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'August 18, 1914. <br /> <br /> Streets-- Hon. Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen,-- Your Street Com~ittee respectfully <br /> <br />herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Street Committee July <br /> <br />June 9th, 1914: <br /> <br />Referred by Oommon Council July 14th. <br /> <br /> A request of Mrs. Nora Cock to have removed a fence which hides her store at No. ~ First <br />street. <br /> As this is a matter cf ordinance, it is reco~ended that same be referred to the Mayor. <br /> <br /> A petition of E. P. Lindsay & Co. for permission to ~ary a gasoline_tank on the sidewalk <br />near curb line in front of No. 518 Middle street, in a~ordance with diagram enclosed. <br /> It is recommended that the petition be not granted. <br /> <br /> A re,Aurar of the Park Commission that Council place on' the park site any ~irt that may be <br />taken from streets to be paved this year. <br /> We report that we have referred this matter to the City Engineer for attention. <br /> <br /> A request of Sixth Wa~ Board that the Street Committee take up with the Portsmouth Coal <br />Ice Cc. matter of clearing sidewalk east and west of itc property on High street. <br /> We report that we have referred this matter to.the City E~gineer for attention. <br /> <br /> A petition of The Atlantic & Danville Ry. Co~ to be gA'anted permission to haul, at its own <br />cost, ~00 car leads of ashes, at present unused at the Crematory, for improving property in <br />"Brighton," 8eventh Ward. <br /> As the City has use fo~ these ashes, it is recommended that the request be no% granted. <br /> <br /> (With Finance Committee). Advisability of puttmno' m extra-cesspools in middle of each block, <br />so as to allow water to ran off. Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> (With City Attorney). To 10ok into advisability of entering suit to recover from parties <br />responsible amount of money agreed upon in connection with the compromise suit of E.~ F. Barbou~ <br />against the ~ity. ~ <br /> We report that we have-requested the City Attorney to furnish a written opinion upon <br />this matter. <br /> Referred by Board ef Aldermen July Elst. <br /> <br /> Recommitted. Recommendation to make.award to A. F.~Flymu {o construct concrete, sidewalEs <br />on the south side of Anne street, from Owens to Armstrong, and Sn the north side of Randolph <br />Street, from First to ~econd, and for constructing concrete curb and gutter on both sides of <br />Caroline street, west of Green. <br /> We are informed by the City Engineer that the specifications which he used in advsr- <br />rising for this work were not his own specifications but those which had heretofore been used <br />in the City, and that in his opinion these specifications would insure a durable pavement. <br /> We have, there~o~e~ referred the m~tter ~ack to the Engineer with the reques~ that <br />he prepare suitable epec~f,zcations~for such work ant re-advertise for bids. ~ <br /> <br />Advisability of changing street car trackage on certain streets. Progress, <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council June 9th. <br /> <br /> A co~unicaticn from the 8ixth Ward Board enclosing a bill of F. J. MeGuire against the <br /> Oity for $$,848.~4, for work on upper High e~reet. <br /> We report that we have requested the City Attorney to prepare a written report as to <br />,the City's liability in this matter ~nder its contract with Mr. Me.ire. <br /> <br />(Signed) O.P. Murry, <br /> Acting Chairman B. of A. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted. <br /> (Mr. Privett excused from further attendance), <br /> Ordinances-- <br /> Th? Chairman of the Committee from the Boa~.d of Alderme~ pre~uted an ordi- <br />nance with the followzng tztle ap.~voved by him and by~.the Chazrman of the Pablic Property Commit- <br />tee: <br /> AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE ~E AND RENTAL OF THE CITY MARKET H~USE, ~OWN AS~THE CITY <br />NEAT'~'NARKET. <br /> <br /> The Chairman of the Committee explained that, as his Committee and~the Public Property Com- <br />mittee will expire September 1st and as it is urgent t~ haV~t~im Ordinance adopted at once,'be <br />cause it is necessary to fix the rental of the market, he would ask for a suspension <br />of the ruIes to consider the passage of the ordinance at this time, and he moved such sttspension~ <br /> The motion was adopted and then the ordinance was adOPted by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes--Williams, Langhorne, Flourno~, B~low, Adams~ Markhmm, Davis, Pile, 8. <br /> <br />Police-= <br /> <br />Hon. Beard of Aldermen. <br /> <br />Gentlemen:--Your Police <br /> <br />Committee respectfully reports <br /> <br />herein concerning the following mattere~efe~d to the Joint Police Oommit~ee June 9, 1~i4: <br /> Refer~ed by CommOn Council J~ue 9t~. <br /> <br />Advisability of purchasing a motorcycle for use at the Police Station. <br /> <br /> <br />