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December <br /> <br />1915. <br /> <br />oil. Chamber-for a bazaar December 5ih and 6th. <br /> Ne report that we have allowed the old Council Chamber to be used for the put-pose namedj <br /> Referred by two branches September 9-16th. <br /> Authorized to advertis~ for bids for improvements to the Seaboard Market as soon as plans <br />for same shall have been approved. <br /> Ne report that we have so advertised and have received the following bids therefor: <br /> <br />the <br /> <br />F~om: <br /> <br />L. L. Reynolds ...... · .......................................... <br />R. K. Revell.. ....... · ......................................... <br />~oTenzo Carr...o...... .... .......---..-----''''' .... ''''''''''' <br /> <br />H. A. Tignor Co. <br />E. B. Wilkins ...... .. ...... · .................................... <br /> <br />$5,8 35, 62 <br /> 5,?00.00 <br /> 5,110. O0 <br /> 5,58S.3g <br /> ?, ~.45. O0 <br /> 5,700.00 <br /> <br />commended award for~improvement to the <br />red to the Finance and Public Property Committees Jointly. <br /> The motion was adop~d,.and then the report of the Committee as amended, <br />the ot~er recommended appropr~atione being referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br /> Lorenzo Cart being the lowest bidder for the work, it is recommended that award for <br />same be made to him. (Signed) L. Privett, <br /> Chairman B~of <br /> The report having been read, ~. Davis moved that the report be adopted, except as~to <br /> Seaboard MarEet,and that such recommended award be <br /> was adopted, <br /> <br /> Ordinances-- Hon. Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Ordinance 0ommittee respectfully re- <br />ports herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Ordinance. Committee November <br />11-18 and October B1, <br /> Referred by two branches November ll-18th. <br /> <br /> (With Oity Attormey). To examine and report on revised and codified ordinance~ of the City. <br /> Progress a$~to same. <br /> <br /> Referred by Board of Aldermen ~ctober 21et. <br /> <br /> An ordi~anqe with regard ~o the City Cemeteries. P~ogress. <br /> A communication from the Mayor with regard to pay of the Desk Sergeant. <br /> Sever.aX recommendations of the Redistricting Commi%tee~ with proviso that <br />fourth sections of same a~e struck out. <br /> The following ordinance is submitted to cover the same: <br /> <br />An Ordinance tq Diminish the Number of ~rds of the City of Portsmouth, <br />duties thereo~, and to Re-apportion the Representation in the Coumcil among <br />Manner pres~m~ed by Law. (Signed) L.H. Davis, <br /> Chairman B. <br /> <br />the third and <br /> <br />to Ohange the Boun- <br />the Nards in the <br /> <br />of A. <br /> <br /> The report having been read, on motion,~the rec~m~.ended ordinance with regard to redistrict- <br />ing the City was ordere~ to lie on the tabI~ for thirty da.vs. . <br />Then the report, as amende~, was adopted. <br /> <br /> Almshouse-- <br /> ~on. Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentle, men:-- ~i~h regard ~o the eq~l bids of Messrs. <br />~. W. Booth & Bro. and N. G. Gayle to supply the City with gratis medmcmn s for the year <br />sent back to the Alm~h~nse Oomm~ittee November ll-iS, 1913, for adjustment, ~e, a majority of said <br />Committee, recommend, as previously recommended, that award to supplv medicines to the City <br />191~ be made to J. W. Booth & Bro. <br /> (Signed) Chas. J. Withy~ <br /> Chairman C. ~. <br /> Representing Majority. <br /> <br /> With regard to the above matter, I, a minority of the Almshouse Committee, desire to report <br />as follows-= That two nroDositione were discussed-bv the Committee looking to a s~ttiement of <br />the matter, namely; That %he ~al%idders should d~aw lots for the award, or that it 'should <br />be divided between %hem, but no conolmeion was reached bY us as to these <br /> I therefore recommend that the Co~tuoil relieve the Oommittee from furthe~v consideration of <br />the matter and dispose of itafterwards as it m~y be deemed proper. <br /> I-suggest, however, that the award for medmcines should be made before January !st, or other- <br />wise, the present, contractor, E. P. Wilkin$, wii2 continue to supply the City with them and, <br />presume, not at contract prices. <br /> (Signed) D.W. Ballentine~hamrman <br /> - ' ~ B, of A. <br /> Minor. try Member. <br /> <br /> <br />