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R, C. P. <br /> <br />-August i8~ 1914. <br /> <br />To have put in serviceable c_onclition telephone boxes. <br /> We report that we are of opinion that these boxes are in serviceable condit'ion. <br /> <br /> O~ June lOT17th~ 1913, the Council made award tc The Gamewelt Fire Alarm Telegraph <br />Co. to furnzehtthe Cz~y wmth a complete Selephone and telegraph syst'em, withOUt flash light~ <br />for $S,990o00. <br /> We report that said system 'has been installed, is acceptable to the Co~nittee, <br />and it is recommended that said amount of $2,990. be paid The Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., <br />as provided in its contract therefor. <br /> <br />(Signed) L. Privett, <br /> Chairman B. of A. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted, the <br />$2,990. being referred to Finance Committee. <br /> <br />IN S ED BUSIESS. <br /> <br />recommended appropriation of <br /> <br /> First. Matters adopted by Common Council August llth and referred to Board of Alde~en <br />for concurrence. <br /> <br /> To appropriate $5,000. to meet expenses of public schools for September, 1914. <br /> <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to ~enew notes to amo~mt of $177,700. becoming due in September, <br />1914. <br /> <br /> To instruct the Auditor to make payable to "Joshua Denby or dow:;y" a check which was made <br />out to Joshua Denby. _ <br /> <br /> To make award to L. J. Plumm~er for building belfry and installing bell at Annex Engine <br />House, for $169.00. <br /> <br />All of t~e above were concurred in and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--~illiams', <br /> LanEhorne, Flourncy, Barlow, Adams, Markham, Davis, Pile, <br /> <br /> The Common Council on August ltth adhered to its action of July 14th in adopting re- <br />gulation~ for the marke~ and adopted an ordinance "Concerning the Use and Rental of the City <br />Market House, K~own as City Meat Market." <br /> <br />Second. Communications from the Mayor. <br /> <br /> The. May~ returned his approval of the following matters adopted by the two branches of <br />City Council July 14--~let, 191~: <br /> <br /> An eppropriat$~ of $750. to coverthe City's part of expenses of the Harbor Commissioners, <br /> 3rd and 4th quarte~. <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to borrow $20,000. or as much thereof as necessary, to meet Our- <br /> rent Expenses for July, 1914. <br /> 7o provide ~eventh Wa~d Board with funds to amount of $2,3S9.~ to meet regular expenditures <br /> of eazd Ward for July, August, and September,~l~14, provided same ~s charged against the Seventh <br /> Ward Budget for 1914. <br /> To employ B. F. Long as~License Inspector .~or five months, beginning August l, 1914, at <br /> $60. per month. <br /> To allow ~he City Attorney $~50. as a "C~ntingen~" fund to pay expenses incurred in ce- <br /> curing witnesses, &c., in suits brought against the City, the.bill for said expenses to be ap- <br /> proved by the Mayor. <br /> To allow petition cf Sam Solomon to install and operate a gasoline tank on premises of NoS. <br /> 716-715 ~awford street, in accordance with diagram submitted by him, the work to m~et the ap- <br /> proval of the City Engineer and to be done under hie supervision. <br /> To make award to the Portsmouth Coal & Ice Cc. to supply the Sewer~Power House for one. year <br /> with 700 tons, more or less, of Pocahontas steam coal, at $S.02 per tom. <br /> To accept bid of N. Block & Co. for the purchase of certain material to be disposed of at <br /> the Sewer Power House, for $51.25. <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes to amount of $20,$~0.55, falling due in July, 191$. <br /> To allow the Chief of Fire Department to use the playground mn Wy~he street week of August <br /> 24-28th to hold a.carnival, for the p~z~pose of entertaining the Va. State Firemen's Association <br /> on August 26-27-P~th~ and also to be exempted from payment of a license tax en same, with under- <br /> standing that the grounds be left in a cleanly condition when the carnival leaves the City. <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew ~otss to amount of $47,10S.95, falling due in August, <br /> 1914. <br /> To refer to Finance Committee with power to act, to make available $4;240. for land pu~- <br /> chased for the extension.of Dinwiddie street. <br /> To authorize the Board of Health to ~ontinue.the present contract for removal of night soil <br />· ~cm the.Sixth and Seventh Wards for two years, at ~h~ rate charged for the last three years. <br /> To allow the City Engineer to exceed 1/12 cf' annual appropriation for "Repairs to Streets," <br />during July, Au~Gst, and September, in orderS*catch up with work made on account of unmsaAl <br />number of cuts in streets together with instructions from Coun~ll to lower curb boxes. <br /> To authorize the Auditor to make final payment for repairs to market house, on approval by <br />Public Property Committee. <br />~ To instruct the City Attorney to effect a compromise at $5,~00. in s~i~ of E. F. Barbour <br />against the City of Portsmouth for $30,000., on account of injurmes received by him on First <br />street. <br /> An Ordinance to Amend and Re-ordain Section 426 of~the~Ordinances of the City of Portsmouth <br /> in Re,rich to the Payment of Salaries of Firemen. <br /> An Ordinance to Amend and Re-ordain S~etion S90 .ofRevised Ordinances in Regard to ~peed <br />of Engines, Cars, &c., at Street Crossings; Number of Cars per Train; Intervals of Time Between <br />Trains; Penalty. : <br /> <br /> <br />