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December <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting of th~ I~oard.pfAld~rmei~ :December~'.lSt-li tkere~werc .pr~ent: <br /> <br /> llessrs-~C. W. ~alker, President, W~ Jones Willi~s,.Vice-Pr~eident, W. C. ~oore, M. B. L~gho~ne, D. ~. Ballentmne,- L, privetS, <br /> S. T~ Mon~a~e, L. H. ~Dav~s~ O.~ P~ ~r~, Henry Pile, 10. <br /> The minu~es ~ the re~l~ meeting November 18th and Joint Sessile November ~Bth and ~6.- <br />vember ~St~ having been read~ Mr. Davis said .that he believed ~s motion at last =e~l~ meeting <br />in reg~d to the Armistead House included,that it should be taken ao~gand he aske~ to ~ve t~.s <br /> <br /> The minutes were then ~proved accordingly. <br /> <br />.Auditing-- <br /> <br />had with him the amoUnts of-all properly ~pp~oved. bill~. <br /> <br /> l~hereupon, on motion, it was decided to allow such bills, <br />forthe month of November, 1915, were allowed: <br /> <br /> Street Cleaning, <br /> Repairs, <br /> Sidewalks, <br /> Street Sundries, <br /> Bricks~ <br /> GlasgowStreet, <br /> Wast Park View Str~ets~ <br /> Washington St. Dramn Pipe,. <br /> Trash & Garbage, <br /> Incinerator, <br /> Street Paving Bond Account, <br /> Alm~shouse, - <br /> Beard Of Health, <br /> C 6~met erie s, <br /> Cont i~gent, <br /> Court Expenses, <br /> Fire, <br /> Lights, <br /> ~ater Commission <br /> Police,~' <br /> PUblic <br /> Elections, <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. <br /> <br />The Clerk stated that the Committee had not met to consider bii!~,- but <br /> <br />Total, <br /> <br /> And by the following <br /> eyes--Walker, Williams, <br /> Privet%, Montagu~e~ Davis, ~urry, PilS, 10. <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> Hon. Board of Aldermen. <br /> <br />that he <br /> <br />and bills to the following amounts <br /> <br />~5.00 <br />15~. ~0 <br />' 6.65 <br /> <br /> ~6.00 <br /> oo- <br /> <br />i90.8 <br /> <br /> 15 <br /> <br /> City Proper. <br />Langho ~i~l.e, B~lten~t ine ~ <br /> <br />411, 05 <br /> <br />~oore, <br /> <br /> Gentlemen:-- YourFinance Committee respectfully reports <br />herein concerning the following matters refer~ed to the Joint Finance Committee' N0v~mber ll-tS <br /> <br />and June 17, 1915: <br /> Referred by Common Council November llth. <br /> <br /> ~0.00 to pay claim of ~. W. ~mith for services rendered in two cases <br />mouth vs. The U. S. ExpreSs Co. <br /> <br />claim. <br /> <br /> of th~ City of Ports~ <br />It is recommended that a special appropriation to said ~mount be allowed to pay th~ <br /> <br />Reports of the Audi~0r, Treasurer, and Sixth and Seventh NardBoarde for October, <br /> Progress~ as tO same. <br /> <br /> A report of the Commissioner of Revenue of taxable values of real and personal property, <br />railroad~, &e., for the year 191Z. Progress~ <br /> ur~fbill of'Robert B. Albertscn~to amoumt of $1§,O0, for defending a prisoner by order of the <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation to said amount be al~owed~to pay. the bil~ <br /> <br /> Apetition of the Sal~tion Arm~ for an app;gpMiation to assist it in its work.. <br /> ~ ~e ~eport. that t~is matter will'be considered fc~ the Budget of 191~. <br /> A bill ~f A. H. Nartinto amount of $10,00. for copying Seventh Ward Permanent Roll Book. <br /> ~ ~This bill has been referred to t~e Ci~y Atto~ey ~or examination and repSrt to the Com-il <br />mit~ee.~ <br /> bii ? Vincent L~ Parker' to am0u~.~t Of $iS 9 0,.for defending a prieone~ by 6raer of court. <br /> · ~ is recommenced tha~ a speciai/aPproprl~tion to said amount be allowed to pay this <br /> <br /> P~titicns oF the Officers and ~ : Police F~rce for an increase of pay. <br /> We report that an increase of ~ficeremnd Patrolmen of said ¥~rcc will-be <br />considered ~o~ the Budget of 191~. · <br /> <br /> <br />