data as may be required of their offices.~ <br /> <br /> To authorize the Street Committee to advertise for bids to build a conduit across the south <br />end of Dinwiddie street. <br /> <br /> To refer to Public Property Committee with power to act, condition of the zoof of the An- <br />nex Fire Company. <br /> <br />All of the above were concurred in. <br /> <br /> The Board concurred also in all recommendations of Committees adopted by the Common <br />Counoil February 9th, except recommendation of the Street Committee in regard to street car ser- <br />vice for Park View and West Park View, which matter was recommitted with the City Attorney. <br /> <br /> Second. Communications from the Mayor. <br /> "Portsmouth, Va., March 9th, 1915, <br /> "To the Council. <br /> "Gentlemen:-- <br /> Believing it will be for the best interest of the City's <br />business, I would advise the removal of the Plumbing Inspector's office from the Auditor's of- <br />fi~e to that of the Health Departmen~ ~r City Engineer. <br /> <br />"Respectfully, <br /> "F. S. HOPE, Mayor." <br /> <br />On motion, the communication was referred to the Public Property & Schools Committee. <br /> <br /> A communication was received from the Mayor, transmitting correspondence from the Superin- <br />tendent of the Fire Alarm and Chief of Police to him, in relation to the condition of the Po- <br />lice Telephone and Telegraph S~stem and asking consideration of the advisability of appointing <br />an electrician to take over all electrical equipment in the City. <br /> On motion, the matter was referred to the Police, Fire and Light Committees ~oznt y. <br /> <br /> The Mayor returned also his approval of matters adopted by the two branches of City Council <br />February 9-16th, 1915: <br /> <br /> <br />