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December 16, 1913. <br /> <br />and other scliool expenses for November and December, 1913. ' <br />We report that an amount, as large as that asked f~or, of State funds, isd in the hands <br />of the Treasurer and, therefore, tRe ~nning expenses ~f the schools are provmde for at present. <br /> A petition of the School Board for an appropriation of $100,000,00 for a High School Bu. ld- <br />lng. Pr ogress. <br /> A request of the Norfolk Society for Prevention of Cruelty .to Children that the appropri-a- <br />tion to said ~ociety be increased fo= the 1914 Budget. <br /> We report t~t s~e will be considered for the ~dget of 1914. <br /> A ~equest of the Oity T~sure~ for an appropriation of $1~5.00 to purchase a fire-proof <br />filing case for his office. <br /> It is reco~ended t~t a special appropriation to said ~mt be allowed fo= same~ <br /> A petition of ~. R. Hutc~ns to b~ ~ef~ded 69.00 paid in error for soil tax for ~ea= 191E. <br /> It is reco~ended t~t said position be ~eferred to the prope~ Officials for endorse~ <br /> <br /> A ~pecial appropriAt'ion of ~0.~ to pay fo= Lights for the ~ire Department for the bal~ce <br /> of the yea=. <br /> It is ~ecommended t~t a ~pecial appropriation to sai~ ~ount be allowed ~or the pu~- <br /> pose n~ed. <br /> Advisability of the City ~inZorpo~atimg the ~ixth and Seventh ~ds ~de= the te~ms ~d con- <br /> dition~ prescribed by law fo~-$~e. <br /> No action was takem-on t~S ~tte= by the Oo~ittee, as the ~tter was otherwise dis- <br /> posed of by the Board of Alde~men. <br /> To allow Ceme~e~ D~t~mt ~o- ~aw ~.55 from its ~Oontingent" f~d and $15.00 from its <br /> "Ice" f~d to purchase h~nese. <br /> It is recommended t~t said ~ount of SE1.B5 be allowed aa requested. <br /> <br /> Referred by Bo~d of Aldermen Novemb~ 18th. <br /> <br /> ~ tranmf~= from Na~hiA~on Street Improvement f~d to ~cinerato~ fund $~.1~ fo~ opera- <br /> ~ioA~uthe Incinerator for t~ balance of the year..- <br /> It is reco~ended, -i~stead ef said t=~e~, t~t a special appropriation of $~...1~ <br /> be allowed for t~ pu~ose n~ed. <br /> <br /> It <br />paLrtment.;ap~'roprSatfon of $~$.11Eoz Fire Bepartment <br />ap~rc~riatio~ of $60.00 for Li~ spe <br />oriatmon .of $10E.~?~to <br />~llowed out of ,Improvement to Seaboard Mar~ <br />tot:special appropriation o~ $15.00 to <br />prmatmon of $?05.15 to Seventh Ward, out of <br /> <br />is, recommended that a .special approp.riation of <br /> is <br /> <br />allowed to Almshouse D~e- <br /> in the <br /> <br /> Incinera- I <br /> approp s- special appro- ~ <br />of Sixth ~a~d fund ~ and a <br /> <br /> A petition of H. Kossler t~ be ~ef~nded SB. AO paid in error for soil tax i~ the Sevent~ Ward <br />for the year 191~. <br /> It is recommended that this petition be refer~ed to the prope~ Officials for endo~se- <br />mont. <br /> Referred by Board of Aldermen June l?th. · <br /> <br /> Recemmitted. A bill of the Hill Director~ ~o. to amount of $~B~O0 for furnishing the City <br />with Directories for the year 1913. ' <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation to said amoun~ be allowed to pay the <br />bill. <br /> <br />It is further recommended that a special apprcpriat$on be allowed to pay <br />suncLv¥ bills of the Public Property Department contracted during <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that.section AS~ of the Or~ In- <br />spector he revived, to~lUde in the-duties of of' De- <br />linquent Dog Taxes~ and, by the advio~ of the City A~torney, to.' iirsCti sist <br />him in claims against the Oity by parties for personal damages. <br /> <br />It is further ree~ded that bills of Frank Bunkum agai~t~ W~ to amounts <br />eT $104.00 and $t0S~00, respectivelY, fSr removal of trash and 'ga2baE~ ~ <br /> <br />(Signed). <br /> <br />Jones Williams, <br /> <br />Chairman B. of A. <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />Williams. Moore, La~ghorne, Ballentine, <br />Pile, 11. <br /> <br />~treets-- <br /> <br />the report of the Committee was adopted and by the following~e~ ,. <br /> ~ : ~ ~s~Walker, <br /> P~ivett, Montague, Markham~ Davi~,~ ~urry~ <br /> <br />Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-~ Your Street <br /> <br />Hon. <br /> <br />Committee respectfully <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Street Committee November 11-15, <br />1913: <br /> R~erred b~ Common CounGil November ilth. <br /> <br /> <br />