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Fel~ruary Z5, 1915. <br /> <br />J. H. Wilson, L. H. Davis, S. Cieburne Browne, Z. E. Frey, <br />J. H. Branch, T~ F. White, E.. S. Burgess~ W. C. ~orbitt, <br />J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert,.C. EL PH~tchins, J. Byron ~hitehurst, <br />J. E. Snel!ings, PI.. L. Flemmlng, S. B. LaylSr,-S. T. Montague, Jr.~ <br />H. 0. Reynolds, Earl H. Wright, W. D. Morgan, Grover C. Wright~ <br />S. E. Houghton~ F. P. Baldwin, Robt. L. Moore, B. S. See, ES. <br /> <br /> On motion of M~r. Hanvey, the Finance Committee was instructed to supervise the turning <br />over of the Auditor's office to .Mr. Brinson, the newly oleoS-ed Auditor. <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br />March 9, 1915. <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the Common Council March 9th there were present: <br /> <br />Messrs--C. H. Herbert, Vice-President, J. H. Branch, T. F. White, <br /> E. S. B~ ess, J. T. Hanvey, Jos. S.-Moore, J. Byron Whitehurst, <br /> PI_. L. Fiemming, S. B. Laytor, Sj T. Montague, Jr., H. C. Reynolds, <br /> Earl H. Wright, W. D. Morgan, S. B. Houghton, F. P. Baldwin, <br /> Robt. L. Moore, B. 'S. See, <br />Absent--~~. C. Corbitt, M. T. Cain, C. E. Hutchins, J. E. Shellings, <br /> Grover C. ~right, 5. <br /> <br /> The minutes of the regular meeting February Sth and Joint Session February E5th were:read <br />and were approved. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF COMt~TTEES. <br /> Auditing-- <br /> The Auditor reported ha~£ng examined bills against the City for the month of <br /> <br />Februa~% 1915, and recommended payment of same to the following amounts: $$,~6.66 for the <br />City Proper; $~19.~8 for the Sixth Ward; and $101.50 for the Seventh Ward. <br /> <br /> On motion, the bills were allowed and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Herbert, <br /> Branch, White~ Burgess, Hanvey, Moo~e (~os. S~), Whitehurst Flemming, <br /> Laylor~ Montagu~, Reynolds, Wright (Ear~ M.), Morgan, Hough~on~ Baldwin, <br /> Moore (Robt. L.), See, '17. <br /> <br />~inance-- <br /> Hon. Common Council--Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Finance COmmittee re- <br /> <br />~pectfully reports herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Finance Com- <br /> <br />mittee February 9-16 and January !E, 1915: <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council February 9th. <br /> <br /> An appropriation of $175.00 <br />Owens. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br />to pave the south side of <br /> <br />Ann street, between <br /> <br />Armstrong and <br /> <br /> Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Sixth and'Seventh' Ward Boards for January, /915. <br /> ~e have examined these reports and it is recommended that the Auditor be znstructed <br />to make the proper charges called for therein and that the Clerk file the reports. <br /> <br /> A-biil of J. W. Booth & BroA to amount of $150. for grati~ pre~scriptions su~ppiied the ~nO~_~~ <br />of the City during 1~14; $1~5.16 of said amount being in excess of $1800. allowed in the Budget <br />of 1914 for "Drugs.. Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> A bill of Foster F. V. Staples to amount of $15.00, <br />takers for use before the State Corporation Commission. <br /> It is recommended that said bill be allowed. <br /> <br />for typewriting complaints of water <br /> <br /> Matter of requiring Frederick Allen to pay $5.00 per moSt~ for p~operty at the south end of <br />Dinwi ddie street. <br /> It is recommended that the City Collector be imst~ructed to cancel the charge for rent <br />against Frederick Allen, that the-Auditor be instructe~l to-cre~it the City Collector with the <br />amount charged against Mr. Allen, and~ that Mr. Allen be notified to vacate the property. <br /> <br /> A communication from th$ City Treasurer concerning declination of The Bank of Portsmouth <br />to discount a City note for $5,000.00. ' <br /> We report that thismatter has been satisfactorily adjusted with the Bank. <br /> <br /> <br />