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18, 1S14. <br /> <br />mo~nt of $119.07, for the year 15~. <br />It is recommended that said Church be relieved from., payment of taxe_s to amount of <br />Z/$ of $$$.17, as shown by tax ticket, leaving a balance of $89.$9 to be paid by the Church. <br /> <br />Referred by Oommon Council June 9th. <br /> <br /> A report of the Auditor of following bills held up by him, because they exceeded 1/18 of <br />sppropriation allowed ~or same~or because of lack of appropriation: Almshouse, $3.00; Fire, <br />$47.15; Police, $99.$5, Public Property, $83.45~ <br /> It is recommended that said bills be paid. <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen June 17th. <br /> <br />A petition of A. L. Kline to be refunded $1. BO paid in error for soil tax for the yesur 1913. <br /> It is recommended that said amount be refunded. <br /> <br /> A petition of James Hesketh, Jr., to be refunded $1.$0 paid <br />year 1913. <br /> It is recommended that said amount be refunded. <br /> <br />in error for soil tax for the <br /> <br />Referred by the two branches June 9-17th. <br /> <br /> Advisability of employing some expert to examine and railroad holdings in the City. and to / <br /> see that their values are fairly listed. <br /> We have discussed this matter with t~e Mayor, Presidents of the two branches, and Com- <br /> missioner of Revenue, and recommend as follows: T~a~ the-~Mayo= b~ ~uthorized to select a Com- <br /> mittee composed of two membersfrom the Common Council a~d~'one fromthe Board ~f Aldermen, who, <br /> with the Nayo~, Oommissioner of Revenue, and City Attorn6y, shall look into ramlroad amd other <br />~corporation assessments in the City of Portsmouth, with a view to ingreasing the same; and that <br /> the Auditor be instructed to issue a check payabl~ to the Mayor for $100~00, to meet expenses <br /> incurred in such exami~mation. <br /> Furthe=~rShat said Oommittee be.authorized to employ N~. ~as. A. Mulvey to furnish it <br /> with expert testimony as to said assessments, and the Committee Shall fix his compensation for <br /> such work subject to approval of the Oity Council. <br /> <br />Refer~ed by Oommon Oounci~ May l~th. <br /> <br /> A report of the Auditor of following bills held up by him, because of lack of appropriation <br />or because they exceeded ~/lZof appropriation allowed for same: Almshouse, $38.8~; Police, <br />$76. ~4; Public Property, $~80.10. <br /> It .is recommended that said allowed. <br /> <br /> An additional appropriation of $1,000. to Street Department for "Removal of Garbage" for <br />1914. <br /> It is recommended that an appropriation to said amount ~e allowed for the purpose <br />named. <br /> <br /> The Auditor stated that coupons to amount of about $5,000. would be due in August for <br />redemption,and it is recommended that $5,000. be deposited in The Merchants' & Farmers' Bank <br />to meet payment of said coupons when due. <br /> <br /> The ~uestion of notes given The Merchants' & Farmers~ Bank, the bank of Tidewater, and <br />The First National Bank of Portsmouth for the Municipal Building was discussed. <br /> The condition on which these notes were given were as fotlows~-"~hat the amount bor- <br />rowed ($80, O00.),be paid-in-four equal yearly instalments and that ~eeeipts of the City ~rom <br />the Norfolk County Ferries be hypothecated for.payment of same at 5~ interest;"~bu~ as %he con- <br />ditions have never been executed by the City and as the banks now wa~t the same rate of interestt <br />on these notes as on.other City notes, it is recommended that hersa~ter they be allowed 6% in- <br />terest,~instead of 5~ interest, on said notes. <br /> <br />(Signed) M.B. Langhorne, <br /> Chairmam B. of A. <br /> <br /> The report having been read, ~ith regard to petition of Western UniCrn Telegraph Co., it <br /> was objected that the refund askedfor would take place some months after ~he license tax had <br /> been paid, and the same objection obtain~d ~o ~uchu=~fun~ua$ was held for a refund to physicians <br /> of the City for the amount to be returned them for license tax. The matter was discussed by Messrs. Davis and Langhorne. <br /> Then Mr. Langherne moved that the petition of Western Union Telegraph Co. be granted but <br />~the motion was lost by a vote of 3 ayes and 4 nays. <br /> <br /> Objection was further raised to the wording of the recommendation for the employment of an <br />expert to examine railroad asessments, &c. <br /> The matter was discussed by Messrs. Davis, Langhorne, and Markham. <br /> Then ~. Langhorne fxnally moved ~hat the recommendation be amended so as to fol- <br />lows: "That a Committee, composed of two members from the C~o~.mon Council and one fr~m the Board <br />of Aldermen, be.appointed by the Chairs o~ the respective bodmes, ~nd that said Committee, with <br />the Mayo=~ Oommissioner of Revenue~ and Cmty Attorney, shall look mnto railroad and other corpo- <br />ration assessments in the City or-Portsmouth, with a~view of increasing the same, and tb~t an <br />appropriation of $100. be made payable to the Oommittee to meet expenses incurred in such exami- <br />nation. <br /> "Further, that the said Committee be authorized to employ some citizen familiar with assess- <br />ments to furnish expert testimony as to said assessments, and that the compensation for such ex- <br />pert ~shall De fixed by the Committee to be subsequently approved by the City Council." <br /> The amendment was adopted. <br /> <br />Then the report of the Committee, as amended, was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> <br />