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R. C. P. <br /> <br />March 9, 1915. <br /> <br />357. <br /> <br /> It is recommended that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow $~0,000. <br />the same as may be necessary, for Curren2 Expenses; and also to borrow $!0,000. <br />penses; and that the following resolutions be adopted to cover same: ' <br /> <br />or as much of <br />for School Ex- <br /> <br /> RESOLVED,~That the Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized to make note? in The.Mer- <br />chants & Farme.s Bank, The Bank of. Portsmouth, the Bank of Tidewater. and The Fmrst Natmonal <br />Bank of Portsmouth, to amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($~0,000.00), or as much of the same <br />as may be necessary, for Current Expenses for the mOnth of March, 1915; said amount to be re- <br />paid from revenues of the City for the current year. <br /> <br /> RESOLVED, That the Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized to make notes in The Mer- <br />chants & Farmers Bank, The Bank of Portsmouth, the Bank of Tidewater, and The First National <br />Bank of Portsmouth, to amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), to meet School Expenses <br />for the month of March, 1915; said amount to be repaid from revenues of the City for the cur- <br />rent year. <br /> <br /> To make available funds allowed in the Budget for "Paving Sidewalks, First street," and <br />for repairing "Gosport Bridge." <br /> We will recommend that the amounts be made available, when the Street Committee re- <br />ports tL~at they are needed. <br /> / <br /> To make available $75.$0 allowed in the Budget for "Fire Box, Tamp and Irons." <br /> It is recommended that said amount be made available. <br /> <br /> Matter of fire apparatus for the <br /> We report that the finances <br />new additional fire apparatus. <br /> <br />Fourth Ward. <br />of the City do not <br /> <br />justify at this time the purchase of <br /> <br /> To make available_the following amounts allowed in the Fire Budget for 1915: Suction <br />Sleeve and Couplings, $70.00; BatterSes, $75.00A Expansion Rmngs, $1B.O0; Rubber Gaskets, $9~00; <br />~hem~cal Nozzles, ~15.00; Small Chemmcal Hose, SEO~O0; Collars for Horses~ $50.00; Harness, <br />Hebumlding Li~es, $1B5.00; Armature and Bearings, $?0.00; Battery Plate, $100.00. <br /> - It ms recommended that the following approl~iations be allowed to Fire Department: <br />B ' <br /> attermes, $75.00; Collars for Horses, $50.00; Rebuilding Lines, $1~5.00; ~rmature and Bearings, <br />$7-0.00; Battery Plate, $100.00; Traces, $14.00; Harness Lift, $41.00; Repamrs, $E5.00. <br /> <br /> To make available $~5. allowed in the Budget for "Repairs to Union Fire House," roofing <br />and plastering the same. <br /> It is recommended that said amount be made available. <br /> <br /> To make available $100. for "Repairs to Grimes Battery Gun Room.~ <br /> It is recommended that the $50. allowed in the Budget for "Repairs to Grimes Battery <br />Gun Room" be made available. We report Progress on the additional $50~ asked for. <br /> <br /> To make available $~0. for a light at the corner of Dinwiddie and King streats. <br /> It is recommended that $43.50 be allowed for a light at said corner, beginning April <br />1st for the balance of the year. <br /> <br /> To make available $150. allowed in the Budget for "Repairs to Roofs of the <br />Armistead Building, and M'~uicipal Building." <br /> It is recommended that said amount be made available. <br /> <br />Court House, <br /> <br />(With Police and Fire Committees) The question of putting wires of the telephone and <br />telegraph system on separate pole~, and maintenance of sameunder the supervision of one person. <br /> We report that we have considered this matter with the Police and Fire committees and <br />recommend the employment of a competent man at a salary of $60. per month,.for a period not to <br />exceed thir%y da~ys; total amoun~ for salary, material, &c., not to exceed $150.00. <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen February 16th. <br /> <br /> A request of the Seventh Ward Local Board for an appropriation of $400. to do drainage work <br />~in said Ward. Progress. <br /> <br />To make available the appropriation allOwed in the Budget for "West Park View Bridge." <br /> Progress. <br /> <br />An overdraft on the Bank of Tidewater to amount of .~B.$6, on the Sixth Ward. <br /> It is recommended that the overdraft be paid out of first funds available to said Ward <br /> <br /> When taking up consideration of the "License Tax Ordinance for 1915-16," consider also <br />the advisability of submitting to a popular vote the question of an increase of tax for the <br />City Public Schools, in order to maintain ~heir present high state of efficiency; and to sepa- <br />rate the funds which should go for support of the Schools from those for general expenses of <br />the City. Progress. <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council Januar.y 1Bth. <br /> <br /> Bomds .~equired of City Officers. <br /> We report that we have examined the bonds of the following City Officers, found them <br />to be correct and recommend that they be accepted: Street Inspector, City Clerk, City Attorne~ <br />Chief Engineer of Fire Department, City Collector, Deputy City Collector, City Ehgineer, Plumb- <br />lng In~peetor, Keeper of Almshouse, Keeper of Cemeteries, Clerk of Market. Sanitary Inspector, <br />~hysicman to Poor, City Treasurer, Commissioner of Reven~e, Chief of Poli~e~ Healt4 Officer. <br /> Also, recommends that the bonds of L. C. Brinson, newly elected Auditor for the unex- <br />pired te~m of T. Hume, deceased, be accepted. <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that, in view of;the f&et that. the Clay'will-not have avail- <br />able funds to pay bills due the Portsmouth, B~kley & Suff~tk W~ter 0o, ~r..seve~al months, un- <br /> <br /> <br />