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,December 16 ~ i91S. <br /> <br /> Mr. Markham moved to amend that the matter of award be <br />instructions. The amendm~ent was adopted. <br /> <br />Communication from the Mayor in <br /> <br />"To the-Council.. <br /> "Gentlemen:-- <br /> <br /> sent back to the Committee, without <br /> <br />connection with reper~ of Specia~ Water Com~tteer~ ' <br /> "~ortsmouth, Va., D~.ce~ber 9, i91~. <br /> <br /> (Signed) F.S. Hope, <br /> Mayor <br /> <br />Report of the Special Water Committee: <br /> (.See Records Common Counpil <br /> <br />December <br /> <br />Page <br />SAS). <br /> <br /> The 2e$~er from ~he. Mayor and the report of She. Special Water Committee having been read, <br />they were r2ferred to the Council Water Committee. <br /> <br />UNFINISHED BU. SINESS. <br /> <br /> First. Matters adopte~ by the Common Council ~ecember 9th and referred~ to the Board of Al- <br />dermen for concurrence. ~ <br /> <br /> To ~dopt a resolution with regard~ to extending Dinwiddie street, from Wythe to Harrison. <br /> (See resolutioD in Records of Common Council December 9, 191~, Pages $47 & SAS).. <br />Mr. Montague moved that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Davis moved that the matter be <br />recommitted to the Street Committee. The motion b~ Mm. Davis was lost, and then the motion by <br /> Montague was adopted. ~ ' <br /> <br /> To instruct the Clerk to turn over to the Finance Committee directly all bonds put in his <br />hands for examination by said Committee, instead of first presenting the bonds, to the Council. <br /> Concurred in. <br /> <br /> To have printed for distribution among members of the Council and citimens who may desire <br />same, copies of proposed contract and accompanying papers submitted by the Special Water Commit- <br />tee. <br /> Concurred <br /> <br /> To apprO~mriate $1~.00 to pay the expanses cf Wm. Hodges Baker as a delegate to convention <br />in ~ichnmond December l?th to discuss and formulate plans for improved City government. <br /> Concurred i~. <br /> <br />for. <br /> <br /> To instruct the Auditor to pay off Oity laboring force ~n January,_ ~91~, for work done in <br />December, 191~. <br /> Concurred in, and in this connection, N~.. Non,ague asked that am additional appropria- <br />tion of $300.00 be made t? ~ay off employees of the Sewer P~wer House for December, and Mr. Pile, <br />that an appropriation of ~SO. O0 be made to pay a ~aBc~er in ~he Seventh Ward for services on the <br />streets~ and that the ins%~Gcted~._make such payments. The motions were adopted. <br /> <br /> To set aside in the Armistead Building ~wo rooms for a public library, under supervision <br />of t~e Ladies Library Association. <br /> Concurred in, with provision that said rooms are to be vacated in S~ days' notice there. <br /> <br />To make available $5,000.~0 appropriated for King's Daughters Hospital. <br /> Concurred in. <br /> <br /> Then all the-above matters referred'for concurrence, were concurred in, as amended, and <br />by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Walker, Williams, Moore, Langhorne, Ballentine, l~rivett, <br /> Mon~ague, Markham, Murr~ Pile, Davis, 11. <br /> (Mr. ~avis voting No on resolutmon to extend Dinwiddi~ s~reet]and $5,000.00 for <br />King's Daughters Hospital)'. <br /> <br />City <br /> <br />Second. Communications from th$ ~aycre <br /> <br />The Mayor returned his approval of the following matters adopted by the two branches of <br />Council November 11-1~, 1913:~ ~ <br /> <br />$Z~$.00, or as much as may be necessary, to repair the roof and gutter ~f the City Jail. <br />To allow Almshouse bills to amount of <br /> <br /> "In obedience to a public duty. d~vo~ving unon me by virtme <br /> of my office, for m?nths past I have been in~e~tigattng every phase of the water question in an <br /> effort to do the thing that~was best for the C~ty's ~nterest. <br /> "Under normal conditions, I would be a firm advocate and believer in amunicipal water owne~. <br /> ship. <br /> "As these conditions do not ~xist, first, o~ ~9 ~u~t~ ~0~o~ ~isp~t~e~ ~a~ to our rights to take <br />~.wate~ fro~ Drummond %~ar municiD~l~ ~.~u~os~e~ sacond in them~vent <br />.a ~wamer ~Aant, we would have as. a s~ron co~petmtor the rose · <br /> ~. ~ . . -, .g .... ~ . ~ ~. nt Water Com an <br /> The~se ..... . p <br /> cond~tmons I deemed sufficient to ~ustmfy a confereDce wmth representative~citizens, <br /> with the consent of the.Water Commission, on the general proposition of a water supply for the <br /> City. ' - <br /> "Acting~ as I believed, for the best interest of the City, a general meeting was called of <br /> ~p~esen~a~iv~ ci~izen~smd a~ t~is;m~eting a sub-committee, composed of Capt. Jno. W. Happ~r, <br /> ~ ~an~m~ ~oc~er, ~r. E. H. Bar~e~ale, Mr. Jno..~ward Hall, Dr. Jos. Gr'ic~, Mr. W~. ~amker, <br /> aha ~r;~ ~. Hope, was appointed to handle the question. <br /> "W~th no other purpose save the City's interest, I have the honor to su~mi~ to you this re- <br /> port with the recommendation that it be accepted, uhless something better is offered. <br /> <br /> <br />