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R. O. P. <br /> <br />,March 9, 1915. <br /> <br /> Referred by Common 0ouncil October 13th. <br /> <br /> Rights of the 8. A. L. Ry. Co. at the southeast intersection of Water'~ud Co,~nty streets. <br /> We report that we have referred this matter to the City Attorney.for his written <br /> pinion thereon. <br /> (Signed) S. Cleburne Browns, Chairman. <br /> (Signed) Jos. S. Moors, .Vice-Chairma~. <br /> <br /> The report having been read, Mr. Reynolds said that he objected to the section of the <br />port in which it was stated that the condition of Third street, between Fayette and Lincoln, <br />hs~i been remedied. He added that said condition was, in his opinion, still bad, and he moved <br />that said section be recommitted for further consideration. <br /> The amendment was adopted and then the report, as amended, was adopted. <br /> <br /> Fire-- Hon. Common Council--Board of Aldermen. <br />Gentlemen:~ Yottr Fire Committee respect- <br />fully reports herein concerning the following matter referred to the Joint Fire Committee Janu- <br /> <br />ary IS-SS, 1915: <br /> Referred by two branches January l~-ESth. <br /> <br /> Authorized to ~dvertise for bids to furnish the City with fire ~ose allowed in the Budget <br />for 1915. <br /> We have so advertiS~ed and have received bids for same from the following companies: <br />The Republic Rubber Co., of Youngstown, Ohio; Boston Wovem Hose & Rubber Co., Cambridge, Mass; <br />Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Co.~ Chicago, Ill; The Consumers Rubber Co., Cleveland, Ohio; Eureka Fire <br />Hose Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga.; and Fabric Fire Hose Co., New York. <br /> It. is recommended that the E~Bka ~ire Hose Mfg. Co. be awarded 500 feet "Red Cross" <br />Brand hose, at $1.00 per foot; a~d that the Fabric Fire Hose Co. be awarded ~,000 feet of "Ches- <br />apeake" Double Brand hose, at $1.O0 per foot; the quality of hose offered by them being the most <br />acceptable for the prices bid. <br /> (Signed) C.H. Herbert, Chairm~n. <br /> (Signed) S. Oleburne Browne, Vice-0h~irman. <br /> On 'motion, the report of the Committee was adopted and by ~he following vote, the bills <br />for the hose accompanying th~ ~eport being referred to Finance Committee: <br /> Ayes--Herbert, <br /> Branch, Burgess, Hanvey, Nhi~e,i ~ Moore (Jos. S.), Whitehurst, Flemming, Laylor, <br /> Montagus, Reynolds, Wright. (Earl H.), Morgs~u, l~. <br /> <br /> Cemetery-- <br /> Hon. Common Co~ucil--Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Cemetery Committee <br /> <br />respectfully reports herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Cemetery <br />Committee February 9-16th, 1915: <br /> ~eferred by Common Council February 9th. <br /> (With Street Committee) Attention called to condition of the southwest corner of the Oak <br />Grove Cemetery on account of standing water. <br /> We report on this matter, as reported by the Street Committee, that the condition has <br />been relieved temporarily and that the City Engineer has under consideration a further improve- <br />ment to the same. <br /> Referred by Boa~vd of Aldermen February 16th. <br /> Matter of having fixed the price of several small lots near the stables i~ the Oak Grove <br />Cemetery. . . <br /> I~ ms reco~ended that the price of the small lots near the stables in said Cemetery <br />be the same as for tko other lots in the Cemetery. <br /> <br /> This report has <br />vision that it should <br /> <br />Lights-- <br /> Hon. C¢ <br /> <br />fully reports herein <br /> <br />February 9-16th, tgl~ <br /> <br />Advisability of <br /> Progress as <br /> <br /> (Signed)_- S.T. Montague, Jr., Chairman. <br /> <br />been signed by one Chai~an only but~it~wa~ re~d-and adOPte~ wi~h <br /> be signed by the other Chairman. <br /> <br />mmon Council--Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Light Committee respect- <br /> <br />concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Light Committee <br /> <br /> Referred by Common Council February 9th. <br /> <br /> light at the corner of Barton and Wilson streets. <br /> to sa~s. <br /> <br />Advis~ability of a light o~ the West Park View Bridge. Progress. <br /> <br />To take up with the Va. Ry. & Power Co. the failure of lights in the Sixth Ward. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br />To t~ke up with the Va. Ry. & Power Co. the matter of znsta_!ing a light at the intersection! <br /> <br /> <br />